"Lord Lukoya agrees with this matter, how dare I object. It is also a good thing for Thor to find his home. I just hope that this kid can treat her kindly. You must know that there is only one partner for Long Niang in her life, and she will never change until she dies."

As soon as Ye Yefeng said that, she took the little hand of the maid Long Bainen and said solemnly, "Thor is my family and will not treat her badly. It will never change from the beginning to the end of the world!"

The young man's sudden action caused Yunxia to climb up Longniang's cheeks, dyed with a faint blush, but she did not resist, but allowed the other party to say intoxicating love words.

"Father, I'm leaving."

Thor straightened his maid outfit and snuggled into his master's arms, with a sweet smile on his face.

The familiar back of his daughter seemed to let him see his former spouse, and the memory resurfaced. That is also an infatuated woman, desperate for love, doing things like moths to flames.

Knowing the difference in life expectancy between the two sides, she still firmly made her choice——she is a dragon-human hybrid.

The union between different races is, after all, a tragedy.

"Let's go, I saw something unusual in your eyes when I was training, and I've always longed for the freedom to pursue."

Until the master and servant and Lukoya left, the room was empty, and at this moment Emperor Yan's expression fell, and he muttered to himself, "Did I...really do something wrong?"


With green mountains and green water, blue sky and white clouds, the other world is not much different from the human world except for the strange appearance of flowers, plants and trees. If you want to distinguish carefully, it can only be said that the spiritual energy is more abundant.

Chapter 260 No? Grab it!

With green mountains and green water, blue sky and white clouds, the other world is not much different from the human world except for the strange appearance of flowers, plants and trees. If you want to distinguish carefully, it can only be said that the spiritual energy is more abundant.

A night passed in a flash, the moon hanging in the sky gradually dimmed, and the light was transferred to the sun next door. Looking into the distance, you can faintly see the World Tree supporting the Tianzhu in the Miracle Continent.

Predators in the forest hide in the dark, and the mercenaries get up early to take up tasks for a living, hoping to capture valuable prey. For this reason, they lick their blood, and finally die silently in some unknown place. In the corners of people, until the corpse rots into bones.

"Did you know? It is rumored that there are elves in this forest of no return. If you can catch one, you will be rich, and it is worth a full 100,000 gold coins!"

The speaker was a young mercenary. He was wearing shabby cloth armor, carrying a broad-blade sword on his shoulders, tsk tut (cecb) in his mouth, and gestured with his hand the number of gold coins he said.

The rest of the mercenaries in the same group looked disdainful, and the thin mercenary laughed and scolded: "Don't **** daydream, there are elves who will be caught in your turn? Let's think about how to earn gold coins to beg a housewife!"

Then came a rude laugh. Anyone who does this does not know when they will die silently, so they will marry and have children as soon as possible to inherit the lineage. Although dancing with wild animals and accompanying wind and rain is very exciting, it is also a kind of sadness.

At this moment, the young mercenary seemed to remember something and asked, "Hey, do you think there will be flying dragons in this forest?"

The thin mercenary shook his head, "Impossible, the relationship between the elves and the dragons is bad, and neither will appear in the other's jurisdiction."

It was at this moment that a large shadow appeared under his feet, and everyone raised their heads at the same time, but saw a huge object passing through the clouds, blocking all the sunlight.

"Wait... what is that?"

"It's a giant dragon, run!"

A violent hurricane roared, blowing the entire mercenary group into chaos, uprooting nearby trees. After the feet landed, countless cracks were formed, and the huge mountain-like body blocked the way, and the blood-red dragon eyes the size of the grinding disc stared at several people with suffocation.

Just when the mercenaries were trembling with fear, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the dragon's back, "This is the forest of no return?"

With the goddess of nature on top, there are people who dare to ride a dragon! The skinny mercenary rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken. There was a young man sitting cross-legged on the pale green dragon's spine.

"Yes...Yes..." The young mercenary looked envious. He could ride a dragon, and he was a flying dragon of pure blood. At least he was the Imperial Royal Flying Dragon Guard. This was an iron job, not only loved by the people, but also There is no need to sleep in the wind, and worry about making a living all day long.

