Two-dimensional System

Chapter 910: Uzumaki Goddai, tired?


There was a blank piece of sight in the line of sight. This was the ‘voice’ that Tony Stark had vaguely heard before his consciousness disappeared.

Of course this is not just what Tony Stark heard and saw before he lost consciousness.

It was when all the heroes saw the Uzumaki God Generation, holding that unknown weapon in both hands, and hacking back towards Thanos.

The last voice heard.

The voice is ethereal and empty, vigorous and powerful.

When the consciousness of all the heroes came back again, they were no longer groggy and began to wake up.

The heroes' eyes flashed, the white world disappeared, and all the senses returned to themselves once again.

Looking at the big tree explained at their feet, all the heroes were relieved. They were real this time and saw the mighty power of Uzumaki God.

They don't even know when they were brought into the magical white world by the gods of the vortex.

Or they have not disappeared at all, but their consciousness has already appeared hallucinations.

In other words, they were all in a state of unsheathed souls in that white world.

Only then can they explain why they can’t hear or see, and even Friday disappeared.

The first time Tony Stark came back from consciousness, his face changed and he looked up and down on himself, seeing that his whole body seemed to be intact or he didn't feel relieved.

"Friday, check my current status."

"Yes~scanning, the results of the scan~SIR~you should exercise more~"

Tony Stark:...


Perhaps the ‘easy’ days in the past few years have been so comfortable and relaxed that Tony Stark has a small belly.

But Tony Stark swears that he is still the most beautiful boy in the world~

"I didn't mean this, I was asking Friday again, do you know what happened just now?"

"Just now? Did something happen?"

Tony Stark was puzzled by Friday's question, and he was confused. Is it possible that what he just experienced was an illusion?

Do not!

Tony Stark shook his head and bit his tongue, the pain told Tony Stark though.

During that short and long time, something must have happened, but looking at the comparison of records before and after Friday.

He has not disappeared from this world...

So what is the white world just now?

Tony Stark is not the only one who can't figure it out, all the heroes who have returned to themselves are also puzzled by what happened to them just now?

"Magic? Can you explain?"

Relying on our own technology, there is no way yet to explain the peculiar thing just now, then technology can't answer my doubts.

Tony Stark cast his gaze on the magician next to him, and he was also looking at himself, not waving his deep cloak.

Stephen Strange, who checked the cloak, heard Tony Stark's questioning, and felt Tony Stark's eyes.

"I don't know what it is. In that world, I can't feel the passage of time, or the existence of time.

You should know that no matter what space it is, there must be time when there is space, but maybe even space does not exist where it is.

But we are still there, and it is amazing that we are back again~"

Tony Stark:...

What kind of explanation is this? Not just time? Space does not exist?

Then how are they in the ‘space’ that does not exist?

They were in that ‘space’ and saw the sword that Uzumaki Goddai slapped against Thanos.

By the way~

Is there a Thanos in Vortex God? The first time they came back, they had forgotten the battle between Thanos and Uzumaki Goddai?

Although, I still don't know, I haven't got a definite answer, but Stephen Strange's words have stayed in Tony Stark's heart.

It is a ‘world’ without time and space.

Or, that is no longer the category of "world"...

The gazes of Tony Stark and Stephen Strange looked towards Thanos and Uzumaki God, where they were.

Not only Tony Stark, but all the people who were looking at Thanos and the Vortex God for the first time, frowned.

Because, at the location they saw, it should have been Thanos and Vortex God, where they collided now.

But there is only Uzumaki Goddai, where is standing quietly, watching the "air" peacefully?

If they remember correctly, that position should be Thanos, right?

But now, what about Thanos? Where did Thanos go? Why didn't they see Thanos?

Not just the heroes, they are looking for Thanos, the remaining five black generals: Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, and Dark Night Proxima. Also looking for Thanos.

Who can tell them what happened just now?

At this time, the ten jade for seeking Taoism floating in his hands and behind the whirlpool gods had disappeared.


Seeing the appearance of Uzumaki Goddai, they were all stunned, although Uzumaki Goddai was still the same.

But they always feel that the current Uzumaki God Generation has the feeling of "human".

It seems that the current Uzumaki God generation is missing something on his body?

"Right! I remember."

"Huh? What do you think of?"

Hearing Stephen Strange in his ears, suddenly, Tony Stark was unclear.

"I recalled some things that I saw in that ‘world’ at the last time.

Perhaps we have all seen this person called Uzumaki Goddai, the black ball behind him has been integrated, and his hands have become a weapon.

At that time, Uzumaki Goddai finally smashed at Thanos.

It's not just the weapon inside, I seem to see six infinite gems..."

Stephen Strange frowned, looking at his chest, which was already visibly fluctuating up and down.

‘Is it possible that the blow, let this, before this, have gone through that kind of fierce battle, there is no respite, the whirlpool of sweat, Goddai is tired? ’

It is unbelievable that this guy is still tired?

Do not......

It should be said that this guy, why is he breathing hard now? Then Uzumaki Goddai, how bad is this guy's physical strength?

Similarly, in the words of Stephen Strange, that world may really ‘exist’, then what happens in that world is also true?

So, in order to deal with Thanos, the Maelstrom God Generation finally used six infinite gems?

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