The fatty boss scolded him very well, as if he wanted to get back all the face he had lost before. Ignoring the strange eyes around him, he took out a tissue to wipe the excrement and urine he had just been frightened out of, but the next moment he couldn't laugh anymore.

Another coin came through the air, and then hit the abdomen, and then the whole person was thrown out by the strong impact belt, and slammed into the wall and passed out.

"Those who dare to be arrogant in front of me with 2.0 will not end well."

Ye Feng clapped his palm as if nothing had happened, as if he had done something trivial. This scene chilled the hearts of everyone present. What is the identity of this young man?

"What are you going to do with me?"

At this time, Xiao Lin sighed and had no idea of ​​running away. He was prepared to accept the worst outcome. Murdering and wounding people will be sentenced to two or three years even if they fail, right?

"No, I'm not going to deal with you."

In his heart, his eyes showed surprise. He didn't say anything, but he saw the young man in front of him smiling and blinking his eyes, "Go to sleep, when you wake up, everything will go back to the beginning."

Immediately, a sense of drowsiness struck his heart, and at the same time his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he couldn't stand the drowsiness.


Chapter 253 The approaching Christmas

"Xiao Lin, how should I write this code?"

"Oh, that's it, it's an old problem."

The female staff was in a trance. She only recovered when she heard someone calling her name. Then she moved the seat over and quickly tapped her fingers on the keyboard. After a dazzling operation, a smile appeared on her face and she was satisfied. 's nodded.

"Xiao Lin is still so keen to help others. Are you free to come to the restaurant for dinner tonight? I'll treat you."

After stacking the stack of documents neatly on the work table, Takiya scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and said with an embarrassed expression, "Every time I have to ask Xiaolin to help solve the code problem, I'm really bothering you."

"It's okay, it's okay. Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten something today."

The male employee smiled, took out a list from the stack of documents and handed it to his colleague, "Today is the monthly performance score, the day you are most looking forward to, and write it down on the calendar to remind yourself, have you forgotten? "

twenty four

After being reminded by the other party, Xiao Lin suddenly realized, slapped his forehead and said in shock, "Is that so?"

"It seems that you've stayed up too late and your memory is disordered."

"Probably so."

The two smiled at each other.


"Xiao Lin, he is eager to help colleagues, and he is serious about his work. He has written extremely difficult codes. This month's performance evaluation is 98 points, and he belongs to excellent. He is currently promoted to the team leader of No. 06 studio."

History repeats itself again, and the female staff seems to have passed away, and they still remain dazed when they get the promotion work permit.


"Please take care of me in the future!"

When the whole studio's staff gathered around to congratulate, she inadvertently saw a familiar voice standing at the door. She was about to call the other party, but she couldn't say anything, and it disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Ye Feng had appeared above the company and looked down, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Everything that Xiaolin has experienced so far is his doing. He first hypnotized the entire company, and then used magic and props to tamper with and delete their memories, and finally got the current ending.

Of course, the modification is also the culprit that caused the big change in Xiaolin's character. The fat boss has completely evaporated from the world. Even if there are still traces left, the sense of existence is infinitely reduced under the influence of the power of the realm, and he will also be punished by others. ignore.

When the matter came to an end, he should also go back to accompany a few dragon girls and interact with them to enhance his relationship.

"Ding! Daily quest "Lost Lamb" completed! "

A card with a hammer drawn on it came out of his hand.

"Equipment Advancement Card: Use any equipment to greatly strengthen it and raise a rank."

At this time, the goose feather snow was still covering the top, and it was isolated by an invisible shield. Looking around, the whole city was wrapped in a layer of silver. The young man took a breath of cold air and shook his head. when.

Dunguang ripped apart the cloud curtain and cut through the sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Ye Ju.

Chapter 253 The approaching Christmas

Ye Ju.

Connor trotted into her room with white cotton boots on, and hung the half-height red Christmas stocking by the bed. Lucoa and Thor are busy putting up New Year's ribbons on the house, making the whole house full of joy. Elma was assigned to do chores, and although she was a little dissatisfied, she obeyed the order.

"Little Kona can't wait to get a gift from Santa, can you show me what's on the wish card?"

After finishing the task at hand, Lucoa stood behind the young dragon. Pink Dudu's little face was full of anticipation and three minutes of nervousness. He was lingering beside the Christmas stockings, and suddenly he jumped up when he heard a voice behind him.