The young man was Ye Feng who had come from afar. He originally planned to go to the imperial forbidden library to scavenge and leave, but then he thought about it, wouldn’t it be a pity if he brought something like this when he came to another world?

So the first target was the fountain of life of the elves. Since that day Thor secretly collected some and brought it back to cook. After drinking it, he was obsessed with it, and took this opportunity to pack a few large jars and take it back.

As for the master question? No, just grab it!

ps: My hands trembled for a while in the previous chapter, and I accidentally typed two hundred and fifty-nine into five hundred and fifty-nine. It would be too troublesome to change it, so let’s just…_(:_”∠)_

ps: Xiaobu is staying at Xiaoji's house temporarily because he needs to use Wi-Fi, and he will appear in the next volume. .

Chapter 261 The Summoning of the Goddess of Nature

The Forest of No Return connects with the Shiver Mountains, where the elf village is located. However, like the Dragon Island, there are enchantments. It is difficult for ordinary people to find the correct entrance. No one knows.

Of course, these are not enough to trouble people, especially unsolicited robbers, so they are well prepared. Thor has been here, and has also entered, the enchantment is useless to her.

The two master and servant swaggered through the barrier, and the prohibition did not take effect during the period. A thin layer of water rippled gradually, and when Ye Feng walked to the opposite side, the environment in front of him suddenly changed drastically.

In the middle is a straight stone avenue, which has been derived to the end, with tall trees growing on both sides, and the green leaves are breathing freely under the abundant aura.

On the sturdy tree trunks stood white wooden huts, wrapped in vines, and sometimes elves played in the bushes. They seemed to realize that there were uninvited guests, and they stopped and turned to look here. _ Trivial noise.

"Look, the dragon lady who ruined the holy spring is here again!"

"And also brought a human being, is it an accomplice?"

"Go and inform the elders!"

A few elves flapped their four thin wings and flew to the end, while the rest stayed where they were and stared at the intruder.

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, how bad a reputation can make peace-loving elves disgust like this. Could it be that Thor not only bathed in their holy spring, but also did something even more extreme?

Maid Long guessed what her master was thinking, her face flushed slightly, and she pretended to look around at the scenery, "Don't look at me, I just stole some spring water, I really didn't do anything else."

The appearance of the other party's guilty conscience caused the young man to shake his head. Even so, there is no problem. He didn't intend to use legitimate means to obtain benefits, so turning his face in this way can be considered a smooth sailing.

A few curious elves flew close to some unfamiliar young people. They have never been out of the village since they were born, so they have never seen human beings. Today, they are nothing more than the same. Light.

Swordsmen believe in the sword god, magicians believe in the law god, elves believe in the goddess of nature, and the Holy See believes in the goddess of light. It can be said that the residents of the entire miracle continent have their own beliefs, and these beliefs occupy the top of the sky in the form of light. Even cultivators can see it.

Without belief, there is no value. This kind of human beings are generally the type of people who eat and wait to die, and are despised by others.

Ye Feng's whole body was uncomfortable because of the disgusting gaze of the monitor. Why did he have such an attitude? Because he was not an aboriginal, he couldn't figure out what went wrong, so Thor gave an explanation at this time.

"That's right, it seems that I was classified as trash by them." He touched his chin thoughtfully.

As soon as the voice fell, Thor smiled and said, "Even if the master is trash, Thor still likes it."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The young man rolled his eyes at the maid Long, and then cast his gaze on the elder elf who was gradually approaching. There are seven elves in total, and the last six have white hair and beard. Despite this, their eyes are still sharp, and their bodies are surrounded by a strong elemental aura.

The leader was a young woman in plain gauze. Behind her, there were six flying wings and a scepter inlaid with fist-sized gems, which fully demonstrated her status. He thought that the other party was coming to Xing Shi to ask for his guilt, but the ending surprised him greatly.

"You are finally here, young man. I have been waiting for a long time."

The patriarch of the elf said in a friendly manner, but he did not look angry as he imagined, and then he knocked the scepter on the ground, and the green spiritual power formed a teleportation formation.

