Two-dimensional System

Chapter 434: Grinding feelings, Itachi Uchiha (five shift)

When they thought of a little guy in their heads, Uchihaban and Jue two couldn't help but a big drop of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Don't talk about them, they really ignored that little guy automatically.

The key is that the sense of existence of the little guy Uzumaki Goddai is really not very strong.

Especially on the road afterwards, Uzumaki Goddai has always been a good baby, who is interested in paying attention to Uzumaki Goddai?

What's more, Uchiha Ban Kazuzu, most of the energy of the two people, was used to fish in troubled waters, Uchiha Itachi.

But didn't expect that Uzumaki Goddai took this opportunity to do something for them?

So what about the Uzumaki God generation now? What did Uzumaki Kamdai do besides stun Uchiha Itachi?

Looking at Uchiha Itachi before, as soon as he woke up to kill, it was obvious that Uzumaki Kamdai had done something.

Inevitable, and absolutely not, anything good is right.

It's just that in this situation, Uchiha Ban and Jue two are absolutely absolute, except for giving a little guy a scapegoat.

They are happy to see that there is a crack between Uchiha Itachi and Payne.

This also eliminates the possibility of Uchiha Itachi being'poached' by Payne.

Of course, when necessary, Uchiha Ban and Jue two did not mind at all, digging a hole between Uchiha Itachi and Payne.

"Wait, we may know who the person you are talking about is."


Uchiha Itachi's brows clenched, and he was very concerned about Uchiha Ban Kazuzu, the person in the two populations.

Looking at the appearance of the two, it seems that they already know who they are referring to.

"Captain Payne has the younger brother, Uzumaki Goddai."

What! ?

Hearing Payne's brother, Uchiha Itachi's brows were still frowned.

But when he heard Uchiha's name, Uchiha's face changed completely.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's face changed, Uchiha Ban and Zuzuo looked at each other.

I just don't know, Uchiha Itachi is changing, whether it is good or bad.

The good thing is that Uchiha Itachi's expression finally changed. They spent so much effort, isn't it just for this moment?

They can also take the opportunity to'provoke' the relationship between Uchiha Itachi and Payne.

But then, what the **** is the silly expression on Uchiha Itachi?

Can this not be allowed, doesn't Itachi Uchiha care?

When Uchiha Itachi heard this name, a figure appeared in his mind involuntarily.

That figure can walk on the road by himself, throw himself a flat ground.

Also, the scene of lifting it up by myself, and the scene of bringing it into the home by myself.

Also, in order to give that person, collect information about the people in the family...

that person? What is his name?

"My name is Shindai, how about you?"

"God generation?"


What the Uchiha class said, Penn’s younger brother Uzumaki Kamdai, would he be the one in his mind?

A few years ago, Jindai disappeared inexplicably, and if I left it to Izumi Uchiha, he would just go out to gather.

And this is the news that Uchiha Itachi will be able to arrive later.

It's just that it's gone, the guy from the Wujin squadron, who is called Uzumaki Goddai?

Was this whirlpool **** generation the **** generation when it was his own person?

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's expression, Uchiha Banwa thought that his previous efforts worked.

Then there was no trace, and continued to add firewood and fire.

"Then Mr. Itachi, you don't really need to be sad, the guy Uzumaki Jindai, just joined not long ago. When we talked to you before, that guy is no longer, so I don't know what happened to you and your parents."

"Yes, in fact, Uzumaki Goddai also thinks that he helped you in disguise, so that you can avoid killing yourself, the guilt of your parents~"

Uchiha Itachi: .....

Hearing this about his parents, Uchiha Itachi raised his head and looked at Uchiha Ban and Zuzu with profound meaning.

In the end, Uchiha Itachi also seemed to be under Uchiha's class and Zutsu, the faces of the two and "persuade".

Nodded, it seemed that he had figured it out, and forgave Uzumaki Jindai, but there was such an episode.

Nobody else cares, for them.

Uchiha Itachi's parents were the ones who were going to die. Whose hands were these dead?

Perhaps it's not a bad thing to die in the hands of Uzumaki Goddai?

"But what about Uzumaki Goddai? Why didn't you see the figure of that kid?"

"That kid was killed, Mr. Itachi's parents, I can't see that there are two brushes."

Looking at the dried persimmon ghost shark and someone who doesn't know the details of the Uzumaki gods, Akatsuki members.

He was ridiculing coldly, not caring at all, the way Payne was there.

: Maybe, I found out that the person I killed was Mr. Itachi's parents, who had escaped early~"

Dry persimmon ghost shark resisted shark muscle on his shoulders, only Feiduan and Loquat Juzo, these two people knew that Uzumaki God was terrifying.

Silently and sadly glanced at the dried persimmon ghost shark, Da She Maru's eyes revealed weird thoughts.

Wandering back and forth between the dried persimmon ghost shark, Uchiha class, and a few people. "

"However, Itachi-kun's parents are too good for Shinobu? Uzumaki Kaminyo didn't notice that the kid still has two brushes. Even Uchiha Shinobu, who has a writing wheel, can handle it so easily."

is not that right?

Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha, also got it done~

Uchiha Ban, couldn't help but roll his eyes straight, and both of them couldn't help but vomit in their hearts.

What is even more curious is how the Uzumaki Goddai, with two corpses, ‘slid’ away under their full-bodied eyelids?

‘And this kid, let’s go, why do you want to take the body of Uchiha Itachi’s parents? ’

Uchiha Itachi, who looked blank and was waiting for his brother, Sasuke Uchiha, to return home from school.

The little friends are now, and the members of Akatsuki's organization who are watching the show can't help but look at their tongues.

Uchiha Itachi is indeed a ruthless man, and he is ruthless to himself and his family.

Even if I have only one, the 4-5 year old brother will not let it go?

Everyone looked at Uchiha Itachi and released their own kaleidoscope to write round eyes, under their witness.

After performing a show, what is a "pro" brother, using a month of no mercy, broke the spirit of his brother Uchiha Sasuke.

If this is an average child, it would really be a waste~

However, everyone only knew that Uchiha Itachi spent a month on his brother, Uchiha Sasuke.

But I don't know, Uchiha Itachi is right, and the monthly amount Sasuke Uchiha uses is just to what extent.

Uchiha Itachi, who gave his own brother a month, turned around and ran with a really exciting look.

The members of the All Knowing Organization also looked at each other, and they had the urge to come forward and interview Uchiha Itachi.

But looking at it, the cold-hearted Uchiha Itachi that is not easy to provoke.

All the people who were going to step forward and inquired about Uchiha Itachi's thoughts, shuddered together to dispel the thoughts~

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