Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1047: Establishment: prerequisite

Why do they subconsciously want to numb their scalp and take a breath after hearing the very familiar tone of the words of food critics?

Did they use this tone before? And when someone (self) was unlucky, that abusive look?

Especially Super Little Spider-Man, his scalp was numb, and his back instantly stood up like a frightened cat after a breath of cold breath.

Isn’t that the reason why this is so familiar? Isn’t it because the tone of the food critic used it on him before that?

After such a painful education, Super Little Spider-Man also knows that some of the styles of food critics, of course, include tone and the like.

This guy is just such a disgusting person who makes you grit your teeth after you listen, but you can do nothing. Obviously there is not a trace of murder in this tone, but it can give people a gust of coolness, making you suddenly cold from your toes to the back of your neck.

Obviously this tone is very plain, but it can give people a kind of ill-intentioned illusion. Of course, this is an illusion, the food critic will use his behavior to tell everyone.

It seems that when the food critics in front of me were not going to kill these people, everyone who was watching the live broadcast on the Internet was very disappointed. Because Maria Hill was super like a spider. Food critic, this villain seems to be different from other villains?

The words of other villains are never counted. As for the villain of the food critic, except for the fact that there is no such thing as a ‘wude’ without saying hello without saying hello, it just doesn’t mean anything.

Now that food critics have said that they will not kill these people, then everyone believes that food critics will not kill these people.

All the people looked enviously and bitterly. Not far away, the group of Tie Hans who didn't know anything, looked majestic and majestic.

These guys are really lucky, if other villains, maybe these guys will be killed, those villains will all be killed if nothing else.

Although they don't know, who gave them enough courage to trust one such and such and say what the villain food critic said. But there is really nothing wrong with what people said. What this guy said has been realized by himself, and they have not seen anything that has not been said. What the food critic has done is superfluous.

It's like saying to give Super Virus Spider-Man, pain and the like, they have already seen, food critics give Super Spider-Man a personal experience that ordinary people may not forget for a lifetime.

Perhaps the food critic is not a superhero. For those who watch the excitement, the food critic is a super villain who speaks the word.

For the super little Spider-Man who has been tortured by food critics, the food critic who brought him a desperate experience is an out-and-out big devil.

After hearing what the food critics had to say, Maria Hill, Super Little Spider-Man, and everyone who was watching the live broadcast knew that these silly people might not die, but they were going to be big. It's moldy.

Having seen the Super Little Spider-Man who was tortured by food critics, they were still envious of these naive people before, and they began to feel sorry for these guys.

Be sure to believe them. These naive people will soon discover that the good things that food critics kill them are definitely a thing that kills them with their noses and is 10,000 times more happy.

Or you never know, what kind of desperate experience will be waiting for them next second, death is a kind of relief.

Even after they die, will they be able to get rid of it? It depends on whether the food critics will give them a comfortable leave.

Maria Hill was so excited by the food critic, and she raised her heart again. Doesn't this guy want to do anything again, right?

I hurriedly approached the food critic once again, don’t get me wrong, Maria Hill was not afraid, she got close to the food critic’s ear, Maria Hill whispered to the food critic and asked:

"But what? How are you going to deal with them?"

Although Maria Hill does not care, the life and death of the group of people in front of her will not do anything for them that will damage the ‘friendship’ between her and the food critics.

But what the food critic said is really ‘weird’. She still needs some psychological preparation not to kill these people, but these people will definitely not get better.

After some activities in her heart, Maria Hill decided that if it could help, Maria Hill could only help these people to persuade the food critics to give them a good understanding~

This is the last thing Maria Hill can do for these people, and the only thing Maria Hill can help them do.

Maria Hill can't help them with too much, even if these people can't help them, they all follow orders, but if they want to do this, they have to be responsible for their actions.

Otherwise, it is more innocent than them, and the Mediterranean and others who were liquidated by the Stark Group, wouldn't it be even more unbalanced?

"What are you going to do!? Don't mess around!"

Super Little Spider-Man was taken aback. He originally thought that after these troops came, he would be free from it, and would no longer be shrouded in the shadow of food critics.

As it turned out, it seemed that Super Little Spider-Man felt that he would do nothing to stop food critics.

So for the ‘child’ of a student of his own, so many food critics who are so excessive, they will definitely not show mercy to the unlucky army in front of them...

Although I told myself deep in my heart, this is not something you should intervene in Spider-Man, this is definitely beyond the scope of your personal ability.

But thinking of the horror of food critics, Super Virus Little Spider-Man finally slapped himself and couldn't help but jumped out and asked the food critics nervously.

"This doesn't seem to be something you should take care of, right?"

The food critic glanced at him with a smile, and the super virus little Spider-Man standing restless in front of him felt that he had done something better before.

This super virus little Spider-Man still hasn't learned the essence that he taught him. When he is not capable, it is best not to be nosy.

The original large size, when the Uzumaki God was nosy on his behalf, was also built in his own space, under the premise that it was filled with explosive charms...

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