Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1013: 1004: Doesn't this person talk about ‘martial virtue’?

Super Virus Little Spiderman did not know where the food critics took out the "feather". Then the Super Virus Little Spiderman felt his head heavy and his head was dizzy.

Of course, before that, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, just thinking about the illusion ability of food critics, was already dizzy enough.

At that time, the super virus little Spider-Man had already thought of philosophy, the end of philosophy theology, to explain this ability of food critics.

Nothing else, just because there was once a **** who possessed the illusion ‘ability’ like a food critic.

It's just that the illusion ability of the God of Spices is not as powerful as food critics. Which **** is called: Loki.

Asgard's mischievous little prince, his Royal Highness, unfortunately, while fighting against Thanos, unfortunately died along with six infinite gems, and fell into the hands of the Maelstrom Goddai.

With a snap of his finger, his wish is fulfilled, and Loki is rescued back, so there is no such idea.

If there is such an idea, why did Thor leave directly with Star Lord after the battle with Thanos is over.

Tolty didn't even mention the matter of receiving six infinite gems from the Vortex God.

Then suddenly he saw with a dumb look, the food critic was holding a feather in it? Then came a heavy feeling of dizziness.


With a muffled grunt from Super Virus Little Spider-Man, Super Virus Little Spider-Man felt helpless, and instantly his feet softened with cold sweat.

In the Super Virus Spider, he was instantly weakened, with disbelief in his head, and a panic towards the food critic, and he crawled down weakly.

what happened! ? Is it possible that this is, without the man's illusion ability?

Good... so strong...

The sudden drop of Super Virus Spider-Man, of course, shocked everyone who was caught off guard. What is going on?

Although they know that food critics are very ‘I’m afraid’, but at all times, right?

Maria Hill stared even more, and subconsciously jumped to her other side. Apparently the food critics also surprised her.

Originally, she thought, telling the food critics, the real ability, Super Virus Little Spider-Man, then the two people would stand on the same starting line.

But isn't it a good conversation? Why did this guy take the lead when he didn't agree with him? Didn't even say a word at the beginning?

Feeling Maria Hilna's questioning and scrutinizing gaze, the food critic shrugged indifferently.

Although I am willing to fight this super virus spider fairly, when he tells his ability to the super virus spiderman.

Hasn't the "battle" between the two already begun?

Is it possible that you have to fist-to-fist specifically to show the strength and the collision of the two, so that you will think that this is the beginning of the battle?

Don't be funny, okay~ I can't be fist-to-fist with Super Virus Spider-Man, my current setting is remote output.

It's impossible for a illusionist ‘super power’ to give up his advantage, and the little spider with a virus in his mind is like two drunk men.

Are you fighting each other, or in front of you? Show you guys, fighting in punks?

The food critics didn't mean any guilty conscience when looking at Maria Hill's questioning. Instead, they calmly ‘reputed’ Maria Hill’s questioning through his own eyes.

Maria Hill was ‘stunned’ speechless by the food critic’s eyes, although she couldn’t find the problem.

But it always feels weird there. The crux of the problem is that Maria Hill herself has no evidence to accuse the food critics.

Moreover, his previous fart has been biased towards the super virus little Spider-Man, if this is changed to someone else.

The two of them fought as soon as they hit, what does it have to do with them? Now food critics have also spoken out about her abilities, and they have also spoken more than she thought.


Watching his limbs lying on the ground, trying to support himself, the super virus little Spider-Man does not fall.

Looking at each other’s head little by little, let alone Maria Hill, even the people who are on the live broadcast and the scene have already understood what happened between the super virus little Spider-Man and the food critic. thing.

If you don’t understand it yet, then it’s not far from them, but there are still a group of people lying on the ground~

The current situation of Spider-Man is probably the same as the group of people lying on the ground, right? The only difference is who is already lying down on the ground, and Spider-Man hasn't lie down yet. Looking at the flat rate of Super Little Spider-Man nodding and shaking his head, it is estimated that it has not been long since their Super Little Spider-Man fell down...


Everyone is also very speechless. Is the battle between these two people so ‘casual’ and the contrast is so big?

What about weeping ghosts? What about fairness, openness, and justice? They can understand food critics suddenly and without warning, but it doesn't mean they can accept them all.

These two people are not superheroes, no matter... in their opinion, no matter whether they are decent or villains.

Before everyone, although you don't have to say anything: are you ready? And the latter replied: Um~ I'm ready, go on~

Of course you can leave it alone, but it’s too good to give the other party a signal, right? Let the other person feel in the air. The murderous ‘diffuse’, let the other party know that you are going to do it, right?


Look, the current super virus little Spider-Man, and the food critics standing calmly, their hearts are extremely uncomfortable.

This is not at all with the battle in their minds, not at all, let's not say, why do they think so, spit on this food critic?

In other words, is there no such thing as ‘wu ethics’?

Although their super virus little Spider-Man wears a face mask, they have been able to automatically describe in their minds a super little Spider-Man desperately supporting their eyelids.

Not letting themselves ‘sleep’ struggling unremittingly for this, everyone’s hearts were just stretched, they clenched their fists tightly.

Non-stop atmosphere for Super Virus Little Spiderman: Get up! Stand up! Don't fall down, you little spider.

"Oh!? Look! This guy has moved!"

"He..... He walked towards Little Spider-Man? What is he...what is he going to do?"

"Is it possible? This guy wants to take advantage of Spider-Man's preparation..."

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