Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 59 Human-faced moth swarm

After escaping from the human-faced moth's territory, the pursuit of the swarm of insects that was blocking the sky behind him slowed down.

Thousand-Handed Centipede took Su Jie and ran for tens of kilometers in one go. The human-faced moth was completely gone and he successfully got rid of the pursuit.

"How cruel!"

Su Jie wiped the sweat from his forehead. When he faced human-faced moths in the past, Su Jie was always sneaky and crouched for a whole day, looking for opportunities to catch a few of them.

This is the first time that he has been so domineering and captured directly, and the process is also quite dangerous.

This can be seen from the condition of the Thousand-Hand Centipede. The beautiful black jade insect's body has become pitted and some of its flesh and blood have been corroded. At this time, it is screaming in grievance and keeps stealing glances at the captured human-faced moths, thinking Begging for food.

"You can't eat these."

Su Jie pushed away the big head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and looked at the captured human-faced moths with pleasure. There were at least thousands of them.

Afraid that the activity of these human-faced moths would decrease, Su Jie grabbed a few human-faced moths, crushed them to death with his fingers, and smeared the insect blood on his palms.

Then Su Jie sat cross-legged on the ground and used the Body Insect Concentration Technique.

The insect blood in the palm of his hand seemed to be burned by high temperature and evaporated into mist. The mist was inhaled by Su Jie into his lungs.

Spiritual power surged out from his breathing. Su Jie's breathing rhythm became extremely slow. His chest only rose and fell once in ten minutes. The long breaths were accompanied by the surge of spiritual energy. His breath was gradually changing, and his thinking became sluggish. The thoughts in his mind Everything is emptying out.

The human-faced moth originally held by the pale corpse hand was extremely restless and kept attacking everything around it crazily.

However, as Su Jie practiced the Insect Concentration Technique and his aura stained with insect blood changed, many of these human-faced moths gradually became quiet.

A few hours later, almost all the human-faced moths stopped being restless and lay quietly on the hands of the pale corpse.

Even if Su Jie loosened his restraints, these human-faced moths would not fly away.

Su Jie opened his eyes from practicing, grabbed a few human-faced moths and placed them in his palms.

I saw that these little poisonous insects with human-like facial features and short, fat flesh had no intention of attacking at all.

"take off!"

Su Jie thought, several human-faced moths looked up at Su Jie, and then continued to lie on Su Jie's hand. Only one human-faced moth moved and rolled on his palm. Su Jie looked at it. Black lines on forehead.

"It seems that I, the insect king, am not convinced by them! I need more practice."

Su Jie was not disappointed. He had only practiced for a few hours, and he was already surprised to have such an effect.

After thinking about it, Su Jie took out a few pieces of blood marrow crystals from the storage bag, crushed them and threw them to the human-faced moth.

Several human-faced moths were no longer as quiet as before, and immediately lay down on the blood marrow crystals and began to eat carefully.

"take off."

After several human-faced moths had eaten and drank enough, Su Jie gave the order again.

This time, several human-faced moths flapped their wings and flew up from Su Jie's palm, flying back and forth around Su Jie.

"Damn, if you have breasts, you're a mother."

Su Jie couldn't help complaining that he still couldn't master the body insect concentration method, so he could only rely on this method to speed up the insect control.

"But if you want to eat, that's much easier."

Su Jie took out the ancient mirror from his arms and stepped back to the Blue Star World. After a while, he came back with a large number of common poisonous insects and snakes, and fed them to the human-faced moth.

These human-faced moths don't know what it means to be reserved. They regard this as a reward from the insect king and happily eat and drink.

Su Jie went back and forth several times to feed these human-faced moths, and then used the body insect concentration method to direct them again.


A large number of human-faced moths fluttered their wings and flew up. They followed Su Jie's orders and formed an S-shape in the air and an O-shape in the air.

While roaring, thousands of human-faced moths vibrated their wings and, under Su Jie's instructions, attacked the woods ahead.

Like a swarm of bombers, the human-faced moths flew at low altitude while spitting acid water, corroding large areas of forest trees with holes and charring them black. Many trees fell to the ground one after another. Finally, the insect swarm lay on the crown of the tree, and opened its ferocious mouthparts. The old trees were gnawed until they were bare.

"Not bad, but the quantity is a little too small."

Su Jie couldn't help but smile as he enjoyed the insect swarm's killing performance.

Just because Su Jie smiled, it meant that the Thousand-Handed Centipede was unlucky.

Because of the job of catching insects, it is the punching bag that gets beaten.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede neighed and kept rubbing its head against Su Jie, protesting against Su Jie's behavior.

"Be good! I'll give you something delicious to eat right away."

Su Jie patted the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head and said with a picture: "Think about it, I am doing this to improve my strength. If I master the insect swarm, I can catch a large number of Gu insects and bring them back to Blue Star, and then Evolve it into a low-grade Gu insect to give you extra food.”

I don't know if he understood the meaning of extra food, but Thousand-Handed Centipede immediately stopped, took the initiative to carry Su Jie and flew towards the direction of Worm Valley.

A few days later!

In a dense forest, Su Jie patted the insect bag on his waist and shouted: "Body insects."

The insect bag was opened, and a line of black smoke rose from the bag. If you looked closely, you could see that there were densely packed human-faced moths.

Because there are too many and too dense, tens of thousands of human-faced moths are like a black cloud, blocking the sun, and like a rushing tide. Wherever the human-faced moths pass, all living creatures and plants are corroded and devoured. , not a blade of grass grew on the ground, turning into a piece of white ground.

"The Body Insect Concentration Technique is indeed a powerful technique."

Su Jie looked at the scalp-numbing scene and felt extremely satisfied.

In the past few days, Su Jie relied on the strong defense of the Thousand-Handed Centipede to break into the territory of the human-faced moth many times, going in and out to capture a large number of human-faced moths.

Su Jie was not afraid that he would catch all the human-faced moths. This thing is the most numerous poisonous insect in the Insect Valley, with a number of billions. The number that Su Jie caught is just a drop in the bucket, which is nothing at all.

In a few days, Su Jie captured tens of thousands of human-faced moths. Through the body insect concentration method, he continuously released spiritual energy to allow his breath to be sensed by the human-faced moths.

In addition to the continuous feeding of food and poisonous insects, these human-faced moths recognized Su Jie as the insect king and obeyed Su Jie's orders.

And tens of thousands of human-faced moths are the limit of what Su Jie can control at present.

If there are more, Su Jie may not be able to control them, and the insect swarm may resist the master.

The insect swarms in the sky are still flying, and the buzzing and flapping of wings can be heard from the sky.

Compared with ordinary human-faced moths, several human-faced moths with black-gold bodies fly very fast, and the acid they spit out is extremely corrosive, and can dissolve more than two meters deep pits on the ground.

These are human-faced moths that have evolved into low-grade poisonous insects.

Generally speaking, the evolution of group poisonous insects is particularly difficult, because they do not rely on individual strength to fight against the enemy, but rely on amazing numbers, and the difference between individuals is very small.

But with Su Jie's sufficient supply of poisonous insects, there are always some outliers among the human-faced moths, who are lucky enough to complete the evolution and exceed the ordinary individuals in the group.

Although there are only a few now, the number of human-faced moths that successfully enter the grade will definitely increase in the future. Su Jie, who has no shortage of poisonous insect resources, is very sure of this.

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