Two-dimensional System

Chapter 887: Thor: He really doesn't plan to shoot?

At this moment, Thanos' lofty ambition Lingyun was very wronged. After all, he was not that one. The future snapped his fingers and fulfilled his dream.

Expressed his ‘emotion’, and has entered the sage mode. He only wants to remove his armour and return to the field, and the sage of farming will destroy hegemony.

At this time Thanos is at the ‘peak period’ of his career, and it’s still the same, fighting the invincibility of the Quartet!

For those who do not understand their own good intentions, their heads will still be. In front of so many of his subordinates, cut down the Avengers, and Thanos wants to avenge him in the future.

Of course, the thing that can't be forgiven by Thanos is that this group of guys killed their future selves.

Still whimsical, he went back to the past to retrieve the six infinite gems that were wiped out by the future self.

Trying to make your dream shattered?

These guys must not stay anymore, otherwise God knows what kind of trouble these guys will bring to themselves.

If they snap their fingers and let the lost life come back again, wouldn't he in the future be dead for nothing?

Thanos also believes in the current Avengers and can't stop him, but what Thanos did not expect is.

The six infinite gems should have been his own treasure.

Nebula, this waste, not only betrayed himself in the future, but now it has penetrated into the enemy's interior, and he has not been able to get back the infinite gem.

How can this make Thanos not angry? In the future, there will be no subordinates around me, it must be that these guys are too wasteful.

"Then what are you standing here for? Why don't you hurry up and get me the Infinite Gems?"

Thanos was originally not angry with himself, after this anger, the aura of the superior and the strong instantly suppressed the weak and poor Lan Sister Nebula trembling.

Even though he felt the same fear of the Vortex God in his heart, Nebula at this time did not dare to defy Thanos.

"Yes! Father, I must get back the infinite gems."

After Nebula finished speaking, he turned to face the Avengers base that had been submerged under the artillery fire and ran away.


Seeing that Nebula was so aware of current affairs, Thanos sighed with relief, snorted coldly and slammed the knife in his hand before sitting on the rock.

After watching the gunfire ceased, it became the ruined Avengers base.

One or two of those Avengers, unfortunately, died under the gunfire, but Thanos was very happy.

But these guys, but the future self, did not disappear after snapping their fingers. If it were to die like this, Thanos would be disappointed.


Under the ruins, Tony Stark threw the falling rocks aside with the help of the battle suit.

"How is it? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm fine."

"Where is the infinite gem?"

At this time, everyone knows that Nebula is a traitor who has gotten into their team.

Although I don't know how Nebula did it, it turned out to be so fickle.

Even Tony Stark was caught off guard, thinking that at the beginning, Nebula, with a sad look like the sea, took him to Thanos, where he was on the planet, Dai Xiaoyao who killed Thanos!

Could this woman be so cruel? Everything I did before was performed?

"Hey guys, I'm not good...Hello? Hello? Hello? Steve! Tony!? Damn no signal!"

Trapped in the underground waterway, Patton and Scott Lang have no models. The most important thing is that they also encountered terrible alien enemies.

They had encountered enough monsters with all four limbs in front of them when they were in Wakanda.

They really didn't want to see these guys again, and Patton ran without turning around. While escaping, I didn't forget it, turning around from time to time, and the alien monster behind him shot an arrow.

"Everyone is fine? By the way, what about Uzumaki Goddai? What about gems!?"

Knowing why Thanos is here, then Thanos is also natural, it is impossible to let go of Infinite Gems.

This time, they must not let the Infinite Gem fall into Thanos' hands.

In Tony Stark's view, it is indeed better to give the Maelstrom Gods than to Thanos.

The Maelstrom God Generation does not at least not, the brain damage must see the general life in the universe.


Hearing the movement behind him, Tony Stark subconsciously raised his hand and aimed his palm cannon behind him.

After seeing the Vortex God Generation clearly, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Thor were relieved.

At the same time, I was surprised by the strength of Uzumaki Goddai: It really is...

How to describe it? They had just been bombed, and even if they were not injured, they were not handsome.

If you want to be embarrassed, you will be embarrassed. Looking at Choosing God's Generation, this guy is still standing in place, without moving.

Directly use his ‘Cube’ to put himself into another ‘space’.

Even if it is the end of the world outside, it will definitely not affect the Uzumaki Goddai, and the Uzumaki Goddai will not lose a single hair.

This is really terrible, there is only one thing, maybe infinite gems are the safest in the body of the vortex god, right?

At this time, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Thor all noticed.

In the right hand of Uzumaki Goddai, the original six infinite gems are now missing.

Think about the four infinite gems that Vortex God has transformed out of thin air before.

They all knew in their hearts that the Infinite Gems must not know what ‘space’ was hidden by the Vortex God.

"It looks like you don't need help~"

Tony Stark sighed faintly at the Vortex God Generation. With such strength, how good would it be to deal with Thanos with them?

"I don't need you to worry about it, maybe it is you who need help?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes curiously, and realized that he was speaking. He really couldn't be surprised by Uzumaki God.

When he continued to fight with Uzumaki God, it was just boring for himself, although it was not clear about the present.

They have no way to verify whether those who disappeared have returned.

But they can no longer let Thanos continue to be so arrogant, this time the three of them have gathered together.

Unreasonable, of the three Avengers, the most powerful three can't beat a single purple sweet potato essence.

"Hey~ what is he doing now?"

Tony Stark and Steve Rogers came to Thor, who was standing at the mouth of the ruin, with his hands on the storm axe and looking at Thanos.

"Just sitting there~doing nothing!"

After saying this, Thor turned his head and glanced, it seemed that there was no Uzumaki God who wanted to do something.

He turned his eyes to Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, with doubts in his eyes.

"Is he really going not to do it?"

"We don't care about him..."

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