And on top of the Pegasus, there were two people sitting.

Especially when Io got closer and closer, after seeing the person above, she was immediately attracted by the man in white clothes with blond hair and golden eyes.

What a handsome man...isn't he the great **** of light, Lord Apollo?

Io, who had such an idea, after regaining her senses, she couldn't help but cried out in excitement, trying to attract the attention of this 'Apollo'.

I hope this **** can take action and help him out of the sea of ​​misery.

But the fact will eventually disappoint her, because it is not Apollo, the **** of light, who is sitting here on the horse at the moment.

It was Jason, the most faithful believer of the goddess Hecate, and Atalanta.

"Hello, the noble one-eyed giant Argos, I know about you, so this time I came to see you specially."

In front of Argos, Jason, who got down from the sky horse, showed a bright smile and said to Argos, who was slightly stunned: "You can call me Hercules, she is my attendant, her name is Call it Atalanta!"

Hearing the name of Hercules, Argos couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face.

Even the two eyes that were closed to sleep were opened, and a hundred eyes distributed all over the body looked at Jason and said, "You are Hercules...white robe, Pegasus, That's right, it's you!

You are the Hercules the great queen Hera asked me to find! "

Because of the last incident with the snake demon woman Lamia, Hera has been looking for Hercules in white.

However, because Jason had a bracelet commissioned by Athena, Hephaestus, the **** of craftsmen, built it.

Coupled with the almost simultaneous concealment of the Olympian gods at this moment, Hera has never been able to find the trace of Jason.

Therefore, he naturally used his personal connections and ordered his subordinates to find Hercules in white.

Hearing Argos say that Hera was looking for him, Jason, who was slightly stunned, didn't seem too surprised.

Because when it came to Ares, the **** of war, Jason had some guesses.

And Argos looked at Jason in white, smelling the name of Hercules, and his vigilance against Jason couldn't help being much less instantly.

"The person that the great queen Hera is looking for, why did you come to me suddenly? And why don't you go to Mount Olympus immediately, you know that the great queen Hera has always wanted to see you!"

"...because of the oracle."

Jason thought for a while, and replied to Argos with a smile: "I came to you because of the oracle."

"The Oracle?" Argos was stunned for a moment, and then asked Jason curiously: "Could it be that you have already met Hera, the Queen of Heaven?...Could it be that Hera, the great Queen of Heaven, asked you to come here? Are you here?"

For Argos' questioning, Jason, who smiled slightly, did not give an explanation, can't lie!

Yes, for monsters like Argos, as well as gods, lies are extremely easy to be debunked, unless you have the messenger of the gods but also the protection of Hermes, the **** of deception.

But you can't lie, but that doesn't mean you can't lead.

You may call me Hercules, I am here because of the oracle...  

Neither of these words is a lie.

Because Jason did not say that his name was Hercules, and he did come because of the oracle, but it was not the oracle of Hera, but the oracle of Athena, Hermes and other gods!

"The noble one-hundred-eyed giant Lord Argos, because of the oracle's guidance, I came to you. I know that I have been strictly abiding by the instructions of the great **** and guarding Io, and I have never let up for a moment.

So now, in this silent night, I hope that I can have the honor to play a wonderful piece of music for you, which is also the purpose of my coming to you. "

Hearing Jason finish saying this, Argos, the hundred-eyed giant, naturally seemed a little surprised, but he did not refuse.

After all, after the brief conversation just now, the heart of the hundred-eyed giant Argos was naturally formed.

The handsome man in white, Hercules, in front of him, came here because of the oracle of Hera, the queen of the heavens, to reward the person who guarded Io's meritorious deeds.

So in the end, it happily agreed to Jason's request.

Seeing this, Jason couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

Immediately averting his gaze, Atalanta, who had not spoken all the time, followed his own instructions, and made a look.

Seeing this, Atalanta nodded lightly, expressing her understanding. Those beautiful emerald eyes quietly looked at Io, the heifer whose expression became saddened by smelling the conversation between them.

Then I saw Jason taking out the antique shepherd flute, which was also a gift from Hermes to Jason.

This is a magic flute, and anyone who hears its sound will fall asleep because of the intoxication of its sound.

