Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1093: The most real fat green

But whenever human civilization has developed to the point where it is today, I am afraid that there is no such person who would have no feeling of being "naked" under other people's eyelids.

Just because I was in the realm of the Uzumaki Goddai, I felt that I had no "secrets" at all, and the awkward little green fat Bruce Banner in his heart. This is the only way for the senses of the Uzumaki God to be so deep and fresh in the memory that the Uzumaki God to use the transformation technique, from the Uzumaki God to become another person with no flaws or problems.

But it was still ‘recognized’ by Bruce Banner, the fat green man, not only because of the superstar lady whose personality has changed drastically when mixed with food critics.

The main reason is that Bruce Banner, the fat green man, believes in himself, and when he meets Uzumaki Goddai, he feels "uneasy" and insecure in his heart.

Compared with the logical clues, it is still in Hawkeye Button’s mouth that Bruce Banner, who mentioned the evidence, is more willing to believe in his intuition and senses.

Believing that there is nothing wrong with his senses, his second personality at the beginning was Hulk, which was the ‘switch’ that he could not control his power at the beginning.

It was because of his senses that he didn't forcibly come out to fight with Thanos when he fell on the small broken ball after that, saving his useful body.

After all, Thanos came too suddenly, and many people believed that Hulk and Bruce Banner were actually two souls in one body.

Actually otherwise, Hulk should belong to Bruce Banner, and the second personality is right. The birth of this personality stems from the powerful energy brought to Bruce Banner by serum and gamma rays.

Bruce Banner's serum was born from the blood of Steve Rogers, the Captain America serum. Although it is inversely derived.

But it also retains a large part of the characteristics of the captain's serum, that is, while bringing power to the transformation, it also magnifies and uses the personality of the person. The good is the better, the bad the worse, and the selfish the more selfish.

As an honest man, Bruce Banner, how could he be an opponent of General Rose at the time? It is estimated that the man in General Ross, who was in a daze under the coercion and flicker, got on the thief ship of General Ross.

When you realize what you are about to face, you said that there is no unwillingness and anger in Bruce Banner's heart?

But where is the energy for nothing in the world? Even if Steve Rogers succeeded, even if he was very weak at the time, anyone could bully a small man.

However, when he was undergoing experiments, he also received rigorous training. At the same time, Captain America Steve Rogers, what is powerful is never his energy, but his tenacity!

Steve Rogers relied on his strong willpower to control the sudden increase in power, and what is Bruce Banner? When cooperating with the experiment, it was just one, without any foundation and no training, just a doctor of ‘ordinary people’.

The only difference from others is that Bruce Banner has a few more PhD certificates than others. Just a doctor, does he have the willpower of Steve Rogers?

No, so Bruce Banner can’t control that powerful energy, coupled with Captain America’s serum and Bruce Banner’s subconscious desire to survive, this sudden intrusion of energy subconsciously turned on a “switch”. .

And this switch is: Hulk!

Therefore, these energies are Bruce Banner's, but their own sense of protection, coupled with the sense of resistance in the heart against the power.

These energies are suppressed somewhere, and usually can't be displayed, until Bruce Banner is in danger and subconsciously ‘needs’ these powers, the Hulk switch will be turned on.

The sudden arrival of these energies caught Bruce Banner off guard. Humans could not control it, so Hulk has always been the ‘switch’. After opening, they are not controlled by Bruce Banner.

Until later, as Bruce Banner became familiar with himself and his own power, he became familiar with the switch of ‘Hulk’ and then accepted.

Finally, Bruce Banner was able to slightly control these sudden forces, for example, at the beginning. After Bruce Banner turned on the switch, he knew no one, only Betty.

Later, after I met Natasha Romanov, perhaps it was not just Natasha Romanov who influenced Hulk, but Natasha Romanov, a woman who was not very repulsive to him and willing to accept him. , Bruce Banner also'sees' in the eyes.

So when Bruce Banner once again, after the defeat of Captain Thanos, Hulk will disappear inexplicably.

It's not that Bruce Banner killed Hulk, but after such a long time of experience, Bruce Banner has probably been able to manage his power freely, and the same is in my heart. Accepted his original'power'.

Therefore, the Hulk at that time was no longer necessary as a power switch. Bruce Banner once again entered the laboratory and irradiated himself with more powerful gamma rays, just to fully stimulate himself. And strengthen your own strength.

Let this power ‘overflow’ out, and the whole body is filled with the energy of the fat green man, and the ‘switch’ of Hulk is no longer needed~

So, this is the difference between Bruce Banner and the average person Hawkeye Button. If it's observing ability, Hawkeye Button definitely missed Bruce Banner how many streets.

But in terms of the ability to perceive danger, Bruce Banner knew that he was not the opponent of the Ebony Throat and the tall dwarf, so coupled with the strongest Thor in his heart, he failed. He is even more "fear" and afraid to fight.

After all, Bruce Banner was not from the beginning, as a qualified warrior, the Avengers joined but only one, with sudden explosive power, has been crushing the enemy without encountering opponents and setbacks. 'That's it.

So, why was Bruce Banner at that time just a soy sauce? Because Bruce Banner was in a panic at the time, no one left him time to think about it.

Until Thanos fulfilled his wish to leave, Bruce Banner finally had time to calm down and think. At the same time, he also knew that he was not strong enough and he needed strength.

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