Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1020: Broken?

This seems to be a weak wind stimulated by the wind, but there is an itchy preaching, what does this guy mean?

Is it hard to do so much just to taunt yourself? What the **** does he want to do! ?

"Stop talking nonsense~ I don't know what you mean, if you want to kill it faster!"

The super virus little Spiderman refers to the ability to pray to himself, to provoke food critics, and let this guy kill himself.

Forget about it, Super Virus Little Spider-Man could see the life of the girl he was holding in his hand.

The **** **** in front of him seemed to be just looking at him in pain and pleasure by irritating himself and constantly mocking himself.

I'm afraid that before, why did he do so? His classmates made a move, I'm afraid they want to play with themselves more.

Otherwise, this **** devil, how could he deal with this, to him, it was just a bite that would not hurt him without threats?

This demon wants to break himself down, he wants to let himself survive and die! ?

This... how much hatred is this? Super virus little Spider-Man, for the first time felt the ugliness of human nature.

"Hehe~ Don't want to die so soon~ If you tear up so soon, the game won't go on~"

Ok! ?

Suddenly a voice came from behind him, Super Virus Little Spider-Man trembled once again, and Super Virus Little Spider-Man raised his body under the mask.

Looking at the food critic in the distance in disbelief, he was just in front of him with an evil smile.

Standing arbitrarily behind Michel Jones, with empty eyes and no focus, and with fear, Mi Evil Jones seemed to be the plaything in the opponent's hands.

The opponent only needs a hard effort to pinch Michelle Jones to death in front of him.

But... why! ?

Hearing the playful and ridiculous demonic jokes coming from behind, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, his body stiffened, he seemed to dare not move, and he seemed to be able to see it after moving his eyes.

It was like looking at a toy in front of me, looking at Michelle Jones, and the same way behind me, looking at my food critic.

After all, which one is true? Could it be that I am still in that demon's "illusion"?

Which of these two people is true? Who is fake again? Are both real? Or are these two people fake?

Super Little Spider-Man is really ‘horrified’ at this moment. It’s definitely not a simple shock, but a kind of creepy.

It is because before and after "looking", two food critics who are exactly the same can make a sound.

Unlike just now, it seems that it is just a ‘projection’, and both people are so ‘real. It's so real that Super Little Spiderman doesn't want to gamble.

The two food critics I have seen, which of them is the real and the fake, no matter who is true or not, the current Super Virus Little Spiderman does not have that.

The confidence to continue to challenge the Food Pinglu family is not only that he is not an opponent of food critics in danger, but Michelle Jones is still in the hands of the opponent.

What should I do? What should he do?

I have never encountered such a super virus Little Spider-Man is really terrifying! Different from the projection just now, this time I met two regular critics.

And two food critics, can both speak? All of them subconsciously wiped their eyes and dig their ears.

"What happened just now? How do I feel that these two people are like real brothers. Is this my hallucination? Or am I also in a illusion?"

"It's horrible. It turns out that I'm not the only one who has the illusion that I have been illusionist, so I can rest assured."

"Too terrifying. I just thought I was dying. There are two of this person?"

"Even though I have seen fakes before, I thought it was true at first glance, but after careful identification, it can still be distinguished. If it is fake, the expression on the face will be a little'sluggish', it seems Can't'talk' either?"

Yes, the two food critics now appearing, not only the expressions on the two are not sluggish.

Even talking? As for what this person said to Super Little Spider, people on the Internet don't know.

They only heard the voice from a distance, and the tone of the food critics' voices, but the content seemed vague.

The content in the words seemed to be disturbed by something. They didn't hear them too clearly.

It's just that the atmosphere on the entire Internet is very heavy. After all, what they want to see is that Super Little Spiderman beats him, the villain who killed Mr. Mystery.

But looking at the situation now, it seems that it is not optimistic. It is completely the other way around.

It's like Super Little Spider-Man, who was beaten up by the opponent. The little Spider-Man who said that he could ‘go up to the earth’, and the little Spider-Man who said he could ‘fight’ very well?

But this super little Spider-Man was knocked out by the other party before he started. Isn't it too fake?

They are very uncomfortable. They want to know what the food critic just now said to Super Little Spider-Man.

"You are so naive, you think death can end? You know? Sometimes death is not the end, often death is just the beginning of more pain~"

Super Virus Little Spider-Man:...

"What the **** do you mean?"

call out!

With a roar, Super Little Spider-Man, who seemed to be holding back to the limit, couldn't bear such an angry.

Even if he was not sure in his heart, he hit the opponent with his current state, but he still turned around abruptly.

The figure was slightly embarrassed, no longer facing the chic, the food critic behind him shot a spider silk.

It's a pity that the food critic once again disappeared in front of Super Little Spider-Man. Super Little Spider-Man stayed for a while, and when he couldn't recruit people, he began to have nowhere to place his raised arms.

"What I mean is very clear, kid, if you die, I will be able to take off your mask. Even if there is no SHIELD, give me your information, you said that after I take off your mask, it will happen after that What is it?"


"Oh~ by the way, your identity will burst in an instant, and people who know you will point out who you are. And I~ will follow the news they give me and find you...hehehe~ anyway You know......"

"Shut up, you devil! Ah! Do you dare to do this, I...I..."

"Hehe~ you? You are all dead, what can you do?"

"I...I can...ah..."

I can't beat this, and I can't die. The super virus spider, which was completely broken by food critics...

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