You don't actually know him at all. If you want to know the real him, you should know more about him... Atalanta's ear, recalling the words from Artemis, the moon god.

It was because of this that she was able to see through Jason.

Even more thorough than Artemis.

As for Atalanta's answer, Cerberus obviously couldn't understand.

But that's nothing.

Atalanta got on the Pegasus and left under the **** of Cerberus.

Not long after they left, the sun began to set little by little, and soon it came to sunset and dusk, when night was about to fall.

When the stars fill the sky and the sun god's carriage returns to the temple of the sun **** Helios, it means the time has come.

The boulder will fall directly from the top with unmatched power, and no hero can stop it, because it is a punishment from the gods.

Jason is naturally the same, so before that, he has to push the boulder up.

So by this time...

"Favorites, goodbye."

Jason smiled at Phoebus, then pushed the boulder in his hand and started running on the mountain.

The God of War belt from Ares, the **** of war, and the bloodline power given by Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, allowed Jason to almost unscrupulously ignore the resistance that the gods placed on the cliff.

"My God!"

"He, he surpassed, has surpassed the record of Lord Theseus?!"

"Not only that, he hasn't stopped... Could it be, could it be said?!"

He probably sensed that he was about to witness the arrival of a historic moment.

More and more people held their breath, watching the picture that was getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, and gradually turned into a small ant within sight.

And in the end, for more than half a year... no, many years should have passed for Phoebus to push the punishment of the boulder.

Today, it finally came to an end.

Phoebus looked at Jason who disappeared on the top of the mountain, tears could not help flowing down, from today, he was finally relieved.

And the crowd below, after a brief silence, erupted into a roar of heated discussion. The excited crowd was discussing the history that they had witnessed!

It's just that these have nothing to do with the boy who climbed to the top of the mountain.

Even after many, many years passed, when one hero after another came to the top of the mountain, the world knew who the mysterious hero was.

Knowing the name of the first, ever-imprinted hero on the top of the mountain,


And just as Jason climbed to the top of the mountain, the sound of the piano that he had been playing all day disappeared...

The goddess Athena in a white dress put down the silver harp in her hand.

To Jason who climbed to the top of the mountain, he showed a beautiful smile.


PS: The plot begins, everyone gives tickets!

Chapter 192 Athena, you finally said it (3k)

night falls,

Jason pushed the boulder to the top of the mountain at the last moment when the sun went down when the stars appeared in the sky.

completed his task.

Then Jason, who came to the top of the mountain wearing a black coat with a butterfly engraved on it, stared at the silver-haired goddess who had been waiting for him for a long time, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

Goddess Athena, I really like this set...

In fact, not only Athena likes it, but many gods also like to do this mysterious and mysterious, but in fact, there is no need for a routine.

For example, the incarnation of the old man shows up, speaks some riddles that people are half-understood, and then secretly pays attention to it, shows up at the most critical time, reveals his identity, helps others through difficulties, and leaves a legacy for the ages. Beautiful talk.

Jason couldn't even remember how many times he played such a script with them.

Especially Athena, she was the most enthusiastic about it, and she was full of rituals. Every time Jason was tossed enough by her.

And this kind of behavior can be summed up in a word that is very popular in later generations, that is... pretending to be a criminal!

Just as Jason had these messy things in his mind, he saw Athena, who had put away the harp, slowly walked towards him under the moonlight.

With a light wave of his hand, divine power lifted the boulder and let it fall to the side.

"Congratulations, Jason, you were the first hero to push the boulder to the top of the mountain. Now engrave your name here...under the witness of my Olympian goddess of wisdom."

When she came to Jason, a golden sword appeared in her hand.

Now, Athena gave the golden sword to Jason.

Jason looked at the smiling Athena, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he simply used this golden sword to engrave his name under his feet.

Inscribed on this mountain of absolute honor, Jason.

"Goddess Athena... You won't go to the bard to tell the bard about it like Lord Hermes?"

After carving his name, Jason looked at her worriedly.

"How is it possible, I'm not as boring as him...and it's boring to do that, isn't it?"

The corners of Athena's mouth rose slightly, she waved her finger downward, and said, "Listen, they are all talking about you now, so this matter will eventually spread to mainland Greece.

Everyone will know that there was an unknown hero who pushed the boulder to the top of the mountain and saw the great god.

In the future, the second hero other than you came here, saw the name you left, and knew your existence.

And by then, wouldn't it be... more interesting? ! "

When Jason heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but move.

Athens, your wicked taste, it's really the same as always, it's so awesome!

In front of others, Athena will probably pretend to be reserved, but in front of Jason, it is obviously not necessary.

Athena noticed Jason's gaze and glanced back at him.

Although Jason's soul was sheltered by Hades, the king of Hades, and the Sea of ​​Fate was suppressed by the prophet Prometheus, it was not a day or two that Athena knew Jason.

