Want to take Athena's life, unless Athena actively asks to die.

Otherwise, even if it is Jason, the possibility is low!

Because the difficulty of killing Athena is no less than killing Zeus!

"I know." Hecate said lightly, "That's why I asked you what you think now."

Hearing this, Athena smiled lightly and said, "Then let me ask you, do you think this child...he wants to take my life?"

"...He will lie quietly in your arms, isn't that the best answer." Hecate replied faintly at this moment.

Hearing Hecate's faint words, the corners of Athena's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Rolling up the silver hair on her earlobe, Athena chuckled lightly: "So you can rest assured, as long as this child doesn't want to kill me, then I won't die."

"What about your own thoughts?"

Athena tilted her head and glanced at the butterfly on her shoulder, and then said: "Hecate, I remember... you are not a goddess who knows how to understand and ask questions. ."

When Hecate asked this question, he was actually asking Athena if she would secretly manipulate Jason after knowing all of this, so that Jason would end in destruction.

Because this goddess has such strength!

"Well, I really have no interest in your thoughts." Hecate admitted frankly and said, "But it's about him, I can only choose to be cautious... I guess it's because of some influence from him on weekdays. Bar."


"I don't want to watch him go to the fate of destroying the gods... Although I, as his teacher, have no right to choose the path for him, but I know at least one thing, that is here He will never be happy along the way."

After all, everything is dead.

It was a road paved with blood.

God's blood!

"It seems... you are indeed in love with this child."

Athena smiled and placed her hand lightly on Jason's forehead.

Then slowly moved down, covering Jason's eyes lying on his lap.

"After all, he is my student. Although he is a scoundrel who does not know how to respect teachers and respect Taoism at all! But...he is my student."

"...I don't hate my father, but I would like to save my mother if I can."

After listening to Hecate's sincere answer, Athena finally said: "The original goddess of wisdom, the goddess Metis!"

"Although I am not afraid of death and will accept it calmly when it comes, it does not mean that I am willing to die, and I do not want to make this child suffer."

"Really, I see, Athena."

Hecate's voice at this time was obviously much softer, with a hint of relief at last.

"Then... he'll leave it to you for the time being."

The words fell, accompanied by a soft bang.

The butterfly turned into a faint blue light and disappeared on Athena's shoulders.

And after Hecate left...

"How does it feel to eavesdrop on a secret conversation between two goddesses, little Jason."

Athena smiled and let go of the hand covering Jason's eyes, and said to Jason, who was lying on her lap, slowly opening her eyes: "This is a serious crime, it's voyeurism.

Ordinary children will be severely punished! "

"Goddess Athena, didn't you let me eavesdrop..."

Jason replied subconsciously that he really had no intention of eavesdropping.

But as soon as I woke up, I heard such an explosive content, and Athena, who was noticed when she was in a daze, held it down and forced to eavesdrop on a wave...

"Hey, I didn't let you eavesdrop, you were eavesdropping... How does it feel to hear Hecate admit the fact that he loves you?"

Athena showed a wicked smile, teasing Jason, who couldn't get up because he was holding his forehead down.

"It feels good...but I'm afraid that after the teacher finds out, he will throw me into the small dark room, or let Cerberus bite me twice."

Jason answered honestly.

And resignedly lay on Athena's lap... Anyway, I'm used to it.

His eyes moved slightly upwards, looking at the looming beauty of Athena above.

"Goddess Athena, are you... not angry?"

"Angry? What am I mad at?...Oh, you mean killing me...I'm not angry, but it's true that it's funny."

"And even if the truth spreads out and is known to everyone, I can assure you, little Jason, that apart from God the Father, probably all the gods, including Hera, will laugh at what happened today and tell you... ....

If you can do it, try it, boy. "

For Athena's answer, Jason first blinked.

Then he thought about it for a while.

Found out about this... Really can't refute it!

And that's not to say that it's the contempt of the gods or something, it's just that they're going to be amused by it and even expect it to happen...

Take Ares, the **** of war, for example, he would definitely laugh about it after learning about it, and then couldn't wait to wait for Jason to challenge him.

After all, the gods of Greece are so boring.

And Jason, who received Athena's answer this time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The nerves that had been tense until now were finally relaxed.

The fate of killing the gods, what should I do if I was discovered by Athena, the goddess of wisdom... In fact, this is Jason recently, and he has been feeling tired all the time.

The real reason even the spirit was almost crushed.

As Hecate said, Jason would fall asleep in Athena's arms under the current circumstances, which is the best proof.

