Two-dimensional System

Chapter 810: The correct way to open a ‘good’ friend!

From ancient times, if you know the Universe Cube in advance, things will happen within two years at most.

Uzumaki Goddai has already begun, strengthening the fighting ability against Wanda and Pilcher.

There is no doubt about the potential of the two of them. With the assistance of Xiaomo, there will never be a lack of unlimited possibilities for the use of skills.

Little Wanda and Pilcher lacked the proficiency of the skills and the effect that the skills can achieve, without an intuitive understanding.

In the past two years, the Uzumaki God Generation has been through the shadow clone, and then limited his strength, ability, and speed.

With no more than Wanda and Pilcher, the two of them have too much strength to constantly fight with them.

In the battle, with the strength of Xiao Wanda and Pilcher, the strength of the two will increase, and the shadow clone of Uzumaki God will also increase its'strength'.

However, in order not to discourage Xiao Wanda and Pilcher, the enthusiasm of the two people, after each time they work hard.

The Uzumaki Goddai will release the water'appropriately'. For example, if two people cooperate and use this world, few people can avoid it, or the power and effect are amazing enough.

The shadow avatar of the Uzumaki God Generation was embarrassed by this set of skills, there were three melees, and they all fought one-on-one.

It's not so much a three-person melee, it's a two-on-one fight. There is absolutely no hope for one fight.

This is also what Uzumaki Jindai did deliberately. It is easy to ask for one-on-one for the wool. Isn't it good for him to be able to hit one by two?

Also in one-on-one, Uzumaki Goddai will strike hard, no matter it is Wanda and Pilcher, Uzumaki Goddai will never show mercy.

This can not only hone their ability to be beaten, but also allow these two little guys to get rid of their previous bad ailments.

As long as you fight against the enemy, where can you manage so much?

Since the soft temptation, it is not accepting responsibility for one's own life, and war is not about raising goldfish.

It is required to confirm the number of enemies and the physical strength required to kill an enemy.

If the fighting power of the two sides is very different, then they will rush up and make a woolen thread. Why don't you just turn your head and run? What pose is standing there?

Want to wait for the enemy to take photos of you? So Uzumaki God's request is very strict, which is for the two of Wanda and Pilcher.

It's not just physical training, but also three-viewing habit and spiritual training.

As long as you are not dead, no matter how heavy an attack you receive, you are not allowed to fall.

If you fall, you will have no defensive ability. If you fall, it means you will hand over your own life to your enemy.

Don't be merciful to the enemy, it must be a big move!

Who said all the moves must be tried one at a time? Does anyone say that the first style is worse than the last one?

There is no strongest move in Uzumaki God. Only the most suitable moves.

As long as you can kill with one hit and quickly solve the enemy's tricks, they all belong to: big tricks!

Therefore, the two little ones, Wanda and Pilcher, have had a hard time in these two years.

During the time when they were educated by Uzumaki Kamiyo, both of them looked at Uzumaki Kamiyo with tenacity of fear, excitement, unwillingness and discomfort.

In short: complicated!

Uzumaki's teachings are absolutely correct, this can be seen from their feeling that they are getting stronger and stronger.

But there is another kind of illusion that they have not made the slightest progress.

But every time they felt like they were ordinary, Wanda Jr. and Pilcher played against each other, and Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch played against each other.

It also means that Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch are about to encounter misfortune.

Being able to withstand the pressure given by Uzumaki God, although it is very physical and mental exhaustion, but as long as it is over, it is definitely not just plain ordinary.

Use the state and strength strategy when fighting against Uzumaki God, against Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch.

Matt Murdoch’s muscles are of the beating type, and under Wanda’s fist, they are also very miserable.

And Peter Parker, who is much thinner and agile, even has spider-sensing. Being able to know in advance that the danger is coming, and the final fate compared with Matt Murdoch, can only be described as miserable.

Fortunately, there is the medical ninja master Uzumaki Jindai, otherwise, just after the battle every day.

The shameless Matt Murdoch, when Pete Parker comes home, the parents will definitely yell:

"Oh~mah~ whose child is this?"

Then, he didn't hesitate to pick up the phone and call the police. Within two years, Little Wanda Pilcher had a hard time, and the lives of Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch were absolutely miserable.

There is no worst, only worse. These four children know that they have no way out in this competition.

What is the best way to face fear? That is to beat it!

But what if you can't beat it? What should I do?

Little Wanda, Pilcher, Matt Murdoch, and Pete Parker came to the conclusion: Accept!

Take the pain you have endured. Between the four children, they all learned unreservedly: share!

Let the other party enjoy the pain of their own body, so the four little guys, when it comes to the battle, their eyes are red, no matter who you are.

He yelled, raised his small fists, and rushed towards each other.

What is a good friend? Isn't it someone who can help you when you are in trouble?

The four little guys can "help" each other to increase combat experience, and they can also "help" each other and share the "harm"~

Fortunately, it was the existence of Uzumaki Goddai, watching the battle of the four.

Fortunately, the place where the four people fought was spent a lot of shopping coins.

Inside the villa that has been remodeled by the system, otherwise, let alone any venue, it can withstand the scourge of four people.

The four people shot each other, but they were really merciless, and they started to die!

Of course, the four of them were still very ‘gentle’ at first, but they played black hands on each other when they were not paying attention.

It will only make the other person uncomfortable, not life-threatening.

However, under another accident, Pilcher could not hold back his speed, and almost smashed Pete Parker into sludge at the speed of sound, even after being blocked by Uzumaki Kamidai.


Anyway, there is the God of Uzumaki, why are they so ‘reserved’~

How about raising goldfish?

Severely injured the medical ninjutsu of Uzumaki Goddai, he will be killed in seconds, even if he is rescued.

The four little guys no longer have any scruples and hesitations in their hearts. Everyone is ‘good’ for good friends.

Let your friends know where the opponent’s weakness is. When fighting with the enemy outside, you will know how to protect your weakness~

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