Ye Feng looked blank, "Aren't you looking for trouble? I'm here to grab something this time!"

The inexplicable words also made Thor confused. She couldn't understand how the other party was so friendly. She remembered that she was chased and crushed by a few elf elders when she came to steal the holy spring last time.

Chapter 261 The Summoning of the Goddess of Nature

The inexplicable words also made Thor confused. She couldn't understand how the other party was so friendly. She remembered that she was chased and crushed by a few elf elders when she came to steal the holy spring last time.

"The goddess summoned your Excellency at the temple and ordered me to wait here."

The elf elders spread out from the middle and stood on both sides of the teleportation array, while the elf patriarch handed a golden hook jade to the young man.

Thor sneered in his heart, how can there be such a good thing in the world, it is definitely a trap! Just as he was about to say something, he saw his master walking towards the teleportation array with the gouyu in his hand.

"Master, you really dare to go in!"

"Why don't you dare?" Ye Feng stopped walking into the teleportation formation after hearing the voice of the maid dragon, turned around and smiled: "I can feel that they are not malicious, and the so-called goddess seems to have a bit of an impression, in short There is no danger.”

oooooo asking for flowers ooo

"That's no risk! I'll go in too."

She just took two steps before hitting an invisible barrier. He clenched his fist and slammed it down with all his strength, but it didn't make a splash like a rock sinking into the ocean.

"How could this happen, what purpose do you have!" Thor couldn't accept the sudden change, staring at the elf patriarch with fierce eyes, who then explained the reason in a cold tone.

"The temple only allows people designated by the goddess to enter, and the restrictions placed are comparable to the guardian enchantment of Long Island, so you don't have to waste your efforts."



Thor didn't give up at all, and was about to transform into a dragon form to attack with all his strength, but at this moment a gentle voice sounded in his ears.

"Don't worry, no one can do anything to me here, just wait outside for a while, I'll be out soon."

With a smile on Ye Feng's face, he stepped back into the teleportation formation before waiting for the other party to reply. After a flash of light, his figure completely disappeared.

At this point, Thor has nothing to say. This is the master's decision and she has no right to object, but thinking that the opponent's strength can easily defeat even her father, she is a little relieved.

When I have nothing to do, I turn my attention to other places. Although I have been to the Elf Village before, but I have left in a hurry, and there are few detailed investigations. Now I just take this opportunity to have a good sightseeing, and "bring" some souvenirs back by the way.

Just after the teleportation formation disappeared, the Elf Patriarch took the elders back to their residence, and Ye Feng also came to another place at the same time. When he stepped out of the teleportation formation again, the environment in front of him was no longer an emerald green elf village, but a hall with a solemn atmosphere everywhere.

The floor is paved with golden marble, and there are nine large pillars carved with strange beasts in the hall, which are integrated with the ground.

Just when he was wondering, he finally heard a familiar voice:

"Young man, we meet again."

ps: Ah le le, is the Lun family really out of context? QwQ….

Chapter two hundred and sixty-two is about to go to the destruction of the world

Meet, with whom, and when?

Through the dazzling light curtain, Miaoman's figure gradually descended, followed by a holy face. Wearing a cyan feather crown and a arabesque gauze, those who saw it couldn't help but feel awe.

The familiar voice reminded him of the mutation, and Ye Feng said stunned: "Are you the goddess who guards the World Tree?"

When I heard from the phone, she should have been a fairly mature woman. I never thought that the other party was so young, and she didn't seem to care about Thor's ruining the holy spring and stealing leaves from the world.

He had already made preparations before entering the teleportation formation. If the goddess wanted to be held accountable, she could only solve the problem with violence. Of course, if the other party's original intentions remained the same, it would be a good choice for both parties to sit down and talk about life.

"Yes, it was me. A few months ago, the seed of the "067" tree in the world was stolen due to some negligence, which almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, you returned it in time."

The goddess of nature glanced at the young man meaningfully, and obviously knew the mastermind behind the scenes. Although it was an accident, it could not escape the responsibility. The latter did not show any guilt, and boldly looked at the former.

