Two-dimensional System

Chapter 825: Black Braised Egg: Mommy...

‘Really, these guys are not considerate. The ‘lonely old man’ just threw his ‘old man’ here? ’

Although, the guy Thor came and went in a hurry, and flew away before he finished speaking. Tony Stark looked at it, and it didn't look like it was intentional, but Steve Rogers felt it no matter what he thought, the strong malice from the two.

"In the end, I was still rejected by these two guys~"

They still don't quite believe that he, an old popsicle that has been frozen for more than 70 years, was just when Steve Rogers was going to find the director of the black marinated egg and asked the director of the black marinated egg if he could send him to New York.

However, even Steve Rogers, who does not understand technology, knows it. When the aircraft carrier of Director Hei Bao Dan slowly ‘striped’ to New York, I’m afraid the cucumber vegetables would be cold.

"Captain looks like you need help~"

"Huh? It's you? Are you all right?"

Just when Steve Rogers felt that life was not easy, he sat in a chair and sighed with emotion.

A female voice with a special charm appeared at the door of the meeting room, and Steve Rogers, who raised his head, saw it.

The person who came was Natasha Romanov, and Loki had been controlled by the psychic scepter not long ago, and was just saved by the ‘physical’ memory of Hawkeye Button.

Faced with these two people, Steve Rogers was obviously gone, facing Tony Stark and Thor's powerlessness.

Compared with the first two, in different fields, it has exceeded the scope of ‘human’, with known limits (Thor’s divine power, Tony Stark’s brain power and financial power).

Only after seeing Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye Button, Steve Rogers almost had no tears.

‘So, I’m not old yet...’

"No problem, I just heard that you are going to New York to beat Loki? I happen to have some old debts, so I'll settle it with him."

Button grinned, recalling his fame, he was almost destroyed by Loki's hands.

Xiang her was the most heartfelt and experienced senior agent in SHIELD, and she was controlled as a running dog by the scumbag of Rocky after so many times?

Although Barton is now awake, but during the period when Loki was under control, what he said to Loki and what he did to help Loki.

Button was very awake, as if he was asleep, his consciousness was awake, but his body was uncontrollable.

He was like a walking dead, and the memory was about to collapse Barton.

Fortunately, Patton is a strong-willed fighter, and the other thing is that Patton has not been controlled by Rocky for a long time.

After that period was controlled by Loki, the ‘formed’ three views and their character, were not ‘cultivated’, they were ‘destroyed’ by Natasha Romanov.

Otherwise, as long as it is a long time, even if Patton is ‘awake’, he will be owed to the extra ‘personality’.

This led to the collapse of the Three Views, a mental breakdown, and finally a split, so that they forget who they are.

Therefore, for the **** Loki, all of you here do not have the deep hatred of Patton against Loki.

"But how are we going to New York?"

"Aren't there any ready-made means of transportation?"

Steve Rogers had seen the information of the two of them, and seeing their attitude so determined, there was no objection.

However, they had to solve the problem of transportation. Following the direction pointed out by Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers saw the air carrier.

The Kun fighters parked on the deck were not affected by the Kun fighters in the previous battle.

Fortunately, it survived and was placed on the deck, as if it was specially prepared for them.

"Am I going to drive this thing?"

There is a vehicle, so where is the pilot? The place they are going now is very dangerous. The general agents risk their lives and take them to New York?

"Captain, have you forgotten? As long as it is a means of transportation, just leave it to me~"

In contrast to combat, Natasha Romanov is either in front of Tony Stark in Mark's suit or in front of Thor, Prince of Asgard.

Even in front of Steve Rogers, he is not an opponent, but for the transportation Natasha Romanov, you can say something to everyone with a serious face:

‘All of you, just brother! ’

"Then what are you waiting for? Give you five minutes to get ready for our round on deck below!"

Finally I have a ‘reliable’ teammate, Steve Rogers, and feel that his youth seems to be back again.

A dazzling smile reappeared on his face. After 70 years, the smile is now reappearing in the world.


Natasha Romanov and Hawkeye Button left quickly and violently, meeting in their own room, and packing their own exclusive weapons.

This time, they faced five fleets of aliens, and one or two preparations were definitely not enough.

However, Steve Rogers does not need so many troublesome things, no matter who he is facing or how many people he is facing, he only needs to hold his shield in his hand~

Five minutes later, the Kun fighter jet parked on the deck of the air carrier took off without any order and headed for New York.

Director Hei La Dan with his hands on his back, standing in front of the window with a calm look, the Kun fighter jet drew an arc and disappeared in front.

"Boss~ they are leaving."

"Um~ I know~"

Director Hei La Dan, who couldn't see his expression, nodded flatly, Maria Hill still felt uneasy.

"But, they are facing the aliens of the five fleets, can they just rely on them?"

"They still have us, and we are their backing, giving orders to drive to New York at full speed."


Maria Hill saluted the director of the black marinated egg, but didn't know where the director of the black marinated egg came from her confidence?

Rely on the five of them? The opposite is not fifty kindergarten children, nor five hundred adults, but five fleets, fully armed aliens with unknown combat effectiveness!

"By the way, I just received a notice from the congressmen asking about the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and why we acted without their approval.

The lawmakers also knew that we were going to New York. In order not to cause panic, the lawmakers gave orders to die. Order our air carrier to stop outside the suburbs of New York. "

And just now, he was full of enthusiasm and confidently said that he was the deadly Steve Rocky, and the black braised egg chief with a solid backing, his face instantly collapsed...

Ma mess with Fak!

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