Even ordinary gods can't resist such magic power!

Picking up the magic flute, Jason immediately blew a beautiful flute sound to the hundred-eyed giant Argos.

The beautiful flute sound also quickly attracted the attention of Argos, who gradually became intoxicated by the beautiful flute sound.

But at this moment, Yio on the side raised her head and looked suspiciously at Jason who was playing the magic flute.

Because it didn't hear the flute.

This is also one of the special features of the magic flute, it can select objects, and the object selected by its owner, under the sound of the magic flute, even if they cover their ears, the sound will still ring in their minds.

The sound of the magic flute gradually made Argos feel a sense of drowsiness, but when he thought of the order given to him by Hera, Argos had to force himself to continue listening to Jason's flute. .

In fact, at this moment, Argos also vaguely sensed something was wrong, but he didn't think about it when he looked at Hercules in white clothes in front of him.

It's just that I've been too tired recently.

So Argos struggled desperately with the drowsiness, letting some of his eyes fall asleep first, while the other kept his eyes open, staring at Io the heifer.

Jason naturally noticed this, and frowned slightly.

He did not expect that the magic flute specially designed for Argos was still unable to close the eyes of the other party.

And if he continues to play like this, Argos is very likely to interrupt Jason's playing due to drowsiness in the end and keep himself awake.

Therefore, after a short thought, Jason thought of another way.

"Lord Argos, I don't know if you would like to hear me tell a story... about the story of this god's gift of a shepherd flute."

Putting down the magic flute, Jason said slowly, "Actually, when the great **** gave me this shepherd flute, he also told me its story."

When Argos heard this, he naturally thought that the **** who gave the magic flute was Hera, the queen of heaven, and said: "So this exquisite flute was given to you by the great queen of heaven, Hera, no wonder it sounds so good, that's good. Well, I am very interested in your story now, please tell Hercules."

"Okay, Lord Argos." Jason's mouth lifted slightly, he knew that Argos had taken the bait, so he said: "Once upon a time, there lived a famous Nymph fairy on the snowy mountains of Arcadia. , her name was Hamadruads.

At that time, both the forest **** and Saturn were obsessed with her beauty and fervently pursued her, but she always subtly escaped their pursuit because she was afraid of marriage.

Like the beautiful moon **** Artemis, the fairy wanted to remain celibate and live a virgin life.

But in the end, when the powerful mountain **** Pan was roaming in the forest, he saw this goddess, and he approached her and eagerly wooed her with his prestige, which was naturally rejected by the other party.

But the mountain **** Pan Zai did not intend to let her go, and kept chasing the fairy.

So the fairy fled all the way to the Latong River. The river was flowing slowly, but the river was so wide that she could not wade across it.

Facing the mountain **** who became more and more ultimate, the Nymph goddess had to beg her patron goddess Artemis to sympathize with her.

The moon **** Artemis finally heard the call of the nymph, and when the mountain **** came to her, he turned it into a reed, allowing her to escape the mountain god's pursuit.

And this pastoral flute is also made from this..."

Jason slowly told the story, and in order to match the story, he joined the playing of the magic flute in the middle. Falling asleep under the sound of the flute.

Jason looked at Argos, who had already closed his hundred eyes.

Turning his head, he gave Atalanta a slight nod.

Atalanta understood, looked up hesitantly and glanced at Argos, who was as tall as a hill, and his whole body was full of eyes.

In the end, he walked lightly behind it, smelling Jason's story, and in front of Io, who was a little sleepy.

Io looked at the hunter who was walking towards her slowly, with eyes as sharp as those of an animal, wearing beautiful emerald green clothes.

There was doubt in his eyes, and there was a little fear at the same time.

At this moment, Io found Jason looking at her.

And show a gentle smile to yourself, put your hand to your mouth, wink at yourself, and keep yourself from talking.

Io looked at this handsome man in white clothes who looked like Apollo, the **** of light, and looked at his clear eyes. The anxiety in her heart gradually receded, and she allowed Atalanta to come to her.

And when Atalanta came to Io, she took out a bottle of potion from her bosom...that was the potion that Jason gave her on the way.

Shapeshifting potion.

