After leaving the warehouse area, Su Jie had a big meal.

After eating and drinking, based on the information I found online, I took a taxi to a farm specializing in scorpion breeding in the suburbs.

The breeding farm occupies a large area and contains several flat-floor factory buildings. There is a wolf dog tied at the door. When Su Jie approached, he immediately started barking.


From Su Jie's sleeve, half of the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head poked out and made a threatening sound.

The terrifying shape of the Thousand-Hand Centipede immediately frightened the wolfdog to death. He retreated into the kennel with his tail between his legs and did not dare to come out again.

Su Jie glanced at the signboard of Yaogang Scorpion Breeding Farm hanging at the door. There was no security guard or anything like that.

I was thinking of calling the factory phone number left on the wall next to me when I heard footsteps coming from the factory.

Perhaps hearing the previous dog barking, a dark-skinned, square-looking middle-aged man ran out.

"Hello boss, are you here to buy scorpions? My name is Chen Yaoguang, and I run this factory. Didn't the dog barking just now scare you? This damn dog will be killed sooner or later."

As soon as they met, the other party was extremely enthusiastic, and the look in Su Jie's eyes almost glowed green.

Su Jie looked at the other person warily, but he didn't think he had any special hobbies.

"That's about right. I'll go in for a visit and see how the scorpions are doing."

Su Jie touched the Thousand-Handed Centipede hidden in his sleeve, felt confident, and walked into the scorpion farm accompanied by Chen Yaoguang.

It can be seen that Chen Yaoguang is a clean person. Although he raises a scorpion that is not very particular about the environment, he keeps the factory clean inside and outside.

"Boss, this is our breeding factory. A factory with a floor height of three meters like this uses large-scale beehive breeding. The number of scorpions can reach 200,000."

Chen Yaoguang explained eloquently, and then personally took Su Jie into the factory.

The scorpion breeding pond here is built with latticework of wooden boards, like rows of bookshelves displayed in it.

A large number of gray-brown scorpions crawled in and out of it, so many that just looking at them makes one's scalp numb.

Entering here, the Thousand-Handed Centipede in Su Jie's arms suddenly became restless, eager to crawl out of Su Jie's sleeves.

"Director Chen, what are the main species of scorpions here?"

Su Jie comforted Thousand-Handed Centipede and continued to ask.

"The factory mainly breeds East Asian pincer scorpions, which are sold to pharmacies to make medicinal materials. The price of male scorpions is 0.8 yuan each, and the female scorpions are more expensive, 1.1 yuan each. We also breed some rainforest scorpions and emperor scorpions, and sell them to some insects. In the pet store, this kind of scorpion is more expensive. I don’t know which one you want to buy, boss?”

Chen Yaoguang answered immediately and looked at Su Jie carefully, fearing that Su Jie would leave dissatisfied with the price.

The scorpion breeding farm he built has recently encountered a survival crisis. The traditional Chinese medicine channel that had been stable for a long time canceled its supply relationship with him.

It is impossible to sell scorpions on the streets.

Without procurement from downstream channels, his farm suddenly struggled.

The farm’s daily water, electricity and feeding of mealworms are a huge expense.

The huge pressure almost didn't crush him. For this reason, he sold all the houses in his hometown and invested in it. He has been gritting his teeth to support it, so he was so enthusiastic when he saw Su Jie come to the door.

"How many scorpions are there in your field?"

"There are five factories in total, and the number of scorpions cultivated is about one million. Boss, I have been engaged in insect breeding for more than ten years. You can be absolutely assured of the quality of the scorpions cultivated."

Hearing this, Chen Yaoguang became even more excited. The person in front of him was most likely a big customer!

However, Su Jie's appetite was greater than he imagined. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "I will pay you two million to sell your factory or not."

"Buying a factory?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yaoguang was immediately confused.

He thought Su Jie was a big customer, but it turned out that people were interested in not only the scorpions he cultivated, but also the factory.

"I'm really sorry, boss. I'm afraid this won't work. I have put in too much effort in the factory. I have worked since I was in my twenties and now am in my forties. This is not for sale."

Chen Yaoguang hesitated for a moment, but still rejected Su Jie's request. He had worked in this breeding farm for more than ten years and had deep feelings for him.

"2.5 million, do you want to sell it?"

Su Jie casually reported a higher number without batting an eyelid.

Su Jie, who now holds more than 60 million in cash, is considered a wealthy man. Money comes easily, and Su Jie doesn't feel any pain at all when it comes to spending it.


Swallowing his saliva, Chen Yaoguang breathed heavily and said with difficulty: "Boss, I know you are rich, but breeding insects is my dream, and it cannot be insulted by money. Please respect my dream."

As soon as possible, he was very excited about this number, but he had a dream for insect breeding, otherwise he would not sell his house and invest in the breeding farm to persist.

"3 million. I respect other people's dreams. Let's do this, Director Chen. I will buy this farm and let you continue to manage it. The salary is 50,000 per month. I personally will not interfere in any production. , but the sale and trading of Scorpions must be left to me.”

Su Jie smiled and increased the price step by step, finally completely defeating Chen Yaoguang's psychological defense.

"What's that? Hahaha, boss, you are really good at judging people. I agreed, but not for money, but to continue to manage this farm."

Chen Yaoguang was defeated by the blockbuster figure of 3 million. Dreams are important, but filling his stomach is equally important.

What's more, Su Jie still respects his dream, and the factory can still let him be responsible for management. He really can't think of a reason to refuse.

After all, a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan is really great.

"Then it's decided. We'll sign the contract later, and we'll send you the money once the contract is ready."

Seeing Chen Yaoguang's face turned into a chrysanthemum smile, Su Jie was also very satisfied.

After buying this breeding farm, Su Jie didn't have the energy to manage it himself, so it would be much more convenient to have Chen Yaoguang here.

Moreover, this man has been engaged in insect breeding for more than ten years and is a talented person. Su Jie needs such a talent to do things for him.

As for the small amount of money paid, just cut down two more trees in Tianyuan World, it's very simple.

"Director Chen, first pack a box of scorpions for me and catch ten thousand of them. I want to take them away."

"I understand, I'll catch you right away."

Chen Yaoguang instantly entered the role and regarded Su Jie as his god. He wanted to take out his heart to show him his loyalty.

After getting the scorpions, Su Jie signed a repurchase contract with Chen Yaoguang for the breeding farm and paid 3 million. From now on, the Yaogang Scorpion Breeding Farm changed its surname to Su.

With this breeding farm as a cover, Su Jie can purchase various poisonous insects in large quantities in the future, and no one will suspect anything.

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