Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1124: Reverse? Whitewash?

What Zhou knows is that the reason why Maria Hill was able to kill the mysterious guest was because the mysterious guest was ‘controlled’ by the illusion of food critics.

Then she stayed in place stupidly, and was hit by Maria Hill's energy weapon, and even the scum was not left. So if you say that there are no food critics who kill people, you want to talk about the innocent middle school students who were killed by food critics not long ago?

Look at the footage in the live broadcast room. I didn't see these middle school students who were lying on the ground. They all started to touch their heads and get up, okay?

Look at these guys yawning, or shaking their heads, looking at what happened. Middle school students who seem to know nothing about what happened before.

Are you sure that the food critics killed these middle schools, not the food critics. Seeing that these middle school students are under too much pressure to study, so use illusions to help these middle school students to supplement their sleep?

Looking at each and every, confused and ignorant faces, dare you say that these guys are ‘nightmare’ after being hypnotized by food critics by ‘illusionism’? If the food critic, use his illusion skills to open a sleep quality assurance shop in New York, no matter what the world is, and what address it is.

I'm afraid that orders, or business, surpass the richest man in the world now, Mr. Tony Stark, right? In the whole world, how many people can't sleep every day, and those who work too much because of stress, who can't sleep well and rest well?

And the ‘quality’ effect of food critics can be put in a live advertisement here in front of so many people. Who dares to say that the ‘treatment’ of food critics is fake?

Those who watched the live broadcast unknowingly started to envy and hate the middle school students who were there. Why doesn't such a high-quality service happen to them? And forgot that before that, looking at these middle school students, the students who fell down like corpses in fear, were not like them.

The people sitting in front of the video screen scratched their confused little heads. Are there really so many mysterious operations now? Day by day, the villain does not look like the villain, and the decency does not look like the decency.

Can you do less operations? Their heads are very simple, there is really no way, they can immediately appreciate the psychological journey of heroes at any time.

Since this guy is not, if he kills these students, why did food critics do it before?

All of them looked at not far away, standing still looking at their classmates. Standing up with doubts, it seems that I can’t believe the Super Virus Little Spider-Man who has stiffened his body. Then all the mysteries come to the Super Virus Little Spider-Man. It seems that the case has been solved~

There is only one truth. The food critics did this just to anger the super virus little Spider-Man?

Everyone:? ? ?

Do food critics eat too much? Thinking back to Maria Hill, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was regarded as a bad woman by them. It seems that more than once, have you ‘reminded’ food critics at a critical time?

Right, right, every time when food critics have to make a big deal, including when they think that food critics are going to kill these students. This woman Maria Hill has spoken.

Is it possible that Maria Hill, a bad woman, didn't speak before that, because she wanted to remind food critics to do that, but to prevent the food Pinglu family from making too much effort?

Then, the case is clear and solved, which is why there are so many opportunities. The super virus little Spider-Man, then fights with food critics, is abused and turned into a dog at any time. Food critics have a chance to kill the Super Virus Little Spider-Man scene.

The food critics did not stay stubbornly, after everyone thought the food critics killed these students. They vaguely remembered that the Super Virus Little Spider-Man, who was already crumbling and about to be unable to support, stood up again as if he had been beaten with blood.

So, the food critic, you villain, the reason why you do so many things is just to inspire the super virus little Spider-Man?

As for the tens of thousands of innocent soldiers, there is nothing left to say. They all know that these tens of thousands of soldiers have come to arrest food critics. Both sides really are, either you die or I die. Food critics obviously have the opportunity to control these tens of thousands of soldiers, and let these tens of thousands of soldiers pull out their sabers from their thighs and touch their necks collectively.

But food critics didn't do that either. Food critics did a little bit more aggressively, causing all these tens of thousands of soldiers to be scrapped. Naturally, there is no kindness, but at least the food critics are killers when both sides are ready to fight bayonet.

From the beginning to the end, the food critic, this all-wicked villain, didn't even kill a single person? This...make woolen yarn!

Who is the real villain? Is it possible that a food critic is still a good person? All the people who realized something, the corners of their mouths twitched. They had never seen such a good acting person.

What they can see is definitely the live broadcast? Instead of the latest blockbuster release of the year? Can this reversal still be white? Everyone snapped a bite of the popcorn fished out of the paper bucket in their arms.

Um~ fragrant~ cool!

This is indeed deeper than the previous blockbuster movies they have seen, and it is exciting enough to make people appetite.

So now the food critic and Maria Hill, these two villains... uh... what will the ‘bad guys’ who don’t look like villains do?


What everyone didn't know was that Maria Hill was greatly relieved when everyone thought it was a reversal. She doesn't know what villain is decent. What Maria Hill knows is a food critic, but she doesn't necessarily listen to her advice.

Whether to kill Hawkeye Button is not the final decision, but the food critic. Looking at these certain soldiers, Maria Hill said not to kill each other, but she never said that they would be abolished.

Maria Hill also knew that the ‘bad guy’ in front of her could understand what she meant, but she did it the same way.

When looking at the food critic who expressed her innocence to herself, Maria Hill's heart was overwhelming, and this was calming down.

Glancing angrily at the food critic, this guy wants to be so innocent and honest.

So now, it won’t be like this anymore. Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button are obviously able to use his ‘illusion’ to subdue them at the same time...

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