Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1137: When can the tool man stand up?

Maria Hill was a little too dare to look directly into the eyes of food critics, or she didn't expect food critics to be. Did you really listen to her and just let Hawkeye Button go?

Looking at Hawkeye Button's face again, as an excellent agent, Maria Hill has naturally studied medicine. Seeing Hawkeye Button look like this, let alone survive until the rescuers arrive, even if Hawkeye Button climbs from here to the door of the rescue team, there is nothing wrong, right?

The key is that this person is still a disgusting person, he clearly has nothing to do, but still makes such a scream, which makes Maria Hill think that this is the unreality of Hawkeye Button.

This makes me think, what will food critics do to Hawkeye Button~ This is why Maria Hill is afraid to look directly into the eyes of food critics.

No way, his teammates are really troublesome, but the key is that Hawkeye Button is ashamed of his thief. The shame is not only thrown in front of food critics, but also in front of so many people.

In the headset that Maria Hill was carrying, someone had already notified Maria Hill of what happened in the entire town, as well as her and the food critics from beginning to end.

From Elemental Water Elemental, Mystery Guest, Super Viral Spider-Man, the three-party warfare has begun, and they are broadcast live in real time and their ratings are still very high.

Not only platforms, many people also edited her, food critics, and the two of them to fight with others into a video, which was broadcast on major platforms around the world.

In a word, the food critic and Maria Hill, as well as Mystery, Super Viral Spider-Man, Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner, etc., these miscellaneous "good things" are almost the same. Everyone in the world knows it.

As long as there are shopping mall buildings with screens on the street, the food critics are playing before and after the battles, whether it is against super virus spiders, that puzzling battle.

Later, food critics manipulated tens of thousands of soldiers, letting them perform various funny movements and macro dynamic patterns.

These are incomparably clear. The "cruel" of food critics is described from the side. The heart of food critics is actually quite cute.

Although, the food critics at the time, in the eyes of people all over the world, this is an extremely evil super villain.

But just because the food critics didn’t do anything to kill anyone (especially the students who got up from the ground and scratching their heads later.), all of these were originally on the death list, but just Because these people are still alive.

People all over the world have seen that the food critic, the super villain, is unique, or that this villain is pure, full of ‘bad taste’.

But the illusion ability of food critics, and the power of food critics, are already known by the whole world. Surprisingly, the super villain of food critics is full of fans in the whole world.

Especially the food critic who doesn't kill people, this super villain is really, how to say? Whether it is charm or, the food critic is full of mystery.

Those are the blades of ruthlessly harvesting fans, and seeing the traffic stars are all different, gritted their teeth. I can’t wait to bite and tear the food critics to death, so that I can accept the world instead of food critics, which is the ‘adoration’ of hundreds of millions of people.

"Tsk tut tut~ This guy is called a food critic? Any villain can be regarded as such. From a certain point of view, in these short hours, this guy has won something that some people would never want for a lifetime. Success..."

Many celebrities also want to join in the fun, targeting food critics and food critics in just a few hours. What happened gave high marks.

Of course, some people are clamoring that food critics are the restless elements who endanger the world of social crisis, for the existence of food critics.

The people of the whole world are still major powers, and they should not relax their vigilance, or that food critics have any ulterior motives. Food critics should be dealt with publicly. It is the responsibility for the safety of the lives of countless people in this world and the entire world.

Let it go, the food critics are so carefree. Isn't this putting the whole world in danger at any time? Look at the tens of thousands of soldiers controlled by food critics, and look at Bruce Banner, the fat green man controlled by food critics.

Therefore, they should act decisively now and don't feel sorry for the sacrifices of the two superheroes Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button. Don't do the same because of the lives of the tens of thousands of soldiers in the town and the lives of the few students.

Just let go of the scourge of food critics so easily. They should let the food critics disappear with the whole town.

Most of the people who lack a sense of security in their hearts, or those who have other purposes for food critics, are proposing to implement the most severe and powerful'he'ping baptism' for the entire town where the food critics are located. .

Anyway, if food critics do not die, at least two-thirds of the people in this world cannot sleep. No one wants to be in oneself, worry about oneself all the time at a certain time, will they be controlled by food critics somehow.

And after taking control, do some inexplicable things. Look at the place on the live screen. The tens of thousands of soldiers who seem to have disappeared, and behind the food critic, are like a big pillar without feelings and being criticized by food. After home control, the fat green man Bruce Banner stood stupidly.

Look at this poor fat green Bruce Banner, who still has **** wounds on his body. These are all because of food critics. ‘Roughly’ controlled Bruce Banner, and went to take advantage of Hawkeye’s attack.

In other words, it means that a food critic is just one. Doesn't the tool person have human rights if he doesn't speak martial arts? When can the tool man stand up?

When the whole world is here, talking about the power of food critics, and talking about the villain’s ‘kindness’, who is it? Tools that have been destroyed and injured, can people say a fair word?

Yes, food critics don't kill people, but none of the tools in this guy's hands are good.

Becoming a food critic, you don’t have any tools in your hands. The safety factor is just that you don’t have to die...

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