Hecate smiled coldly, and was about to say something when she tilted her head and saw Medea in a lavender dress, paused for a while, and said, "Medea, you are riding a Pegasus and tell Hades, the underworld king. , I brought this villain back."

"Great goddess teacher, don't bother others, I'll tell it myself!" Jason, who noticed something was wrong, wanted to get out.

"You?" Hecate looked at Jason with a beautiful smile, and said, "As for you, don't even think about running away, I'm looking for you now for the teacher...something!"

Having said that, pulling Jason's ear, Hecate began to drag it in.

Jason gave Medea a look and told her to stop looking and come and save him.

Medea blinked, thought for a moment, cast an apologetic look at Jason, then turned around and left the temple under Jason's desperate eyes.

Before long, there was thunder and someone's screams in the temple...

In this way, after Jason returned to the underworld this time, more than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

And for his own wedding, the honorable Hades, the king of Hades, almost took care of Jason himself.

Therefore, in this more than a month, Jason finally did not get ridden by trouble, and it was a peaceful transition.

In the blink of an eye, the final time for the wedding is approaching.

In the last week that Persephone, the queen of the underworld, is about to return, Jason, who has been staying in the underworld, preparing for the wedding.

At this point, there is finally a new action...



The wedding of Hades, the king of the underworld, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld, is in the last week.

Underworld, outside the temple of Hecate.

Temple glade illuminated by the fire of the sun.

"I said my good sister, don't come to beat your brother, okay?"

Jason, who is trying to learn magic, looks at Medea, who uses magic by drawing a random drawing on the side. Jason has two words written on his face, jealous!

"Shame!" Cerberus, the three-headed dog of **** who looked on and turned into a little black-haired, red-eyed loli, commented unceremoniously.

Looking at Jason with contempt, he said: "As a student of the great goddess Hecate, you have not learned it after studying for so long. It is really disgraceful for the goddess Hecate. You should drop out of school!"

"It's none of your business if I learn or not. Speaking of Cerberus, aren't you going to guard the gate?" Jason rolled his eyes and looked at Cerberus.

After getting along for a long time, plus the friendship that has been bitten, Jason has no longer called Cerberus as an adult.

"What door are you guarding, anyway, there are two dogs to replace me, and you promised me to take me to the world to play, and you still honor your promise!"

"Next time, definitely next time."

Jason waved his hand, just as he was perfunctory of Cerberus.

"Actually, I think she's right."

Hecate stepped out of the shadows and said lightly, "Do you still remember the purpose of your apprenticeship with me? You came to learn magic with me. What happened?"

"Teacher, you can't blame me." Jason put down his tin cane and protested: "My personal talent is just like this, I have worked hard enough the day after tomorrow...and in the end, it's not many years, just a few years. time!"

"In a few years, your sister has graduated."

"Teacher, my sister is not a human being, but I am an authentic human being!"

Medea rolled Jason's eyes.

"Don't talk about this bad thing, teacher, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I'm fine with you, but a certain **** is looking for you." Hecate felt amused and said, "Hades, the Hades, has asked me vaguely five times this week."

Hearing this, Jason and Medea, who looked at each other, both laughed.

"Brother-in-law Hades is here again...but that's right. After all, there is only one week left, and it's time to leave."

Saying that, Jason paused slightly and looked at Hecate, and said, "Then the teacher will trouble you and Medea in the next time."

"Am I going to Sister Persephone with Mr. Hecate?" Medea asked.

"Yeah." Jason nodded, "Medea, you must be optimistic about sister Persephone in the next time, don't let her return to the underworld early."

"And you?"

"Me... If I say it now, it's time to set off to send out wedding invitations, and invite the gods and my fellow apprentices."

"Jason, are you going to the world?" Cerberus' eyes lit up, "Take me, take me!"

Looking at Cerberus who was staring at him excitedly, Jason stretched out his hand and touched her head dumbly.

Cerberus did not resist it either.

Just looking at the scene in front of him, Hecate's expression seemed a little unnatural.

Because when Cerberus was transformed into a human form, the reference was Hecate.

Therefore, the Loli incarnation of Cerberus is somewhat similar to Hecate, like the Lolita version of Hecate.

So every time he watched Jason play with Cerberus, Hecate felt a little weird.

"This side of the underworld, although you are given some human positions, but you should pay attention to yourself." Hecate then said: "If the human beings you invite behave disrespectfully to the gods, you will not be able to collect them at that time. "

"Don't worry, teacher, I know what to do." Jason smiled and said to Hecate: "And there is Cerberus. Cerberus will ask you to help me take care of the guests on the human side. Don't worry, when this is over, I will definitely take you out to play!"

"Well then...but why did you invite humans?"

"In order to publicize it." Jason explained to Cerberus: "In order to inform the world that Hades, the king of Hades, and sister Persephone got married, inviting some humans to witness is one of the easiest ways."

Cerberus tilted his head when he heard this, obviously not understanding.

Jason didn't mean to explain too much about it, anyway, they'll know when the time comes.

"Teacher, the people I invite here basically think about it, but there is one... I don't know if I should invite them."

Jason looked hesitantly at Hecate.

Seeing this, Hecate frowned slightly and said, "Do you... still want to invite Typhon, the ancestor of all demons, to the banquet?"

"Cough!" Jason coughed lightly, indicating that Medea and Cerberus were still there.

