Two-dimensional System

Chapter 865: Goddai: Haha! Haha!

If even someone with Xiaomo's personality will find that Xiaomo is the kind of intelligence that is easy to say to give up?

Perhaps this is what kind of character is contaminated with what owner.

The character of Uzumaki Goddai is also contaminated by some evil Xiaomo, but this can't be concealed, as the protagonist Uzumaki Goddai, the graceful quality of never giving up and giving up lightly.

There is the whirlpool **** as a backer, as a solid backing, these small twisted spaces are just.

Xiao Mo vowed to fill up these twisted spaces even with her own chakra.

(The most important thing is that Xiaomo's natural chakra is exactly the kind that doesn't require money.)

It's just that with the distance, the control of Chakra differs in intensity and intensity.

It was also because of Xiao Mo, following a few twisting spaces, ‘the bar was up’, and he was pitiful to Uzumaki Goddai many times, and only then did he apply for an upgrade. After that, Uzumaki Goddai upgraded Xiaomo’s matter.

However, the upgraded Xiaomo is indeed powerful. Not only did he explore these twisted spaces, but he also began to explore beyond the universe.

The happiest thing is Xiaomo, who can realize the Chakra energy, no need to envy.

I can only look at them eagerly, Xiao Wanda and Pilcher, the happy expressions of enjoying the food.

As for why not, go to the distortion space for the first time to get reality gems?

That's because Xiao Mo is still analyzing the liquid, red ‘water’, how can it have anything to do with gems?

Of course, the more important discoveries are not just distorted space and reality gems, things that are now known by all.

That is, the small broken ball is the atrium in the nine worlds, but according to the link route of the nine worlds, it should be any place where the rainbow bridge connects the nine worlds.

And every world is connected by a door, sometimes there are two worlds, maybe there are two doors leading to two different worlds.

However, such a situation did not appear on the small broken ball, according to the ‘gate’ that Xiaomo found on the small broken ball.

Uzumaki Kamdai began to wonder, what exactly is this small break, and why are there so many ‘doors’ to different worlds?

Not only the world in the Nine Realms, but even in some star regions outside the Nine Realms, individual planets are on small broken balls. Both Uzumaki Jindai and Xiaomo found several ‘doors’ or ‘windows’.

Should they say that the small break is ‘special’? Or is it really possible for this small break?

The situation of the small broken ball reminded Uzumaki God of his other world, something called ‘logistics’.

Xiao Moqiu is like a transit station that connects these worlds extending in all directions.

There are even many of these channels extending in all directions, as if they were the "back doors" left by some bigwigs themselves.

Of course, the topic is too far away. These channels extending in all directions, we will take a closer look later.

The result of Xiao Mo's exploration in the twisted space is. The gem of reality is in a distorted space in England.

In order to avoid accidents, that is, some people notice this distorted space, or to avoid some people who are carrying ‘good luck’.

Either relying on your own ability or accidentally came to this place.

The Vortex God Generation also went once, and around this distorted space, enchantments, illusions, and seals were placed.

Fortunately, this is a factory that has been abandoned a long time ago. Apart from some preparations, the gangsters who regard this as a ‘secret’ base, or the middle and second-year youths, will focus on this position.

Of course, there is another one who, in the worries of Uzumaki Goddai, relied on his own ‘ability’ to discover this place before that, with a unique magnetic field and fluctuations, and a rising star in astronomy: Jane Foster.

Fortunately, there was the foresight of the Uzumaki God, who made some preparations in advance, but anyone who approaches here will be affected by illusion.

The next second I came here, under the influence of illusion, I would go home and take a shower and sleep beautifully. Forget the reason why you want to come and what you want to do.

And the result of this is that when I originally came to this place, one or two people would disappear inexplicably from time to time.

In this way, it stopped inexplicably, and the local police did not receive a call to report the missing family members of nearby residents.

However, the missing person is still not found.

Uzumaki Goddai only told everyone about the connection between the reality gem and the small broken ball.

But he didn't say where the small broken ball is on the small slope. The small broken ball is still quite big.

If they can still find it like this, then let these guys find it.

Everyone on the Stark Building felt as if they were floating on the clouds, not to mention the location of the actual gem.

It was their small break, and they seemed to have truly realized it for the first time. So, the "realm" in the mouth of Uzumaki Goddai?

Therefore, the world in the eyes of Uzumaki Goddai is completely different from the world in their eyes.

They only saw the colorful things, and what the Uzumaki God saw was perhaps the ‘Element’ periodic table of this world?

Although this is very shocking, but this is the fact that the position of Uzumaki Jindai Station is too high.

Is he willing to want to come down, talk to them, and get a piece?

First of all, you have to be able to understand and believe the "world" described by Uzumaki Kamdai.

Let's not talk about how they discovered and understood what channel and world they said in the mouth of the whirlpool god.

After carefully savoring what Uzumaki God said before, all the people present thought about their discoveries in fear.

The two infinite gems in the hands of the Vortex God, plus the time gems that the Vortex God has already scheduled.

Six infinite gems, the vortex **** may already have four! ? ?

"Then the last question, can you swear that you did not collect infinite gems to destroy the world?"


"Haha! Haha!"

Even if you don't want to accept it, these are all realities. Want to stop Uzumaki Goddai?

Want to stare at the Uzumaki God, and know in advance where the Infinite Gem is when he goes to get the Infinite Gem?

Then take it away and hide it? It is impossible to wake up.

The first point is that they can’t keep an eye on Uzumaki Kaminari~

However, this time the question of the black bittern egg, the answer to him was Uzumaki Goddai, who laughed that did not fit the image.

With a sense of magical rhythmic laughter, he was stunned by the laughter of everyone present.

Shouldn't you be the same as before? Do you reply to their questions in a calm tone and ‘unpredictable’ words?

"So this is the reason why you keep repeating the story of death? Haha~ I laughed to death."

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