Atalanta opened it and signaled to Io that after drinking it, Io, who had turned into a heifer, turned into a white kitten.

Then, I saw Atalanta holding the kitten in her arms and carefully leaving Argos' side.

"Take her to her father first, Atalanta." Jason said softly to Atalanta when Atalanta approached.

"What about you?" Atalanta looked at Jason.

"If I leave now, it'll be mad to catch up."

Jason said to Atalanta with a faint smile.

Atalanta looked at Jason, and then at Argos, the hundred-eyed giant like a hill.

"...It's too dangerous, I can help you by staying here, just let Tianma take her away."

Jason shook his head and looked at Atalante: "You haven't forgotten your promise with me, have you?"

Atalanta looked at Jason for a while, then turned around and sat on the Pegasus with Io, who had turned into a little white cat.

Compared to Atalanta, Pegasus seemed decisively needed, flapped its wings directly, turned into a meteor under the night sky, and flew out.

After seeing that they had all left, Jason turned his head to look at Argos in front of him... Jason wasn't sure how long the effect of the magic flute would last.

So Jason continued to play the magic flute, and at the same time freed one hand and took out the silver tin rod.

Take the tin stick and tap it lightly against the ground.

Then, with a light sound, the magic engraved on the tin stick began to take effect, and a dark magic circle appeared on the ground out of thin air and quickly extended.

Under the dark night, this ghostly magic circle looks so dazzling, wrapping Jason and the hundred-eyed giant Argos in it.

And with the expansion of the magic-underworld domain, the blooming white flowers of the other side appeared in this area.

Under the influence of such magic and huge magic power, even though Jason kept playing the magic flute, Argos, the giant with one hundred eyes, opened his eyes.

In an instant, the closed eyes opened together, and in this dark night, they looked at Jason in front of him!

Seeing this, Jason also slowly put down the magic flute, showed a faint smile to Argos, and said, "Lord Argos, you are awake."

"...what are you doing, Hercules!"

Argos frowned and looked at the world in front of him. While questioning Jason, he suddenly looked behind him as if he had thought of something.

"Where's Io... Wait, where is Io!"

The giant's roar sounded like thunder in Jason's ear.

But Jason still looked very indifferent...even when he was stared at by the monster with a hundred eyes in front of him.

After all, I have even seen a hundred heads of Cthulhu-style Ladon, and naturally I have a certain immunity to a hundred eyes.

"Lord Argos, Io has been taken away... I asked Atalanta to take her back to his father."

Now, after Atalanta, Io, and the others have all left, Jason made it clear to Argos directly.

Argos was stunned when he heard this, looked at the environment in front of him, how could he still not understand what happened, he looked at Jason angrily, and said: "Human, you dare to deceive... "

"No, the noble one-hundred-eyed giant Argos, I did not deceive you, I am indeed the Hercules you said."

Jason interrupted Argos and said to him with a smile: "But I didn't come here because of Hera's oracle.

Now, allow me to introduce myself to you again. "

Jason put away the magic flute, bowed to Argos, and said with a smile: "My name is actually Jason... Of course you can continue to call me Hercules, and at the same time I did come because of the oracle.

But my oracles are the oracles of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and the oracles of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. They let me come to you so that I can rescue the princess who was trapped by you—Io! "

"Now that Io has been taken away by me, I wonder if Sir Argos, are you willing to leave here and treat everything as if you didn't see it?"

"Damn!" After hearing Jason's words, Argos, who knew what was going on, couldn't help but burn with anger in his eyes.

"I don't care if you are Hercules or what Jason, you dare to let Io go, you know that this will definitely attract the wrath of Hera!"

As he spoke, Argos stretched out his hand and grabbed Jason, who seemed so small in front of him.

"Human, you should be damned, but I will not kill you, because I will take you to the great Hera, the Queen of Heaven, and let Hera, the Queen of Heaven, personally interrogate you.

And I tell you, no matter where Io is taken and hidden by you, I will definitely bring her back! "

Facing Argos who waved over, Jason did not appear flustered.

Even Jason, whose mouth was slightly raised, whispered softly, "Actually, if you leave here...for me, it will be a problem!"

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