Two-dimensional System

Chapter 846: End bird~End bird~

At the moment of the explosion, the residents near the legislator's house instantly ran out of their house, staring dumbly at the mushroom cloud in the sky.

what is this? Nuclear bomb? Where did the nuclear bomb come from?

In the next second, cold sweat broke out in an instant, and his legs collapsed and sat on the ground.

That's a nuclear bomb!

And are you and your family so close to the explosion? Finish urine~ Finish bird~

The man who slumped on the ground, the women and the children, were not just swaying their legs.

I can even smell the smell of urine coming from where I am sitting...

"Huh? Wrong!"

But soon someone found something wrong, so if a nuclear bomb exploded, it would have the power of radiation and explosion.

It will spread to the surroundings instantly, unless there are valleys and basins around it, it can stop the radiation of the nuclear bomb explosion.

But here is a map of Pingchuan, let alone a valley basin, not even a mountain peak.

However, the radiation and explosion did not engulf them in an instant. According to the propagation speed of a nuclear explosion, they would be evaporated almost instantly.

The wise man looked at it as if he was bound by something, just like a bottle filled up the radiation and energy after a nuclear explosion?

After the nuclear explosion, the radiation and nuclear energy did not spread, and the bolder people stood up, regardless of their muddy pants.

Carefully searched for the direction of the explosion. If remembered correctly, they all knew the location of the explosion.

It should be that the address of a member of the International Security Council is correct, so how could the nuclear bomb fall in this position?

Is it possible that this congressman does not want to live or is too good at playing, and wants to try the experience after the nuclear bomb exploded?

Sure enough, the reason why people can become members of the Security Council is not without reason. They just have different ideas.

Otherwise, members of the Security Council, what is it about them instead of themselves?

They were getting closer and closer to the place of the explosion, but none of them felt anything abnormal. Gradually, toward the place where the nuclear bomb exploded, the people approaching became bolder and bolder.

In the end, I discovered that it seemed to be ‘frighten myself’, a nuclear bomb exploded or something, except for the immediate noise and the shaking of the ground, there was no unnecessary movement.

But they arrived at the explosion site until they were blocked by a ‘glass wall’ that no one could see.

They can no longer move forward, no matter how they jump, or beat the ‘glass wall’ that no one can see. It still exists, it seems to be a glass wall, helping them block the damage caused by the nuclear bomb?

It was quite outrageous to think about it at the time. Why can a ‘glass wall’ be able to block the explosive power and radiation of a nuclear bomb?

"What is this?"

"It seems to be glass... but did the glass block the nuclear bomb?"

"God, if even a piece of'glass', how big should this piece of glass be?"

Those who started to ‘measure’ the length along the glass also began to sigh. They can't imagine how tall this piece of glass is, how thick this piece of glass is, let alone the size of Kekuai glass.

This is exactly God’s ‘masterpiece’, God rescued them from the nuclear explosion.

And this kind of thing happened in every place where the nuclear bomb was held, after taking out cell phones and video recorders, etc., which could be used for taking pictures.

They were very surprised to find that their electronic equipment could still be used normally?

The Internet was not affected by any fluctuations, and soon everyone found this peculiar sign on the Internet.

However, as a strange phenomenon of a small break, the SHIELD of the Professional Administration noticed this matter for the first time.

Because this matter has something to do with them, Maria Hill's face was stern looking at the screen that had turned into snowflakes.

Because everyone knows that the lawmakers must have something to do with Uzumaki God if something happens.

However, the heat was the highest for a while, and with a strange rising speed, it surpassed the big news of aliens attacking New York City.

How could it be possible that SHIELD would not be concerned for the first time? Look at the location of each nuclear bomb.

And at the same time, the congressmen ‘off-line’ at the same time, they received what happened in the major bases.

After linking the discount clues and timing together, everyone shuddered at the same time. This is already the Uzumaki God's generation, and there is no meaning of ‘covering’. This is a warning to them?

Well, this is too terrifying. It was supposed to be Wang Bo in their hands, but in the end they found out that their knowledge was a mistress.

Wang Zhai didn't know when, he had already run into other people's hands.

Controlled at the same time, on the small broken ball, all the military bases, and calculated the missile trajectory and speed at the same time, and even the time for the members to escape.

Is this network capability and computing speed comparable to them?

Especially in the end, the "God" phenomenon after the nuclear bombs exploded, even if they wanted to delete these videos.

They also found that they couldn't do anything. At the same time they were about to delete the review, all their computers and mobile phones and their permissions were all scrapped.

Not only are these videos not deleted, it is necessary to download these videos like a big hand. Viruses and bacteria begin to'multiply' and spread rapidly.

When they found out that even their mobile phone seemed to be infected with a virus, they began to replay this video continuously.

Knowing that the phone is completely dead and shut down, when their phone is plugged in, it will automatically turn on, with an automatic infinite loop.

The people responsible for deleting the video have felt the world and are heavily malicious towards them.

This is definitely not just a sense of powerlessness, but an old man with osteoporosis and weak legs and feet lost his crutches.

Without support, those who can no longer feel ‘free’ breathing, and those who know these things, look pale.

He even fell down like a sudden heart attack, clutching his chest.

End bird~End bird~

As long as the Uzumaki God is present for one day, they will have no ‘freedom’ at all, when they completely lose control of the network.

They don't know how the Uzumaki God did all this when he was on behalf of the gods, the director of the black brine egg, Tony Stark and others who knew Xiao Mo existed.

Naturally, I know who did all this, but to be able to do it like Xiaomo, even Tony Stark had to take a breath.

Never admit that he failed, especially in artificial intelligence technology and other aspects of Tony Stark.

Faced with such an omnipotent Xiao Mo, he can only sigh and admit defeat.

Jarvis has been upgraded to the highest limit he can reach, but he may not be Xiaomo's opponent.

The Stark Building said that control was controlled, when he heard Jarvis' report that a nuclear bomb was launched at the lawmakers.

Jarvis faces Xiao Mo, just like they face Uzumaki Kamdai...

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