Two-dimensional System

Chapter 963: The anger of the good old man

The two agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., No. 15 and No. 56, were demanded by these harsh time requirements.

Within what time, you must arrive at the next one and pick up the next one at the designated place, during the cycle of task prompts.

Gradually numb and dizzy, when the two finally opened, this time the box containing instructions.

Both of them thought that what was contained in it was not surprisingly the next place they should go.

Who knows, when they followed the method behind the last instruction, they opened the box in front of them.

They were in front of a communicator, after confirming that the communicator was not dangerous and was not something like a bomb.

They picked up the communicator.

They just held the communicator in their hands and tried to power it on, the screen of the communicator automatically lit up.

Phil Colson's familiar appearance, as if he were a savior, appeared in front of the 15th and 56th people.

The moment I saw Phil Colson, the 15th and the 56th were in two different places, although they were in separate locations.

But two people, watching at the same time, Phil Coleson seemed to see, the light of righteous way cried out loudly!

"Sir Phil, we are not doing the task, we are not upgrading, please let me go~

I really don’t want to go around anymore. I don’t bring people like that~"

If you go around in circles, you will be able to bring these two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to collapse. It can be seen how outrageous Phil Coleson brought to them.

"Hey~ let's not cry~ Congratulations to both of you for successfully passing my test. Now there is a task placed in front of you..."

The smile of the good old man can always moisturize things so silently, and it usually quietly enters everyone's hearts.

Especially this, in front of No. 15 and No. 56 who are already on the verge of collapse.

Phil Coleson looked at the emotions of the two and finally got released, and nodded very satisfied.

They were still so gentle and did not dislike them at all. As agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jiang Ran burst into anger and accused the two because of this ‘hardening’.

This is indeed not something that ordinary people can bear. If it were someone else, it would have long been regarded as a prank.

Treat the previous reminder as waste paper, throw it on the ground and step on two feet to leave.

But these two people wandered around until their eyes were dizzy, and they almost vomited out.

However, the two persisted, showing how deep their belief in SHIELD was in their hearts?

Therefore, Phil Coleson felt that it was completely trustworthy to delegate the task to these two people.

But what Phil Colson didn't notice was that if he were to do an IQ and consciousness test for these two men now.

Then Phil Coleson would be extremely surprised to find that the consciousness of the two people before him, I am afraid that he does not even know his own mother.

And that's it, in the same state of the two, Phil Coleson told the two of them separately, this time they need to complete the task.

"On the 15th, I can see your loyalty and ability, and I can rest assured that S.H.I.E.L.D. will not bury any capable and loyal subordinates.

Your task is: find our righteous black light, Lord Fury~"

what! ?

"This...this task...Sir Phil, you have entrusted such an important task to me..."

On the 15th, he knew that, in their dark stewed egg bureau, the lord took someone to catch the evil devil, and the **** of food was gone and there was no news.

Just think about it, how important is the Black Braised Egg to them S.H.I.E.L.D.? Recalling the last message left by the adults of the Black Braised Egg Bureau.

It is the string of very active brain nerve data, when this piece of nerve data is suspected to be controlled by the God of Food.

When the upload was in front of them, their servers were almost going to be ‘run’ by this piece of cranial nerve data and crashed.

They have never seen such an active brain and such a terrifying idea.

Almost in that short period of time, their black marinated egg seemed to respond to the brain nerves of the entire human world and everyone in it.

They all ran through it once, just like this, they were wondering at the time that their daddy, let alone become an idiot.

Will the head explode directly, it is not impossible.

But the result surprised them very much. Their black-broiled egg bureau master, his rights were handed over to Deputy Director Maria Hill.

Their black marinated eggs are so grown-ups, how can they be human? So, where did their righteous black light, the black stewed eggs go?

No one knows this, everything is waiting to be found again, and I am afraid that they will be able to answer their questions on the day when the Lords of the Black Braised Egg Bureau are seated.

However, 15 did not think of it, it was just separated, after a period of time.

The good old man never died, and appeared in front of him and No.56 intact.

Also looking for their righteous black light, S.H.I.

No. 15 was very excited, and at the same time, he was afraid that he would not be able to complete the task that Phil Coleson taught him.

When the time comes, it is delayed, and he can't afford the precious time of looking for the Lord of the Black Braised Egg Bureau.

Moreover, he has no clue, and he can find it with confidence, the black marinated egg sir~

Shouldn't such a task be handed over to the superheroes in the Avengers?

Why do you have to find them for such a task?

"I...I think...Such an important task is entrusted to Chief Hawkeye, or Falcon..."

Without waiting for the 15th, Phil Coleson's expression changed. Looking at Phil Coleson's face, the smile of a good old man disappeared forever.

It turned to be serious and solemn, as if looking straight at his soul, No. 15 seemed to be frozen.

Looking at Phil Colson stupidly, he didn't dare to speak any more and continue to defend himself.

Because he knew that Phil Colson, who would not get angry easily, now the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Becoming so serious and serious, it can be seen how dissatisfied Phil Colson is with himself now. Or are you angry with yourself?

"I heard it. If I could find them, I wouldn't be here. If you can think of it, can I not think of it?"

"Sir Phil, this..."

On the 15th, Phil Coleson's explanation was dumb, and there was nothing wrong with these things. They were not what they should be worried about.

The question of selection, if you really need to find someone, if superheroes, why does Phil Coleson have to work so hard to find him?

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