Two-dimensional System

Chapter 255: war!


Is this young girl worried even in the most dangerous time?

Heh, what a kind-hearted and stupid girl, the little beast sneered and didn't speak, Uzumaki Goddai dodged the falling rocks while holding Honoka in his arms.

"It's coming."

At this moment, the little beast suddenly reminded that Uzumaki Goddai tilted his head to see the tongue that was attacking him behind him?

"Cooperate with me."

Without being able to completely control his body, Uzumaki Goddai Goddai did not dare to jump in space, fearing that he would complete himself in half.

"Qi~ trouble."

The little beast dismissed it but knew that if the two of them wanted not to be eaten by the guy behind them, it was best not to mess around at this time.

Feeling his body lightened, Uzumaki Kamdai smiled, dodge the attack from the giant insect in a more relaxed sense.

However, the attack that passed by this ear was still stimulating Honoka's screams again and again.


"It's noisy, can you shut up?"

"Hug... sorry..."

Suinaigo held her arms tightly around the neck of the small beast Uzumaki Goddai, and hid her head like an ostrich when she heard the words of the small beast.

boom! boom!

Once again, rotating 360 degrees in the air, avoiding the attack of the small whirlpool **** beast, rubbing its feet against the giant insect's arms and jumping high.

"If this goes on, it's almost endless, let's solve him quickly."

It makes the little beast very uncomfortable to hide so uselessly. Isn't this just a bigger bug?

Uzumaki Jindai glanced coldly at the giant insects that were chasing them, knowing in his heart that ordinary ninjutsu would not work for him, but instead would become his food and be absorbed by him.

Ignoring the screaming little beast, Uzumaki Goddai looked down at Honoka and asked.

"What did you add to this monster?"


Honoka blinked her eyes, unable to comprehend the meaning of Uzumaki God for a while, and the little beast cut his voice unhappy.

He was also very curious in his heart, so he didn't say anything to satirize Uzumaki Kamdai.

"This big bug was synthesized by you, don't you know that you added those strange things to this bug's body?"

After saying that, Honoka understood, she frowned in her head, and began to recall the information of this big bug.

"There are many, in order to meet the requirements of the water country, the adults have used the most ferocious poisonous insects and the cells of the beasts."

Sure enough.

"You adults, you really do not live or die."

For some reason, Xiao Beast sneered and sneered.

Hui Nauguo rolled her eyes cutely, and didn't care about this little beast that even didn't let go of the irony.

Honoka is very aggrieved, because these are things decided by adults. What qualifications and reasons does she have to stop them?

Even at that time, Honoka tried to persuade him again and again, but that couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the adults.

That is a passion for power, and a yearning to strengthen oneself. With the psychic beast, they don't need it in the sea country, and continue to hire ninjas from the water country.

They can rely on this technology to continuously create their own ultimate power.

If this force takes shape, I am afraid that the ambitions of the entire Sea Country will also grow and grow, and at that time they will no longer be content to stay on these four small islands.

Expansion, greater war will gradually come, but these are too far away for them.

Everyone did not say it tacitly, but they knew that this was the ideal they yearned for in the future.

Perhaps the adults, the original intention of creating this monster, violated peace and kindness.

In response, this also led to this monster being too powerful at the same time. The character of this monster is also brutal to the point of inhumanity.

"What should we do now?"

Seeing Honoko lowered her head in sorrow and did not speak, the little beast asked in an angry voice, as if she was asking Honoko.

But the main thing was asking how Uzumaki Goddai wanted to solve it, after all, the two of them wanted to fight and the other wanted to escape.

Then both of them will be pitted to death here, and once again dodge the monster's attack, Uzumaki Goddai holds Honoka and slides to the entrance of the cave.

Putting Honoka down to protect her behind, the whirlpool looked dignifiedly.

Because they couldn't attack them, they changed the target and continued to eat away, the adults who created it.

"You can't let it go. Things can absorb what he eats. If the original ability is left alone, no one knows how far he will grow."

"Ho **** ~ good point, this little beast has changed you a lot, and thought you were ready to escape."

Facing the cold wave of the little beast, Uzumaki Goddai cast an angry glance.

"Fighting also depends on what the situation is, okay, when did I counsel it? I just don't want to waste energy."

"Huh! No matter, if you attack, I must come."

Are there any more willful requirements?

Uzumaki Goddai knew that he could not refuse, and there was no way to take the little beast, and he sighed helplessly.

"Okay, but you have to stop in moderation, absolutely not to mess around."

The little beast just smiled colder, the lavender pupils staring at the monster in front of him.

Uzumaki Goddai and Little Beast completed the preliminary coordination, and she was stunned by seeing the Honoka behind him.

"Wait, are you going to fight it? No, you can't fight it..."

Honoka was already full of psychological shadows on the monster in front of him, and the area of ​​psychological shadows quickly expanded to beyond the level of the Water Country.

"pull up!"


As a result, it was naturally impossible for Little Beast to follow Honoka's suggestion, and Matt Dai Little Beast, who looked like a **** of war, had never counseled.

Even if his power is lost now, this body is still unhealed, but his natural character dictates it.

Faced with such an interesting thing, how could you let it go?

He didn't even say hello, and it didn't matter whether Uzumaki Goddai was as good as he said.

These little beasts can't bear it anymore, so they still care about so many things.


The little beast's heavy fists hit the giant insect's face, and the nutrient solution in the pond where the big insect was swayed.

Cracks began to appear in the huge pool, it seemed that such a sneak attack on the little beast destroyed his'bed'.

With a huge insect facing Uzumaki Goddai and Little Beast, their anger reached their peak.

As a result, all kinds of Lei Dun and Huo Dun all fell on the heads of the two small beasts.

Even where the small beast of the vortex **** is standing, there are constantly pouring soil thorns, and they want to pierce the two of the small beast of the vortex god.

boom! boom! boom!

"Haha! Really enjoyable! Come again!"

Facing the thunder escape and fire escape that are flying towards him, the little beast advances instead of hiding.

Above the fist, there was a lavender mysterious chakra, punch after punch with his own fist, forcibly dispersing these fireballs and lightning.

If you like the Diaomin system of the second element, please collect it: ( The literature of the Diaomin system of the second element has the fastest update speed.

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