Two-dimensional System

Chapter 947: The **** of food?

Knowing that I am today, if I can't give Quentin Baker a reasonable explanation.

You don't need to have any doubts, you will definitely be thrown directly into the real sewers to feed real mice by Quentin Baker, who was so angry.

"Then what, that food critic I don't look like an ordinary person, but there really is something."

"Huh? A little, food critic, can he turn the sky over?"

Quentin Baker looked at the fat man who didn't admit his mistake at this time. He was already frantically giving the other person a chance, but the other person had been frantically dying.

On the death line of your own anger, repeated horizontal stripes back and forth?

Quentin sadly felt that she had an obligation and should, to satisfy her good friend's ‘determination’ to die.

Of course, this guy's way of death has to be decided by himself. Want to be relieved so easily?

That's not okay. What's more, you need this guy for your own holographic system.

Feeling his good friend, Quentin Baker's sharp gaze, the shaggy fat man decided that he needed a good explanation.

This, the food critic who makes him feel extraordinary, where did he attract him?

It's definitely not yourself, don't fall in love with other dogs in empathy, but this other dog really has something to attract your attention.

"Listen to me. This food critic is not ordinary. He also suddenly emerged from the live broadcast platform.

He has been eating since yesterday. "

The fat man turned around and returned to the computer, as if he wanted to retrieve the information of the food critic.

But Quentin Baker blinked his ‘beany eyes’, and he found that he was about to be fattened by the fat man, laughing so angrily.

As a food critic, is he still called a food critic if he doesn't eat?

Do I overestimate your IQ, or am I too indulgent of your temper? Caused you to float to the sky?

"No... his kind of eating is different from what you think. Quentin eats from the street to the end of the street, and the most interesting thing is that he is the one who goes around the whole world Direction, eat from the'street' to the'end of the street'.

The span is very large, and as long as it is a place where you can eat food, whether it is a private club or some hotel that needs to be booked in advance.

Can't stop this guy, this guy counts the time he eats and the speed of going around the world.

Both exceed the flight speed of Iron Man Mark's suit and Thor's flight speed. And we don’t know yet, what way this guy used to cross such a long distance. "

The fat man gets more excited as he speaks. Every fat man cannot refuse the temptation of food. He also pays attention to this food critic because of his food.

But what he couldn't think of was that the other party was obviously just an ‘ordinary person’, why even their Yingjiang.

The royal chef will cook for this guy?

Just because of a word from the other party? How did this food critic get into some important places?

Where you want to go in, you can only go in unless you are reborn and change your status.

Or you are really capable, like Uzumaki Goddai, powerful and influential.

The entire world can't stop the Uzumaki Goddai, the Uzumaki Goddai is in this world, and can do whatever he wants.

If you want to go to Yingchan or see the queen, it is not the honor of Uzumaki Goddai, but the honor of Yingchan queen.

If you want to lose the protection of the Uzumaki God, you can say that this royal family is not because of its own reproduction problem.

It can really exist until the little ball is destroyed.

The words are here, this is definitely not a joke anymore, the current Uzumaki God Generation has this energy.

But this, the food critic is not Uzumaki Goddai~

Even if they are emotionally unstable, their eyes are still not blind, they know what Uzumaki Kamiyo is like.

And the fat guys passed the food critics on the video and compared them with Uzumaki Kamdai. The figures and irises of their faces and eyes are different. These are two completely different people, so who is this guy? Could it be that there are so many unknown ‘big guys’ hidden in this world?

Think about it, what Quentin Baker said to himself before, in the ‘domain’ of others, those people are gods.

Only by pulling each other into their own domain can they use their own ‘domain’ to defeat the other.

So what is the other side's field? In all the videos, the places where ordinary people can't get in at all.

The defensive soldiers turned a blind eye to the food critic, like invisible air.

But those chefs are able to meet this food critic, but you are the important ‘private’, or royal ‘imperial cooks’.

You guys should be a little self-aware, right? You are not restaurant chefs on the street.

Why did an inexplicable guy suddenly come in? Not only did you not call it ‘security guard’, the guard arrested him.

On the contrary, your hospitality with such a warm welcome is like meeting your majesty the king, your queen, or even your old father.

So caring for this food critic, so many ordinary people can't eat it.

What is going on with you that you can’t even imagine? In this way, no matter who it is, it can be seen that this food critic is definitely not an ordinary person.

Look at the guards and chefs who treat this food critic. Is it possible that this guy can only be seen by the chef?

Moreover, can you still have a 100% ‘IQ’ that affects chefs?

So these chefs will not reject this food critic?

So, does this guy’s ‘terrible ability’ only affect chefs and guards, or does it affect everyone?

If this guy is a bad guy, just walk into their home so swaggering and let them take the initiative to deliver them, what should they do with their assets?

It's not just that the fat man himself discovered the "extraordinary" of the other person. People who watched this food critic, apart from really like food.

People who pay attention to food, and those who don't pay attention to it, think it's just the other party's recorded video uploaded in advance.

But who is Fatty? This fat guy is serious about the video screen.

If everyone is a ‘god’, then his fat man is the **** of video editing!

As for this food critic, he has checked all the videos, and they were not recorded and uploaded in advance.

Rather, this guy uses live broadcast, except for the difference in network speeds in the region. The food critic’s live broadcast, every second of time has no delay.

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