Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1039: Still alive?

The fat man was a little dumbfounded at the flashing signal. The ‘garbage’ on Quentin Baker could really hold on to Maria Hill’s energy weapon?

Is this definitely a joke? Although the fat man was very excited, there was absolutely no loss after knowing that Quentin Baker might not die.

After hearing it and receiving the signal source on Quentin Baker's uniform again, the fat man always felt unreal.

Now, the fat man was almost crying with excitement. He wanted to see Quentin Baker, his good friend again.

After flying back from outside with high spirits, and after removing the "fish tank" on his head, he proudly and confidently told them: He succeeded, he is back~

I heard it first, and the technicians on the side also explained all these unreasonable phenomena with unbelievable and hazy explanations.

How to use a reasonable and scientific explanation to tell everyone that their hero Quentin Baker is still alive.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, I just want to know if he is still alive!?"

Looking at the Mediterranean Sea in front of him, he stammered excitedly and couldn't help himself. The fat man couldn't stand it anymore. He doubted such a clever one.

How on earth was he dug up by his good friend Quentin Baker, this guy is not suddenly too excited, or he makes himself so happy?

It's no wonder why the Stark Group didn't look down on this product at the beginning, because it didn't have the qualities of a scientist and technician in a large company.

This guy has technology. After all, he can have the courage to say that he can develop Tony Stark's small reactor in 20 years.

So do you think anyone can build this small nuclear reactor in the past 20 years?

Back then, the Hanmer Group had used cruel and funny facts to tell the world that not everyone has the qualifications. It was proposed that ten or twenty years would be able to watch Tony Stark’s small nuclear reactor. That small reactor was made.

Even if there are large-scale reactors, the scientists in the Stark Group that are the most referenced have not failed Tony Stark's careful reactor drawings.

It will take more than ten years, so this can also prove that even the scientists thrown out by the Stark Group have some character problems.

But the skills and knowledge are really not black, it's just the character of this guy, maybe he was frightened by the big bald head back then.

As a result, now they are all like a rabbit that is moving by smelling the wind. Whenever there is a wind and grass, it feels like someone wants to harm him.

At the same time, the expulsion of the Stark Group, in addition to making this the chief scientist at the time.

Apart from listening to the words of the big bald head covering the sky in the Stark Group, is there any other way he can choose?

Therefore, this honest science sees deep down in his heart and is full of complaints. After leaving the Stark Group, he would rather follow Quentin Baker.

It can be seen that this only promise of the Mediterranean is really not as harmless as he showed it, which is more like a viper waiting for an opportunity.

"This...I can only say that there is a high probability..."

The Mediterranean was pulled by the collar of the fat man, looking at his beard in fear, and looking at me as a little pitiful, so don't bully me. I really have told you everything I know, and I really don't know anything else.

Even if you ask me again, I can't answer it. Whether Quentin Baker is dead or not, you are the only one. Follow the signal source to the place where the signal is sent and find the answer yourself.

After all, there is no life guarantee in that special equipment, such as heartbeat, etc. The detection system~ Who knew that such a thing would happen, Maria Hill would kill the mysterious guest as soon as she appeared.

After the previous attacks of the earth element and the wind element, they all thought they had, not to say, completely gained the trust of S.H.I.E.L.D., but at least they felt that there should be something.

After all, doesn’t SHIELD just like to protect the world? And their mystery is not a bad person who destroys the world.

On the contrary, you took the initiative to help, and your SHIELD protects world peace. How can you stab your friends like this?

Hearing this answer from Mediterranean, he was completely angry with the answer he was expecting. Pushing directly away in front of him, holding the little hand that has nowhere to rest, the trembling Mediterranean Sea.

"You go away, I'll do it myself!"

The bearded fat man came to the screen and looked at the equipment signal coming from it, placing his hands on the keyboard of the instrument.

Although the fat man admitted that he was not, playing with scientific equipment materials, all the people present here are **** when it comes to computers.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

I saw the fat man’s hands quickly tapping on the keyboard, and the people around him gathered around, with hope in their eyes.

The entire base became quiet, except for the sound of the fat man tapping his hands on the keyboard, only the breathing of everyone.

"Found it! Right here."

Suddenly, the excited voice of the little fat man made everyone smile again. The little fat man was so excited that he had found Quentin Baker?

"Where? Have you found Quentin Baker?"

Everyone leaned over and looked at the signal source that was constantly being magnified on the screen. This was the spot that Little Fatty had confirmed.

The signal source is still in its original place, but it is no longer the place where Super Little Spider-Man and the food critic are fighting.

Suddenly, another person pointed to the screen in front of him, and shouted with vibrato and excitement: "Look, is the signal source moving!? The signal source is still moving?"

"Yes! That's right, I saw it too, he is moving. He is moving!"

"Great, that's why Quentin Baker is really not dead? So what's the situation with him now!?"

"Yes, he has clearly left the battlefield, but why didn't he contact us after he got out of danger?"

Looking at the constantly moving signal source on the map, everyone's mood is like jumping up and down, but they are finally relieved.

But a new problem has also emerged. Does the source of the signal mean that Quentin Baker is not dead?

So since they are not dead, why didn't Quentin Baker contact them in the first place? If you talk about Quentin Baker's signal before, it doesn't matter if you are infected.

But now they can all receive Quentin Baker's signal, but why don't they contact them?

The fat man has been silent, not participating in the discussion of the group of people in front of him. He felt that something was wrong with this moving signal source?

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