Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1158: Can't speak

Subordinates are so motivated and self-confident that Uzumaki Kandai, who is the boss, will naturally not hold back his subordinates. Moreover, for the sake of his boss, the lovely subordinates who are in that world may not be able to find them even with lanterns~

Through the narration of the superstar lady, Uzumaki Kamdai also knew the reason why Bruce Banner and Eagle Eye Button suddenly jumped in front of him.

Feelings are the attention of General Rose in his vest. He wants to dominate Bruce Banner. However, he is not careful while being rejected, and provokes the superstar lady.

The superstar lady was after she knew the true identity of her waistcoat for the first time when her mental power fell on her.

He rose in anger, and directly shook off the ‘surveillance’ of Bruce Banner Green Fatty, and Hawkeye Button, to find trouble with General Rose.

And Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button, these two guys are just in order that General Rose will not be killed by the superstar lady, and let the food critics who have something to do with this matter come forward to stop the superstar lady, who is cute Kills General Ross?

Even at the corner of Uzumaki's mouth, there was already an unbearable smile, and the smile was very indifferent but with a proud pride.

Uzumaki God is proud that he has such a subordinate, and this also makes Uzumaki Godji begin to doubt that the superstar lady is such an excellent subordinate. What exactly did Thanos do, something that hurts the world, and made this superstar young lady kick it?

In short, the current Uzumaki God Generation has experienced the happiness of a subordinate who is capable and can save himself. Is this the feeling of being pampered by subordinates? Love love~

If you really want to let Uzumaki God use a sentence to describe the mood of Uzumaki God at this time, then this sentence Uzumaki Goddai would like to say: There are such subordinates, please don't pity me, please give me a dozen~

At the same time, Uzumaki Goddai's eyes narrowed, his subordinates are so cute, they must not be hurt by the fat red man in front of them, even if they lose a single hair, Uzumaki Goddai will be extremely heartbroken.

The originally random Uzumaki God Generation had a twelve-point spirit. If his lovely subordinates are really, if they are accidentally attacked, they can stop them for the first time.

During the ‘communication’ between Uzumaki Goddai and the superstar lady, Maria Hill and General Red Fatty Rose’s ‘talk’ ended in an unscrupulous manner in the end.

The gaze of General Red Fatty Rose just moved away from Maria Hill. He has no interest in this woman except for the secret accident of S.H.I.E.L.D. General Rose in this woman's brain.

To waste time on this woman, it is better to follow the woman and say a few words about the food critic who has been thinking about it for a long time. If you can persuade food critics to become your own subordinates and do things for yourself, then all the worries of meeting an assassin today or having a bad start can be eliminated.

"Boy, I am General Rose, follow me to do great things together~ Follow this woman next to you, she has no future at all, do you see my current strength? As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, we will have it, The power that the entire world must submit to!"

After seeing the food critics, General Red Fatty Ross couldn't help throwing his olive branch at the food critics. As well as my own vision of the future, in short, in front of food critics, packaging myself is a big ambition. And you need to be powerful, rich and rich to be effective, and you can never find a good boss with a lantern.

I'm sorry that the fat red man's voice was buzzing, and the echo effect of this house was good, Uzumaki Kamiyo did not hear clearly what this guy said.

But roughly, I understand what Fatty Red means to himself, that is, General Ross is invincible, he is very good and has potential.

Let yourself follow the other party, and the other party will bring yourself to show up and fly out of outer space~ And beside me, a woman like Maria Hill, as long as the Uzumaki Goddai wants it, she definitely has everything.

However, this sentence seemed to offend Maria Hill, who was next to Uzumaki Goddai. This sentence had previously been used for General Rose and Uzumaki Goddai's solicitation.

Maria Hill hugged her arms, and she dismissed the corners of her mouth and waited for General Rose to eat shit. If General Rose were to know the true identity of the **** in front of him, what kind of expression would he look like when he couldn't provoke Kandai Uzumaki?

But it didn't take long to watch the play, Maria Hill felt the harm from the indiscriminate attack of General Rose's map gun.

Good guy, you describe yourself as the greatest boss in the sky and the earth, but what are you doing with my mother?

Of course, Uzumaki Jindai was also a little dumbfounded. Does this guy know what else he is talking about? You are ashamed to show off in front of me as you are now? Why do you want to become a fat man like you?

Uzumaki Goddai looked disdainful and disdainful for the first time, triumphant at General Rose, and looked complacent about where his tail was going. Fatty Red General Rose expressed his rejection.

Because, Uzumaki Goddai dared to swear, if he really listened to General Ross's nonsense. Accepting General Rose’s proposal, it became like Bruce Banner and General Rose, with a unique personality color "Fatty".

Then, if you go back to the ninja world, let alone Uzumaki Nagato will treat yourself as a different kind, the kind of ghost upper body will destroy him.

Xiao Nan is definitely the first one to destroy himself humanely. There is absolutely no room for negotiation.

Still want to go back? What did you marry Miss Xiaonan? Haha~ Are you dreaming?

Looking at General Ross, who was disgusted by him and didn't know it, Uzumaki Goddai's face turned dark, and he no longer wanted to maintain his vest.


After a while of white fog, the food critic's vest disappeared, and the noise made the eloquent, eloquent General Ross look like a ghost.

"Stop! Stop! The superstar will give me this, kill this girl, I want this guy forever, can't open the "chamber"."

"It's the master!"

Turned back to Uzumaki Goddai large, Uzumaki Goddai did not conceal himself at all, and was ‘disgusted’ by General Rose Fatty Red.

No longer in the spiritual world, talking to the superstar lady, and directly speaking is to kill General Rose.

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