And as the **** who knew Jason best, how could she not see what Jason was thinking.

So he rolled his eyes and said, "You have no right to say me, little Jason... Look, my hand hurts a bit."

Athena said, stretched out her hand in front of Jason and let him see.

The white palm of the goddess reflected in Jason's eyes.

"Look, my fingers are red!

You can obviously push the boulder up immediately, but you have to get stuck on the last one. Even if you reach the top of the mountain, it will take the longest and the worst! "

No, it was just stuck in the sunset, the night was rising, and it was also the last second to push the movement of the boulder.

Not more than a second, not less than a second.

All I can say is, it's really Jason.

"Because Athena-sama, you just let me liberate Phossis, but there is no set time."

Jason winked at Athena.

"Wow, little Jason, you've learned to refute me now!"

Athena's eyes widened slightly, and then her hands came out together, pinching Jason's cheek fiercely, and after playing with it for a while, she let him go with satisfaction.

"What about Goddess Rhea?"

Then Jason changed the subject wisely and skillfully.

"She has already left, so now, it's just me and Jason, and no one can come here except us, not even your teacher." After the words were finished, the smile on Athena's face became even bigger. Brilliant two points.

In contrast, Jason's cheeks stiffened.

And in his mind, the situation that Artemis came to find him last time appeared subconsciously... Although he felt that Goddess Athena should, probably would not be as willful as Goddess Artemis.

But...what if there was an emergency?

"Take little Jason back home and hide it from anyone... To be honest, it's really a pretty attractive proposition."

Jason just had such an idea, and Athena seemed to be really reading her mind. After nodding and saying, she said to Jason with a look of regret: "It's just a pity, I don't want to talk to Hecate. There is Hephaestus and the others who are bad friends, so we should give up temporarily and look for opportunities next time."

No, or don't come next time!

Jason shouted so speechlessly in his heart, but there was no change in his expression, because he knew that Athena didn't read his heart.

And for Athena, there is no need to read minds. With one look and one movement, she will basically know what Jason is thinking.

After all, she was so familiar with Jason.

Athena saw that Jason began to pretend to be a wooden man, apparently frightened by himself, and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you... Who made little Jason not come to me for so long, and didn't pray to me, this is punishment."

Saying that, Athena poked Jason's face, and then stepped back two steps: "Then let's get down to business now... Oh, before that, little Jason, come."

Athena sat down on the boulder and patted her legs.

"That goddess Athena, I'm really not sleepy now, I'm not sleepy at all, I've rested very well recently!"

Jason resisted the urge to back off.

"...Yeah, you seem to be resting really well recently."

But this time, Athena did not force Jason to come over, her hands propped up her chin, and her beautiful golden eyes stared at Jason and said, "That child is Atalanta, and the child of Artemis is right. Bar?

I really didn't want to fight. Except for your teachers, you actually act like a spoiled child on a child. This really makes me... a little jealous.

Because even in the face of me, you have never taken the initiative to act like a spoiled child.

And I obviously suppressed the urge to go to you right away, waiting for you until now, I'm going to love you tonight, but I didn't expect... that a child would actually be the first to go! "

Jason's eyes widened slightly when he heard this.

Then, without waiting for Jason to say or do anything.

"Don't worry, I am Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Although I am a little angry and a little jealous, I will not go to trouble with that child... Anyway, even if I let her go, Artemis estimates that I can't stand it either."

"...Goddess Athena."

"It's okay, don't worry, even if Artemis can't help it, he won't do anything too much to the child. After all, the child is also her darling, but now... Little Jason, what should I do now?"

Athena looked at Jason with a smile, and said, "You clearly said that if Hecate didn't exist, you would be most concerned about me, but just got scared, right? Afraid of what I would do to that kid, right?"

Jason opened his mouth, he subconsciously wanted to answer no, to refute.

But... can't argue with that.

"Jason, you said, should I be angry now?

If I'm angry, what kind of punishment should I do to you? "

Athena's smile at the moment is still beautiful, so perfect.

But at this moment, she is more oppressive than ever.

After all, the air is filled with the smell of overturned vinegar jars.

The gods themselves are extremely willful creatures.

And because they were born with the laws and powers of the world in their hands, they never suppressed their desires.

In the matter of Jason, Athena has actually given up many steps.

Whether it was for Hecate or Hephaestus... But what she didn't expect was that one day a child would be able to walk in front of her!

Under the gaze of Athena, Jason... slowly lowered his head and looked away.

Seeing this, Athena couldn't help but sighed.

"As for me, I'm actually very puzzled. What did I do wrong? You obviously accepted Hecate and the others, so why haven't you been able to accept me so far... What surprised me was that the reason was Out of my own priesthood, my identity."

"At the same time, what amazes me even more is that you, Jason, as a human being, our child, actually has the future...the ability to kill gods."

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