"It's okay, they can't hear our conversation now, I have directly separated it with magic."

"That's it... By the way, teacher, how did you know that I wanted to invite Typhon, the ancestor of all demons."

Hecate cast a glance at Jason and said, "Because you didn't blink your eyes when you invited Zeus, the **** of the abyss, and Tartarus, the **** of the abyss.

The only one who can make you hesitate and has something to do with you is that guy... If you think about it, if you invite him, he will not refuse. "

"I know." Jason smiled bitterly, "So I'm not hesitant now... Although there is no need to invite him, but teacher, he has helped me a lot after all.

And I don't think He's going to mess with the wedding either. "

"He is very smart, naturally not... But you have to think about it yourself, even if the God King Zeus can't see it in the end, Athena will see it.

And if you're really going to invite, go to your teacher yourself, she'll create artifacts that can't be identified. "

"Cough, in fact, teacher, I have commissioned Mr. Hephaestus to build it a few days ago..."

Hearing this, Hecate's eyes narrowed involuntarily, looking at Jason who turned his head with a guilty conscience, after a while, he snorted softly and turned away.

Seeing this, Medea blinked suspiciously, looked at Hecate, looked at Jason, tilted her head, and finally chased after Hecate.

"Jason, what are you doing, why are you making Goddess Hecate unhappy again?" Cerberus asked curiously.

"It's okay..." Jason murmured while perfunctory Cerberus, saying, "Teacher is not happy, it shouldn't be that I invited him without saying hello, but I went to see her without saying hello. Teacher Hephaestus...

Teacher, is this jealousy getting bigger and bigger recently? "

When the words fell, a crimson lightning slammed down.

But it was twisted by Jason's dexterous move as expected.

"Teacher, then I'll go first!"

Jason ran and shouted.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the temple.

After a while, Jason came to the stable and saw Brother Ma.

"Brother Ma, I'm going to trouble you again." Jason touched Tianma.

Then he took out his tin cane, and with the support of the underworld dish, Jason and Tianma disappeared into the underworld and came to the temple of Hephaestus, the **** of craftsmen.

"You came."

After a while, Hephaestus in a wheelchair. Looking at Jason who came to him, with that delicate mask on his face, he couldn't help showing a soft smile, and asked Jason to sit down and touch his head.

After talking to him for a while, he gave Jason the dark golden invitation that he had already made.

This is no ordinary invitation. It was made by Hephaestus, the **** of craftsmanship, and contained an invitation to Erebos, the **** of darkness, one of the original gods.

With it, you can go to the underworld on the most special day to participate in the wedding of Hades, the king of the underworld, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld.

Jason took the invitation and thanked Hephaestus, then put on a mask and turned into the white hero Hephaestus.

Headed to Mount Olympus.

Jason thought about whether the invitation, such as Hermes, the messenger of the gods, should be released to the gods for him, but after thinking about it, Jason decided to go there himself.

Then in the human world, the first **** to receive this invitation is undoubtedly the king of the gods of Olympus, Zeus!

In fact, during the month or so that Jason was quiet, the discussions of the gods about Jason not only did not become smaller.

Instead, more and more.

Because the gods of Olympus have long known that Jason's next tribute is to Hades, the goddess of the underworld, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld.

And there are several cases where Jason sent tributes before, and the gods had already had expectations for the tributes that Jason sent. .

Therefore, the gods will naturally be curious about how Jason will present a special wedding as a tribute to Hades!

At the same time, during this time, Athena only felt that her anxious hair was about to fall out.

Why, of course, because of Hera.

The gods of Olympus knew that the so-called hero in white, Hercules, was Jason, a student of Hecate.

But Hera didn't know, and Hera couldn't know either.

Therefore, since Jason disappeared from the carriage of the sun **** Helios that day, it was easy for him to go, but it was hard for Athena.

Hera had to get an explanation, not to mention that in Hera's perspective, Hercules in white had disappeared for a month or so.

Such troubles, the gods naturally can't avoid it, so it can only be handled by Athena.

And Athena doesn't worry about handing it over to others. What if they accidentally say something, then everything will be over!

But Athena also knew that this was not the way to go.

Because Jason's next tribute will be her turn, and the tribute dedicated to her has something to do with the Golden Fleece.

And at that time, it would be too difficult to continue to hide it!

But now it can only be delayed for one day, after all, even the wise goddess of wisdom, Athena, can't imagine for a while, how to let Jason get through Hera!

So on this day, as usual, Hera came to the temple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and asked her about Hercules, the hero in white.

At the same time, on this day, Jason's Pegasus came to the holy mountain of Olympus with a wedding invitation card...

—————————————————Demarcation line ——————————————————

PS: The plot has begun to unfold, and we will strive for more tomorrow!

Chapter 167 Themis, the goddess of justice and order! (3k)

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous."

Sitting on Tianma's body, Jason slowly inhaled and exhaled, trying to suppress the ups and downs in his heart.

But under the masked face, panic was still written.

Logically speaking, it's just a wedding invitation... Although it's an invitation to the gods, Jason must be so nervous.

But that also depends on who the other party is.

The reason why Jason is so nervous at the moment is very simple, because the **** king Zeus.

Although the god-king Zeus had already appeared many times during Jason's journey, he even turned into a goshawk to guide Jason in the case of Lamiana's snake demon.

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