Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1055: All on the first frame


"These disgusting guys, really **** it!"

Seeing the troops that Landing arrived one after another, the scene became lively again, and the general who was preparing to issue orders for his soldiers and attacking the food critic and Maria Hill also stiffened.

This kind of situation that I least want to see was finally hit by them. Then it is hard to say who the food critic and Maria Hill belong to in the end~

As long as those who dare to come, no one will take the initiative to back down. Of course, they don't want to act with the other party in the first place, no matter which party is the first to act, the one who loses first is always the one who loses first.

Because, in the face of each other's strengths and similarities, there is no doubt that the last person to join the battle is the most advantageous.

Just wait for the other party to fight the other forces, and they can just come out to pick up the fruit.

Everyone knows this kind of thing, and no one wants to do it in groups. The first fool to shoot, maybe when you shoot, you are not only facing one enemy, but many enemies.

Even now, the most powerful generals are suffocating and flushing, but they are speechless. Everyone knows who is the most powerful here. But the strongest is often not the safest, because everyone is afraid of you.

Do you dare to say that when you do it, not all people have made clear about you, the most powerful party? Anyway, who makes you the strongest, in short, kills you first, everyone is safer in their hearts, don't worry that this guy will suddenly get into trouble.

The rest, after getting rid of you, the most powerful party, they will fight with the children next, and the rookies will be able to do nothing.

"Why? Didn't I transfer it? Why is it still so unlucky?"

General Rose couldn't figure it out. He hadn't sacrificed all his relatives. Don’t they all say that relatives sacrifice to the sky, the magic is boundless? Rushing out of the rivers and lakes by himself should have gone smoothly. Even the black braised egg, the enemy of the original one, doesn't know where he used to be against him now?

But why, just when I want to go further, there will always be these messy things?

With such an opening and such an unclear feeling, General Rose was so familiar. Gradually, some thoughts that shouldn't have appeared in my heart.

This is not when I discovered the Captain America serum and thought I was about to master the thunder and lightning and master the core power. Was the'unpredictable' when injecting Captain America serum into Bruce Banner's body?

The same is true. After the birth of the Hulk, all of this began to gradually deviate from the rhythm of his control? But aren't these all in the past tense? Why is this uncomfortable feeling still appearing on me today?

When he was about to take a shot against Uzumaki God, although General Ross knew that he could not be the opponent's ‘rival’. After all, the other party is a character who can destroy Thanos, and General Ross only wants to ‘take it for granted’, to talk to the Uzumaki God representative and talk about cooperation.

The best thing is that Uzumaki God can stay, some black technology in his hand, or a skill.

Of course, if you can live a tube of blood of the Uzumaki Goddai, or the reason why the Uzumaki Goddai is so powerful? These are the things that General Rose wants to get rid of.

Although reason told General Rose that the other party was not easy to provoke, but the character of General "Ros" made him unwilling to give up.

As long as there is such a chance, General Rose is willing to give it a try, even if it is to give his life.

It's just that after watching the Iron Man and Tony Stark's video, General Rose was shocked when he shrank. He was scared but not afraid.

What he was afraid of was that he had not yet approached the Uzumaki Goddai, had not yet expressed his heart's words, or what he wanted to express.

Say it completely, or Uzumaki Goddai will not give him this opportunity at all, and directly slap him ‘nothing’.

Just like Iron Man Tony Stark, or Steve Rogers’ shield, it was directly broken by the Maelstrom God on behalf of the ‘unscientific’ principle.

For example, Captain America Steve Rogers, no matter how he throws the shield out. He will never be able to lose his shield~

Because the shield was so good, he returned to his hand, but Uzumaki Goddai did it, and the shield did not return to Steve Rogers's hand.

This is also the reason why General Ross did not provoke Uzumaki Goddai. But there is another opportunity in front of me, an opportunity for me to go one step further, so that I’m at my fingertips.

It only needs to capture the food critic and Maria Hill, the two recognized ‘wanted criminals’ throughout the world.

General Rose believes that he can completely cross the hurdle, the psychological shadow left by the Hulk, and he has to get up from where he fails.

General Rose reflected on himself, and finally came to the conclusion that he was not strong enough at the time. Only a strong self can fully control the thunder and lightning.

It's like I once mastered the Avengers after possessing ‘strength’.

If it weren't for the **** Tony Stark, he had sheltered Captain America, Steve Rogers, and the others. The restless elements had been wiped out by him a long time ago, and they were locked up in a special prison to reflect on the wall.

Later, when he was about to intervene and enter the Avengers, General Rose discovered something that made him helpless.

That is, the entire Avengers League is sponsored by Iron Man Tony Stark, the Stark Group?

So, in the end, all his calculations are nothing, just because he has no power, his power is not enough to make Iron Man and Steve Rogers lower their proud heads and listen to him obediently.

After that, the **** alien, the big purple potato Thanos.

Now, looking at the **** small town, there were originally only a dozen people. Then there was a hundred-man troop that appeared later. Until now, thousands of people have gradually started, soaring toward tens of thousands.

This soaring speed is just as fast as General Rose's intracranial blood pressure soaring!


"These **** guys are more than enough to succeed. The core technology of food critics, even if they fall into their hands. Do they know how to use it? This group of careerists, who like to join in the fun and violent, all They should all go to the first frame!"

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