It is because he cares that Jason is afraid.

And now, it's clear that nothing will change.

Jason could finally relax completely.

Athena naturally noticed the change in Jason's mentality, which made her eyes softer.

"It's almost the same." Gently pinching Jason's cheek, Athena said, "This is my little Jason, my good boy."

"The kind, beautiful and generous goddess Athena, you see the aura of destruction I can't suppress now, I wonder if Goddess Athena would you give me some of your blood..."

"Of course I can give you blood and help you create a god-killing weapon."

Athena interrupted Jason's words and said to him with a smile: "But little Jason, what do you want to do from me... You should be able to understand?

The game between the two of us should almost continue. "

"But Goddess Athena, this breath can't be suppressed anymore!"

"It's okay, I can hold on for a while, come on, little Jason!"

Hearing this, Jason resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Athena, and finally lay down on her lap resignedly, saying in resignation, "I understand Goddess Athena... I will take you over. Oracle, and a tribute to you!"

"Good." Athena touched Jason's head with a smile.

So far, Typhon's calculations and the storm caused by the magic gun have finally come to an end... But in fact, this is also a new beginning!

And Athena also informed Jason of the next oracle.

As always.

The only difference this time is that there are two oracles given by Athena.

First, to reveal his true identity in front of Hera, the Queen of Heaven, and completely solve the troubles between her and Hera so far!

Second, from today, in the name of Jason, complete the journey of the Golden Fleece, and completely get rid of the fate of his own name, Jason!

The first one, after everything is over, Athena will give her own blood to Jason, which will be used to create the first and only god-killing weapon in Greece.

The second is a tribute to Athena.

The hero completely annihilates his own destiny and travels in a new future.

This is undoubtedly the best tribute to Athena, the mother of heroes!

And when Athena informed Jason of the oracle.

Jason was obviously not surprised by the Golden Fleece incident.

After all, he already knew Athena very well and played many, many 'games' with her, so Jason was already mentally prepared long before.

And that oracle about Hera...

"To Hera, the queen of gods, confess your identity..."

Jason's face suddenly became bitter, and to be precise, he almost cried!

After the hero Hercules in white went to meet Hera last time, Jason knew how much Hera hated him.

If possible, Jason doesn't want Hera to find out the truth in this life!

"You should also know that it is meaningless to hide like this all the time. Hera will find out sooner or later... Of course, if you become immortal and have a certain power, everything is indeed much simpler.


Athena paused slightly, and then said to Jason with a smirk: "The blood you want from my hands, the weapon that kills the gods, if it weren't for such a difficult game, how could it be possible!"

Equivalent trial, with waiting for the reward.

This is Athena's usual style.

"I can even tell you that I have accepted the entrustment from the mother **** Rhea to solve the problem between you and Hera, and I have even thought of a solution for this, but now... "

Athena said, and when she said this, her smile grew a little bit more.

Looking at her smile like this, Jason's heart gradually became desperate.

"The great goddess Athena, why do I seem to feel that there is a little sense of revenge in it..."

"It's not like." Athena admitted frankly, "This is it!

Between Hecate and Hera, Hecate was chosen, so that Hera got you who was mocked by the gods.

Plus you disguised as Hercules, the hero of Hephaestus in white.

You deceived the noble queen Hera twice, and each time you let her take the fruit into the abyss while she was about to taste the delicious fruit... This kind of situation, it can be said that there is no way Solved! "

"Do you know how long I've been bothering about this?"

"I don't know, all I know now is if I'm done playing..."

After listening to Athena's remarks and analyzing it, Jason is very intuitive.

The day he revealed his identity in front of Hera was the time of his death!

That's true under normal circumstances, otherwise the gods wouldn't have helped Jason hide the truth.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this is a dead end...

"Great goddess Athena, you won't let me die?"

Jason looked at Athena with hope.

"Of course..." And Athena did not disappoint Jason, she replied to Jason's pretty beautiful goddess smile.

"It's an old rule, it's all up to you!"

Athena will use her wisdom to guide the hero forward.

But at the same time, she was just that.

As for whether it can be successful or not, and how far it can be achieved, it all depends on the person himself.

"...Goddess Athena, what should I do to find that ray of life?" Jason asked her curiously while looking at Athena with a hopeless expression.

Obviously, he has accepted this oracle.

This **** reality.

After all, if you don't accept and complete this oracle, you don't have Athena's blood, so when Typhon's aura of destruction is completely exposed, it's Zeus who comes to him.

Compared with Zeus, Jason is still more willing to go to Hera.

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