Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1065: ask me? You shouldn't ask me

In fact, to be honest, Bruce Banner has nothing to do with Bruce Banner. But often things are wrong, not as simple as we seem, and behind this simple thing is a mess of chaos.

What did the alien superstar lady just say? General Rose not only used Captain America serum, but also used the Hulk serum, coupled with gamma rays, turned himself into another ‘Hulk’.

I'm sorry, because General Rose has been hiding well so far, and he hasn't revealed his original giant appearance. As for what color giant General Ross is, Hawkeye Button and others still don't know, but these are not the most critical ones.

The key is that General Rose, not only transformed himself, made himself a ‘Hulk’, is this guy planning to attack the Avengers?

Kill them all at once and let the Avengers become the tool in General Rose's hands? If it is said that there is no such news, then listening to the reprimand and education on the phone, then Hawkeye Button will still think that this tone has an inexplicable voice in General Ross.

In fact, it's not just one, but the lonely old man is as simple as "brain disability". Now General Ross has reshaped Hawkeye Button's three views.

This is an old mille, isn't it when you listen carefully in the old guy's tone? correct.

Hawkeye Button was here, and in General Rose's tone, he heard the strong educational smell. It felt like the Hulk Bruce Banner, an old father who hated iron and steel, was educating his own son.

Thinking about it this way, Hawkeye Button shuddered again for no reason. Can this make people heal? This General Ross has not yet implemented his impure purpose, has made the entire Avengers his private property? Think of the Hulk Bruce Banner as his ‘son’ and start ‘training’?

Medicine life!

Look at our poor child, Bruce Banner, who is sitting across from him, is angry at the incompetence of his mobile phone, as if someone did something wrong and was caught by his old father, and then he was stiff and mean. The old father who is too rigid to be flexible and can't keep up with the trend is the same as the "son" who has been intensively educated~

Wait...Why do I have such a strange and terrible idea myself? Stop it! Can't think about it anymore.

Wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead, looking at the alien superstar lady who is trying to control herself in front of her, and her facial muscles don't let herself lose control.

Hawkeye Button's face turned dark, oh oh~ it's over! Can this make people "YY" well? No, that can’t be regarded as ‘YY’ either. This is obviously a very normal logical derivation~

But the result is that Hawkeye Button felt that he was like a woman with a special hobby. He happened to look for a mirror when he was wearing a certain set of girls' clothes in an interview one day.

The key is here. Hawkeye Button looked at the beautiful and cute clothes, was very satisfied and even fell in love with him. In the mirror, he was beautiful and cute~.

As a result, he turned around happily because he thought that no one would notice these actions and behaviors. I am going to change back to my male body fan, and I plan to pick a good day with no one another day, and try it out when I wear it, or try another look or style.

As soon as I turned around, I just saw a girl standing in front of me with a smile. Tell yourself with a silent smile, what he just did, she saw everything in his eyes?

That's it!

Hawkeye Button's face is very bad, his gloomy face is very heavy, and the station is still pitiful and sympathetic just now, the little brother Bruce Banner next to him.

The result is unhappy, who has God spared? This is not ~ I was still doing it just now, Bruce Banner observed silently, but he accidentally fell into the gutter by the side of the road.

Looking at Bruce Banner, who was ashamed and annoyed, but didn't know anything and didn't know anything. Hawkeye Button is called an indescribable, envious, jealous and hateful~ Sure enough, sometimes, knowing too much is of no benefit, or it is better to know nothing.

In this case, there will be no burdens, no pressure, and no random thinking...

‘Then what? What should we do now? ’

At this moment, Hawkeye Button was a little upset. It was clear that Thanos, the last boss who stood in front of all the creatures, was dead. The entire universe is peaceful.

Originally thought that if there is nothing on his own, the retired Hawkeye Button can be perfectly retired. In the end, he was unlucky to find out. How could this make him feel relieved?

Hawkeye Button only thought of one thing now, which was to slam his bow to the ground fiercely, and then stepped on a few feet fiercely.

Then she asked aloud: Do you want people to retire? Did you let people live their lives?

He wants to accompany his lovely daughter, teach him how to play baseball with his son, and raise a golden retriever to enjoy retirement.

Everyone who dances on the tip of a knife very much cherishes the hard-won peace and harmony, as well as the company of his family.

The motivation and belief that supported Hawkeye Button to survive in countless missions is also the reason why Hawkeye Button must persist in living anyway.

He can't let his children lose their own father at a young age.

‘Are you asking me? In other words, you really shouldn't ask me, first of all I am not a person in your world. Secondly, I am just a person who collects computer intelligence. ’

Hawkeye Button once again had nothing to say, the woman in front of him was very evil, lit a fire and ran away.

Of course, while Hawkeye Button frowned, he also saw the alien superstar lady who generally existed in front of him.

It's not as perfect as what he had seen before, at least this little alien sister, it seems like she said, is not very good at making decisions?

Or is this the habit of working with Miss Alien and working beside Thanos?

Think about it, the existence of Thanos is equivalent to the emperor in ancient times. Where can the people under his men dare to have any ideas of their own?

Their existence is to cater to the idea of ​​Thanos, and only such subordinates have the value of existence.

Those who have their own ideas no longer exist, and it is impossible for them to stay for a long time.

Slowly, it took shape. Miss Sister only needed to hand over all the information she collected to Thanos, and then Thanos would make a decision. This was their survival mode.

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