"No, it's a secret! If anyone sees Santa Claus, he won't come."

With her small body in front of the Christmas stocking, she covered the mouth of the bag with both hands, fearing that the other party would reveal her privacy, she stuck out her tongue and pushed the big-chested Longniang out.

Thor, who was also free, remained motionless and smiled: "What a shy little guy, when did you care about privacy so much? We were playing in the lake together back then."

"So it's because you two soiled the holy water of the Elf Lake, causing the dragons and the elves to fight against each other, and then the two sides fought for it?"

Elma suddenly came up and continued in a reproachful tone: "You Chaos forces are really abhorrent, you are full of thoughts about doing things, no wonder the human forces want to be our enemy."

As soon as the voice fell, Thor pulled the one-horned dragon girl's cheek with a look of disdain on her face. This is indeed the case, but she has never regretted it. As a chaotic force, she advocates chaos and destruction, and she has never been afraid of any opponent.

"Bah, those elves are also stingy, don't they just borrow some water to take a bath? As for being so angry, they even ordered me and Kang Na to be hunted down. Next time they meet, they have to teach me a lesson."

"Let go!" Eluma felt very uncomfortable when the flesh on her face was ravaged by the other party. She immediately turned against the guest and pushed the maid dragon to the ground. hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing that they were inseparable, Conna immediately threw a lightning ball to paralyze her, "Don't fight here, you all go out quickly!"

The effect of 100,000 volts was very significant, and in the end Thor and Eluma were dragged out by Lucoa 310. At this moment, Ye Feng came back and happened to bump into this scene, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The laughter attracted the attention of several dragon girls. Thor was the first to notice it, and he returned to his full state. Then the rest of the dragon girls also reacted one after another.


"Big brother!"

"My lord!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Feng noticed the pair of red Christmas stockings by the bed, and said with a smile, "Have you already thought about Kang Na's wish?"

"Well! Kona has made a decision!"

The young girl dragon threw herself into the youth's arms, raised her head, her blue eyes showed hope, "Can Santa Claus see his wish?"

The young man nodded, stroked the other party's white hair and replied, "As long as you write down your wish, you will surely be fulfilled!"

"I hope so..."


The bonfire was burning in the furnace, and the warm temperature made them sleepy. The petite body snuggled into the young man's arms and fell asleep, and the rest of the dragon mothers also took a nap beside him.

The room suddenly became quiet, except for the crackling sound of the fire burning dry wood. It was still snowing outside the window, and the cold air made the window a thin layer of ice.

The sky is getting darker...

Chapter 254 I want dried fish!

The steady breathing was slow and even. Conna, who had been sleeping for some time, opened her hazy eyes and looked back. The fire in the furnace had already been extinguished, and there was still smoke. Yawning and jumping out of the youth's arms, when she opened the window, she found that the wind and snow had stopped outside.

Even so, the dark clouds covered the sky, and there were no bright stars and no bright moon in sight.

"How can this kind of weather make you unhappy?"

She took light steps, soft as a cat, and entered the kitchen to find food to satisfy her hunger. The growling belly was a reminder that it was time for the young dragon to eat.

There is a large plate of roast duck in the refrigerator. Although the temperature is a little cold, it does not prevent the fragrance from wafting into her nose. Lifting off the plastic wrap, the roasted golden skin constantly stimulated her appetite, so much that saliva overflowed from her mouth.

"No... No, Kona has to restrain herself!"

Resisting the urge to tear off the meat and stuff it into her mouth to chew, she turned her head to the side, but she aimed this way, "It should be fine to taste a little, right? I'm sure you won't mind."

He found a reason for himself, and then smoothly reached out his hand to the food, but at this moment another hand appeared in the air and took the picture of the former.

The sudden change made her startled, and she jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit. The person who came was Thor with an angry face, standing behind her at some point.

"No, this is to be kept until Christmas Eve, and it must not be eaten now! Because the production process is very troublesome."

Roast duck is the maid dragon's masterpiece. Both the ingredients and seasonings come from another world, and they are all top-notch. She is looking forward to the scene where the owner is moved to tears after eating such a delicious dish.

Silently, Ye Feng also came to the two dragon mothers, coughed and asked, "What are you discussing?"

"Kona wants to eat roast duck¨'..."

