Two-dimensional System

Chapter 903: The Secret of General Dead Blade

The death general who is ‘greedy for life and fear of death’ makes Thanos very upset, isn’t it just a weapon? Didn't see your dad mine, but saw it cut off?

If you don't have any eyesight, isn't it right this time, is it the time when you give up your life?

You're hiding, what's more, you want me to be a meat shield for you? Are you my dad, or am I your dad?

At this time, shouldn't you be blocking me, resisting Uzumaki Kamiyo's attack, and finding a chance for me to kill Uzumaki Kamiyo?

This year's younger brother, is it floating? It is too difficult to bring!

Facing Thanos’ father’s death stare, General Dead Blade lowered his head with a guilty conscience. He wanted to explain to Thanos.

Can you be in the same situation as mine? The machete in your hand, it doesn’t matter if it is broken, but the death blade in my hand can’t be broken!

If the Death Blade was broken, then his General Death Blade died instantly...

General Deathblade also wanted to ask his parents, why do you want to use your own "born destiny" to generate a knife instead of the "purple potato essence" like Thanos?

Uzumaki Goddai used his enchanting position to dodge constantly, and the dark night Proxima Centauri shot his own death light.

Ebony Maw also found that his magic couldn't catch the Uzumaki Goddai at all, let alone hitting the Uzumaki Goddai with a single blow.

You can only enlarge your magic range, and at least cover Thanos' father, and can't let Thanos' father be defeated by Uzumaki God.


A 90-degree turn around, Uzumaki God on behalf of the sword is facing the dead blade general who is hiding like himself.

The only difference from him was that Uzumaki Goddai found this guy, although he was also avoiding attacks, but this general death blade was even more ‘baby’ the death blade in his hand.

After seeing that the halberd knife Wuying in his hand cut off the machete in Thanos' hand, this guy has been avoiding short-handed encounters with him.

The death blade in his hand collided with his own, Jingji Knife·Wuying, and Uzumaki Goddai didn't feel how much force this guy used.

And in the strength of his own cut. When the opponent is evading, he will follow the direction of his slashing sword · Wuying, and remove the strength of his cutting.

He didn't dare to let his death blade be connected to his halberd sword · Wuying.

"This guy is weird~"

Uzumaki Goddai is not a god. Naturally, I don't know where the weakness of General Deadblade is, but based on this guy's behavior.

The Uzumaki Goddai could guess one or two, whether this guy was there, saw his Shock Halberd Blade·Shadow, and cut off Thanos’s machete.

But it wasn't like this, so all the changes were after he cut off the machete in Thanos's hand?

‘What secret does this guy hide? ’

Although it is a very immoral thing to explore other people's secrets, this thing is not at all within the consideration of Uzumaki God.

The reaction speed of the Uzumaki God was enough before the attacks of the Five Generals and Thanos hit him.

Uzumaki Shindai uses purely pure moves and rich dodge experience to make the most reasonable dodge.

Even seeing the attack on Uzumaki Goddai, whether it is a weapon or a trick, as long as it is not a one-on-one duel with bare hands.

Uzumaki God Generation is all, what does the other party have, or what does the other party use.

I will absorb all these things by myself.

Then, would Uzumaki Kandai still be afraid and use his life to take risks?

Dancing on the blade of the **** of death, that is the fate of Uzumaki Goddai, and Uzumaki Goddai has long been used to it.

Therefore, this time for General Deadblade’s ‘dodge’, Uzumaki Kamdai saw Thanos who followed him with the other half of the machete in both hands.

Slashing towards his head, Uzumaki Goddai did not dodge anymore.

Uzumaki Goddai suddenly changed the rhythm, making General Deadblade feel very uncomfortable, and the soul of the dead: dying! To die! To die!

So many people, for the guy Yarn, they just look at themselves?

But fortunately, after knowing that General Deadblade was "unreliable", he also changed some Thanos who cooperated with him in battle, right behind him.

As long as the Uzumaki God generation does not retreat and wants to continue to take this opportunity to kill himself, then he will definitely be killed by Thanos.

He has the secret of resurrection, as long as he doesn’t destroy his ‘natural’ weapons, he will never die.

Therefore, Uzumaki Goddai seems to be coming on a fierce, in fact, General Deadblade is not panicked at all, because Uzumaki Goddai's horrified halberd sword · Wuying.

Did not start with his weapon on his weapon.

"Hehe! Go to hell!"

General Dead Blade faced Uzumaki Goddai, the dying man showed a vicious, ironic sneer.

It seems to be a pity for Uzumaki Goddai’s lack of knowledge, but why didn’t he own the strength of Uzumaki Goddai?

How good would it be to give yourself all this strength? The idiot Uzumaki God was wasted for nothing.

Not only humans have such a personality, but aliens also have a similar personality.

Facing the Suzuo Noho of the Uzumaki God, what the Five Black Generals including Thanos thought was desperate why this world was so powerful.

There were people who asked them to call the police, but when Uzumaki God replaced him, he actively abandoned Susao Noho.

In addition, to "kill" yourself if you don't know how to live or die, it's simply the kind of "arrogant and arrogant" that no one should be sorry for.

Because of my own stupidity, I will be a dead person, and I can never have mercy.

Obviously, Uzumaki Goddai was exactly the person in the eyes of General Deadblade at this time.

What everyone didn't know was that just as Thanos's machete passed, General Deadblade came to the front of Uzumaki Goddai.

When preparing to split Uzumaki Kamiyo's head and Uzumaki Kamiyo's body in two.

Time and space jump! (Space jump)

Without exceeding the time limit, the Uzumaki God made a space jump, making Thanos, who had already smiled triumphantly, felt his sight light.

Countless experiences have told Thanos, that is the feeling that he killed everyone, and the machete in his hand has failed.

If Thanos feels a bit, after 0.1 seconds of sluggishness, he looks behind him with a surprised look.

I saw that the Uzumaki Goddai who had escaped his machete, his neck was still intact.

Pooh! wrong!

‘I didn’t touch it, this guy’s neck...’

Suddenly in front of him, the vortex **** generation figure that appeared, quickly enlarged in the pupils of General Deathblade.

I can't believe it, or it's a follower, General Deathblade who didn't react.

When you want to react, use the weapon in your hand to block Uzumaki's attack.

It's too late, puff...

"Hehe~ Come on, let me see what secrets you have~"

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