Two-dimensional System

Chapter 898: Tony Stark

Tony Stark:...

Looking at his face, I missed you Stephen Strange, Tony Stark is inexplicable, big brother, thank you for knowing me so ‘know’.

If you don’t say it, I really don’t know. So your "expectation value" for me is so high?

What kind of self-confidence do you have in me? Although I was very ‘humbly’ to take it, your ‘fancy’ to me, there is nothing wrong with believing in your Tony Stark’s ‘dad’.

But this time, Tony Stark really said that he couldn't handle anything in the face of Uzumaki God!

Not only do you know me, buddy, do you know how much the guy in the "Giant of Light" knows me?

This guy Uzumaki Goddai, he not only understood me, she even counted all my underwear.

‘Man, I’m sorry you’re real, you’re late~’

"Why should I give him the infinite gem? Is there anything more suitable among us than him?"

Oh~ you still don’t know who he is?

By the way, I understand. What you saw didn't come inside, there shouldn't be him, right? Then it is up to me to introduce him to you.

He is from us, looking for someone in the past world of Infinite Gems, his name is Uzumaki Goddai. "

Uzumaki God! ?

Why did you listen to this name, not so serious?

Steve Strange blinked his mung bean eye, and Tony Stark smiled happily. See you still pretending to be a fool?

Seeing Uzumaki God's so sturdy, fighting Thanos was like playing, Stephen Strange was speechless.

But wait...

"So according to your statement, this guy called Uzumaki Goddai, is he on our side?

Well, since it is one side, it should be no problem to get the Time Gem from him, right? "

Stephen Strange looked at Bruce Banner with his arms intact, and that meant that the guy who snapped his fingers was no longer this guy.

So who is the one who snapped the finger?

From the analysis of Tony Stark's expression and the current situation, it can be confirmed that Uzumaki God's finger was snapped.

Now that Uzumaki Kamiyo can snap his fingers and make them all come back, isn't Uzumaki Kamiyo, Tony Stark the "helpers" they found in the past?

Although in the past, Stephen Strange has never ‘heard of’, there is such a guy as Uzumaki Kaminari.

"Hehe, I also think he belongs to our side, but the situation is very complicated. Fortunately, he is not from our side, but not from the other side."

To be honest, if Uzumaki Goddai is confirmed, it is better for them to be the Avengers, Tony Stark clapped his hands to welcome Uzumaki Goddai to join.

But it's a pity that Uzumaki Goddai is not an avenger. It can be seen from Uzumaki Goddai's killing of Chief Black Braised Egg.

Uzumaki God is right, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still them, the Avengers in this world. Things like this, you don't catch a cold at all.

I and others can bear it. The Avengers are ‘guarded’ by the Security Council, and even now the Security Council wants to intervene in the Avengers.

What's more ridiculous is that the guy from General Ross, this time, there is no such guy in the list of disappearance.

You can see how tough this guy's life is, and this guy is starting to point fingers at the Avengers.

Tony Stark even lost the Avenger's frustration and hid directly in the farm between himself and Pepper.

Think about the Uzumaki God, if you join the Avengers, to suffer from these guys?

I am afraid that in the next second, the entire small break ball will be lifted by Uzumaki God, so Uzumaki God is not a "hero".

"Listen to the mage, I know what you are thinking, but I advise you to give up your thoughts. The Uzumaki Goddai is different from the people we meet. People have the strength, they won't tell you anything, such as humanity, justice and morality. .

It helps us because he and Thanos are opposites. As long as there are infinite gems in the Maelstrom God’s hand, Thanos and him are enemies.

It's not what we thought, when the Uzumaki God was on our side.

The Maelstrom God Generation can attack Thanos, and can also attack us. do you understand? We want to protect this world, we care about life in this world,

However, the Uzumaki Goddai didn't care about these, he didn't directly destroy the planet together and it was just because.

He doesn't need to deal with Thanos, he uses the power to destroy this world, do you understand the mage? "

Tony Stark's finger, click on Steven Strange's chest with his mouth open, speechless.

In order to confirm what the future will look like, Tony Stark can understand that you want to get back the gem of time, but this is not the reason for them to provoke the Uzumaki God.

Similarly, the Maelstrom God Generation will not, because of this reason, will give them the gem of time.

It can be said that their current situation is a bit like the relationship between ‘deal’ employers, but this relationship has only been maintained.

They handed the Infinite Gems to the Uzumaki Goddai, and the Uzumaki Goddai helped them snap their fingers.

After that, they had nothing to do with each other. The reason why they had not been killed by Uzumaki Kamidai was treated as an enemy.

That's because there is no conflict between them and Uzumaki God Generation.

They are different from Thanos. They don't have the ambition of Thanos, and they have a bright future.

If you change to the former Tony Stark, it is absolutely impossible to convince the Uzumaki God, he is obviously the smartest person.

Why should I be convinced of you? The big deal I will study, anti-God's clothing.

Now it's different. Tony Stark just wants to protect his family after having a family and children.

The reason why I would study with these guys what a time machine is to go back in time is just the ‘guilt’ in Tony Stark’s heart for a certain child.

I took the child to the battlefield, but failed to bring the child back alive.

Now everything is what Tony Stark wants to see most, everything is developing towards the good side.

Even if he is no longer a "thigh", if someone dared to do it, that unfavorable factor would provoke Uzumaki Kamiyo.

Tony Stark was the first to disagree, although he was ‘played’ by Uzumaki Kamdai.

But now in Tony Stark's heart, the Uzumaki Goddai was the one, the light that appeared when he was'helpless' and unable to do anything.

It's that Tony Stark, the'thigh' that can be hugged tightly.

That's the sentence: Me! Tony Stark, I am ready to hug my thigh now, what do you think?

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