Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1004: Tired old father

At the scene, Maria Hill and the food critic, the two looked that no one could threaten them.

Their goal this time was also accomplished, to destroy the elemental water demons, and at the same time to kill Mr. Mystery, who was wearing a heroic skin.

I don't know a large number of troops, the troops coming towards them, even if they know the two, most of them won't care.

Just about to leave, before they walked far, the food critic and Maria Hill heard the movement behind them.

call out!

The food critic and Maria Hill stopped at the same time, and a white object flew by their sides.

Stopped in front of the two of them, but although it was a sneak attack, the other party didn't seem to want to kill them both.

Looking at this thing, the food critic and Maria Hill did not move tacitly at the same time, but Maria Hill's expression was a bit awkward.

"This is the person you chose? It seems that IQ is really not very good~"

Especially after hearing the unceremonious sarcasm of food critics, Maria Hill's face went from white to black...

But Maria Hill has no ability to fight back against food critics, which is indeed her choice.

"Stop! You are not allowed to go!"


With this violent, slightly anxious voice, Maria Hill and the food critic felt that something had hit their feet.

The food critic had a chance to get out of the way, but he didn't move, leaving the white thing alone.

He and Maria Hill were frozen on the ground.

These were two white spider silks, and the anxious voice quickly approached from behind them.

As the two felt a dark shadow and flew over their heads, the food critic and Maria Hill looked up at each other at the same time.

One in a red suit, the little Spider-Man stood up in front of them.

What stopped them was Peter Parker, Spider-Man!

"Look! Little Spider-Man is doing it!"

"Good job, good little spider, I will be your fan from now on!"

"That's it, Spider-Man fights like a man, don't be afraid that we are your solid backing."

"I really feel sorry for Little Spider-Man, Mr. Mystery, who is also his teacher and friend, died, and he died in front of him."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~h At that time, I had my heart to die."

People on the Internet were desperate. It seemed that the moment Spider-Man stood up, he saw the dawn.

It's not wrong, this world is so beautiful, he is absolutely full of justice and light.

He will have darkness, but he will never be long. As long as the moment he appears, there must be a hero with light all over his body, illuminating the world.

Just like now, Mr. Mystery is dead. Because of their weakness, they can't help Mr. Mystery to retrieve the ‘Glory’ he deserves.

But it doesn't matter, there will be tall people standing up, just like the little Spider-Man now.

He is so tall, guaranteed and thin, but now the little Spider-Man is undoubtedly that ‘giant’ in everyone’s mind.

What they didn't know was that the moment Spider-Man stood up, he was in the basement of a small farm in thousands of miles away.

Sitting in front of the computer with his new glasses, Mr. Tony Stark covered his old face speechlessly.

But he had to put it down again, with a helpless smile on his face, there is nothing wrong with this is the successor he personally selected.


At this time, there was a tender voice, and I felt myself, and Tony Stark, whose old face was shameless, turned around in surprise.

Looking at the person who rushed towards him, the helpless old face instantly smiled like a brilliant chrysanthemum.

"Hey~Little Morgan~ Is school over today?"

Little Morgan plunged into his daddy, Tony Stark's old father's arms, and rolled coquettishly in his old father Tony Stark's arms.

"Mommy~ Call me to come and see, and tell me to tell, you must be strong~"

Old father Tony Stark:...

Looking at the little Morgan who jumped out of his arms and covered his little heart with his hands, his acting skills began to rush.

Tony Stark's old father felt like his heart was twisting in pain.

Her intimate little padded jacket, she seems to be turning black, and still...


Although it is not clear why, Maria Hill will know the Mystery, not a good person. Originally, the Mystery was the whetstone left by Tony Stark’s old father to Little Spider-Man.

No~It's not so much a whetstone, it's a piece: the questioning stone.

Just to let Little Spider-Man, Pete Parker be able to see clearly and face up to himself as a tool man.

The trust in Little Spider-Man, Tony Stark’s old father, has always believed that Mystery cannot be the opponent of Little Spider-Man.

Although there will be a lot of trouble for Little Spider-Man, but those are all sprinkling water~

Without so much trouble, how can Spider-Man broaden his horizons? How to fight monsters and upgrade?

But why didn't it think that things would happen to this point? As the wife of the old father, Pepper Potts naturally knew the old father's plan.

After all, they have no extra secrets between them now. Seeing the mysterious guest on TV, they seem to have died unexpectedly.

Still in front of Spider-Man, all countries began to issue wanted orders for Maria Hill and food critics.

Pepper Potts had a look first, what did Watt do? Then it was reflected that the death of the mysterious guest was completely beyond the plan of the old father Tony Stark.

So, will Tony Stark, who has no Toolman, be hit?

Pepper Potts didn't dare to imagine it, and immediately asked Little Morgan, the little quilted jacket, to comfort him. The old father of angina, Tony Stark, went.

"Spider-Man, are you sure you want to stop us!? Things are not what you see..."

Even with a mask, he seems to be able to feel the anger under the mask of Spider-Man Pete Parker.

Let food critics explain? Don't be funny, Maria Hill knows that it's absolutely impossible. The food critic will explain to Spider-Man directly with his fist.

Therefore, such ‘hard work’ and ‘tired work’, thankless things, can only be done by themselves.

"Shut up! I won't believe you anymore, you S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau shouldn't exist! Now you can't go anywhere..."

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