The young dragon stared at the young man with big watery eyes, tugged at the corner of the other's clothes, and then turned his attention to the roast duck.

Thor snorted softly, "Even if you ask the master, it's useless. This is the dish he specially made for me. If I eat it now, there will be fewer main dishes on Christmas Eve."

"Is that so, master... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the young man had torn off the roast duck piece by piece and fed it into Kang Na's mouth, who was enjoying it with relish.

"Ding! Thor's favorability for you has increased, currently 70%."

With the sound of the system prompt, Ye Feng said with a doting expression: "The food is made to fill the belly, why should you suppress your desire? If you want to eat, let go of your scruples."

The tender skin was pinched by the young man's hand, and the fragrance was more intense under the heating of magic. Thor looked helpless. The production process of this golden emperor duck is very troublesome. It has to go through many processes. If another one is to be driven out before Christmas Eve, the quality will be lacking.

But since her master has made a decision, she won't say much. As a maid, she just needs to follow the instructions.

"I really can't help you... Don't eat it all up, save some for me!"


Two days later, Christmas came as scheduled. When Ye Feng woke up in the morning, he saw Kang Na sleeping in his arms. From the smile on the corner of his mouth, it could be seen that the other party must be dreaming.

Recalling that when it first came, this young dragon was vigilant and kept awake at all times, for fear of being slaughtered by human warriors in his sleep, and now he can sleep peacefully every night.

Chapter 254 I want dried fish!

Recalling that when it first came, this young dragon was vigilant and kept awake at all times, for fear of being slaughtered by human warriors in his sleep, and now he can sleep peacefully every night.

The big red Christmas stockings were still hanging on the bedside, filled with wish cards. Except for Kang Na, the other dragon girls also wrote down their wishes. Although they knew that Santa Claus did not exist, it was a feeling to participate in it. A lively.

Gently removing the little hand that was around his waist, Ye Feng tiptoed out of the bed, and then took out these wish cards in turn to check. He's going to give gifts tonight as Santa, so it's important to understand their needs.

The first one I drew was Kang Na's wish card. The background was a flawless white color, and it was decorated with a snowflake pattern. When I saw the content, I couldn't help but smile, and then I replaced it with the second one.

Lucoa's wish made him wonder whether to laugh or cry, because it actually said that he wanted a baby. This matter is uncertain, you must know that Long Niang's productivity is low, and sometimes she can't get pregnant for hundreds of thousands of years.

The third card contains Thor's wish, which is relatively easy: I hope to get a copy of the maid's promotion and self-cultivation. It can be said that the maid profession has been regarded as a part of life?

The last one is from Elma. You don't need to look at it to know that the wish is to stay away from yourself. However, this is not the case. After seeing the content, the young man couldn't help but be stunned.

"¨~I want dried fish, lots and lots of dried fish!"

Is it really just dried fish? Ye Feng couldn't believe it, and read the words on the card again. After confirming that it was correct, he showed a meaningful smile.

At this time, the system's voice suddenly sounded:

"Ding! Trigger the side quest "Affectionate Christmas Night": Complete the wishes of the four dragon girls and reward ten experience stones. "

The four wish cards were flipped between her fingers, and she was thinking about how to complete the task. At this moment, Kang Na, who was sleeping soundly, let out a chewing sound. Seeing that she was about to wake up, Ye Feng quickly shoved the thing in her hand back, and then pretended to be As if nothing happened.

"Big brother, good morning."

"Good morning."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door, and then Thor walked in with breakfast.

"Today is Christmas, the street is very lively, is the master going to go out for a stroll?" Putting down the plate, she walked behind the young man and put on his coat, then straightened the wrinkled part.

"Go shopping (good)? If there is no special circumstance, I would rather bask in the sun at home."

Ye Feng hates shopping, especially when shopping with women, even if the body is healthy, the spirit can't bear it. Shaking his head, he continued, "You and Kona go together."

The curtains were opened, and the long-lost sunlight came in through the window. At this time, the ice and snow melted, and the courtyard was full of water. Drops of water dripped from the gaps in the tiles, splashing tiny splashes on the calm water.

Lucoa sat on a chair, sipping tea leisurely. Eluma squatted in the courtyard to purify the rainwater that was polluted by impurities.

After he washed himself, he began to eat a delicious breakfast slowly.


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