"Since it's a thank you, then there must be a thank you gift, right? I believe that as a goddess who countless people believe in, it won't be too shabby."

Facing such a shameless young man, Goddess of Nature did not get angry, but smiled slightly, "Thanks have been given to you long ago, but I haven't found it yet."

Hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of the golden hook jade given by the elf patriarch before. Could it be that this is a thank you gift? He took it out of his pocket and held it in his hand. I thought it was the key and took it at will, but now I found it extraordinary when I checked it again.

The whole body of the hook jade is golden with a hint of coolness, and it is extremely delicate to the touch. When you touch the surface, you can feel the veins of the layer of leaves. In addition, there is a small bottle mouth at the end, and a sweet smell overflows from it. If you tilt the bottle mouth a little, there will be very clear spring water dripping into the palm of your hand. The water droplets are crystal clear, and if you observe carefully, you will find the powerful vitality contained in them.

Holy Spring!

He had already drank the holy spring and recognized it immediately. At the same time, a more seductive aura erupted in the air. Ye Feng's expression remained unchanged, but he was full of doubts in his heart. Logically speaking, the other party knew the truth, even if he was not enthusiastic. Should be treated indifferently, how could such a gift be given?

What's more, he didn't reveal the relevant information, how would he know that his purpose was the holy spring? Do goddesses know the prophets of the unknown? It seems that the opponent's strength has to be reassessed.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but get serious, and he must not be careless before confirming whether it is an enemy or a friend. At this time, the goddess of nature smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming and intoxicating, but the former was not fascinated by it.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small thank you. This hook jade will automatically produce holy springs every day. After consumption, just put it in the moonlight to absorb enough energy and it will automatically recover."

Seeming to see through what Ye Feng was thinking, she explained with a smile: "All the laws of this world are controlled by me and a few sisters, so that you can have such strength, and you can be considered a goddess to achieve your current achievements as a human being."

Ye Feng thought about it and then came up with a guess. The world will not drop pie, even if there is, it will smell like shit. The other party must be asking for something if he gives him a gift for no reason. Shengquan's hook jade was put away, but the next sentence changed his color greatly.

"With all due respect, you are not a creature from this plane, are you?"

The biggest secret was said by a sentence, Ye Feng was short of breath, his eyes fixed on each other, and at the same time he took out the snow rabbit and the tear-stained sword, a roar sounded all over the body, and the momentum climbed to the peak at this moment! At the same time, call the system secretly.

Chapter two hundred and sixty-two is about to go to the destruction of the world

The biggest secret was said by a sentence, Ye Feng was short of breath, his eyes fixed on each other, and at the same time he took out the snow rabbit and the tear-stained sword, a roar sounded all over the body, and the momentum climbed to the peak at this moment! At the same time, call the system secretly.

"What's going on with the system, how could she know that I'm from another plane?"

Then the system replied in a calm tone: "This world does not have the way of heaven, but is guided by several goddesses. Through reincarnation, it is found that the host does not carry the world's imprint, but don't worry, the other party does not fully grasp the law, the biggest The power is only to expel."

After listening to the explanation, Ye Feng felt a little relieved. The goddess of nature had been asking for something from the beginning, and naturally she would not shoot herself, so she put away the two weapons and said calmly, "Speak your request."

"I can't hide it, we really need your help."

"The same thing prospers and naturally also declines, even the world. Although this world is adjacent to the human world, it is not as stable as the latter."

"As we all know, the Continent of Miracles stretches out with the World Tree as the axis, and a few days ago, a few sisters and I discovered that the roots of the World Tree are showing a rotten trend, and even the Holy Spring cannot recover. It is expected to be in three hundred years. Then the whole continent will be completely destroyed, we can only watch and cannot stop it, and you are the last hope..."

"Although I don't know how you got the seed of the World Tree, you just need to refine it in advance, and then water it with the holy spring, you can cultivate a new World Tree and have a brand new world."

After the goddess of nature, Ye Feng understood that the other party wanted to cultivate a new world tree with his own hands, and then transfer the creatures from the continent that were about to be destroyed to the new world. If so, why not use the seeds of the local world tree?

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