"Wait." Thor got into the closet, then took out a rather revealing bunny girl costume, handed it to the dull-looking Unicorn Dragon Lady, and then made a "please" gesture.

"Eh... wear this?"

Elma took over the bunny girl costume and spread it out. Although she didn't know what sexiness was, she subconsciously told her that it would be embarrassing to wear this dress out, and the female dragon's restraint did not allow her to do so.

"Why (Li Li's), do you have any opinions?" Thor laughed terribly, causing Lady Unicorn to shudder involuntarily.

Shaking her head like a rattle, she didn't dare to say no more, she took off her damaged maid uniform and put on a shameful bunny girl costume.


On the other side, Ye Feng was lying on the sofa watching TV when he suddenly heard the sound of pushing the door behind him. When he looked back, he saw Eluma walking out of the room in a queasy manner, accompanied by a strangely smiling Tuo. you.

His eyes widened, his mouth gradually opened. Connor, who was charging on the side, was also attracted, while Fafnir was kicked into the bathroom by Lucoa, who appeared out of nowhere.

"F... what happened?"

ps: It's really depressing. Even though only one dangerous word was reviewed, what went wrong? _(:_”∠)_.

Chapter 233 Are you a mentally retarded goddess?

So Elma became the new maid like this, working under Thor's hands, taking off the bunny girl outfit after some nonsense, and continuing to wear the clothes transformed from her scales for the time being.

At this time, Fafnir, who was kicked into the bathroom, crawled out slowly, scratched his slightly messy hair and asked, "What did you all see just now?"

"It's nothing, do your own thing!" Elma glared at him fiercely, clasped her hands together, and her palms radiated light, and then the three-pronged spear made of dead wood appeared in her hands.

The sharp spear pointed at a few snickers at the scene and said angrily, "Just forget everything you know!"

Kang Na quickly covered her mouth and put on a blank look, but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes. Thor comforted: "Well, it's no big deal, don't the clothes fit well?"

Recalling what happened just now, the Unicorn Dragon Lady had a shy face, a thin mist of water appeared in her eyes, and she made a humming sound, saying: "Lu... dew a little, in order to satisfy your personal evil desires. , I actually let me wear that kind of clothes, so I can't get married in the future..."

"Since everything has been seen, then you will marry me."

Hearing that, Ye Feng laughed out loud, and couldn't help but think about teasing the other party. As soon as these words came out, Thor also nodded in agreement, "Anyway, you owe a huge debt, it is better to use your body to pay it off. If you serve the master comfortably, maybe you will be a concubine."

Kang Na also coaxed, "Concubine, concubine!"

Although she doesn't know what concubine means, there is a custom in the dragon family. In order to better reproduce offspring, powerful male dragons often have many partners. These partners are obtained through snatch, duel, pursuit, etc., and concubines are probably like this?

"Also, put away your broken fork, people who don't know think you're a cleaner." Thor glanced at the weapon in the hand of the one-horned dragon lady and mocked.

Elma was furious. What is a broken fork? This is a million-year-old gloomy wood fished out of a sea of ​​100,000 meters. It has good magic-guiding performance and can significantly improve the power of magic. A few ignorant earth dragons can't recognize it, and they don't bother to explain it.

"I'm only temporarily imprisoned here. It's a dream to want me to be your partner!"

The previous words contained strong unwillingness, and when the last four words were said, they were squeezed out of the mouth with gritted teeth. Xiong's mouth fluctuated, obviously angry.

The maid Long shook his head and said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot become steel: "You reconciling forces are a group of closed-minded old stubborn, no wonder tens of thousands of years have passed and still hold the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with humans, those humble ants, as long as It can be easily eliminated by spitting the dragon's breath, isn't it?"

"Bah, your chaotic forces are the root of evil. The world has nurtured humans and dragons or other creatures. They are equal and have the right to live in different worlds. This is a beautiful thing, but some dragons have ascended to the throne. It is the result that the goddesses do not want to see.”

At this time, Fafnir's expression turned cold, "Humans, kill! Those who spy on other people's treasures, kill! Those who dare to provoke the majesty of dragons, kill them all!"

Squinting and dozing off, Lucoa yawned, "You guys are all restless little guys. If every dragon does something, then I'll be too busy."

"Does the dragon who claims to be the most idle in another world also find it troublesome?" Thor glanced at the other side, "Dragon Lady, who has been in the human world since ancient times, enjoys the best offerings and does the most leisurely work. I really envy Shame on others."

Lukoya pursed his lips and chuckled, "If Thor is envious, why don't you come and do this? I still have a certain status in the dragon race. As long as I speak, there is no problem there."

Chapter 233 Are you a mentally retarded goddess?

Lukoya pursed his lips and chuckled, "If Thor is envious, why don't you come and do this? I still have a certain status in the dragon race. As long as I speak, there is no problem there."

Thor waved her hand and rejected the proposal. She felt that being a maid was good, and there was no need to maintain the so-called peace between the two worlds, not to mention that she did not have the slightest affection for other humans except her own master, let alone maintaining peace. I'm afraid that I can't help but destroy the world.

"Speaking of which, Kona is going to school, right?" Lucoa asked at this moment.

Ye Feng nodded, "Everything is ready, and the class will start normally tomorrow." After speaking, he tapped on the table.

At the same time, Elma, who was summoned by Thor, entered the kitchen with an unwilling face, and then brought out the cold drinks in the refrigerator. Long Niang's learning ability is excellent, and she understood the items that the head maid gestured in a short period of time.

"It's too short to come to the human world, can you get along with your classmates?"

After charging, Kang Na pulled her tail out of the socket, showed a cute expression, squeezed her small fist and said, "Kona, no problem!"

The drink is poured into the cup without spilling a drop, and the slowly rotating water surface takes care of the drinker's face, and then it is drained in one go. Ye Feng put down the cup and exhaled comfortably, and then leaned on the sofa very comfortably.

Eluma also followed suit and poured a cup, thinking that even if she was temporarily restrained here, she couldn't treat herself badly. As a result, her face turned blue as soon as she inhaled it, and then it spewed out with a "pop".

"Bah, bah, what kind of water is this so hard to drink!"

Fafner, who was sprayed all over, was expressionless, took off his glasses silently, wiped it off with a tissue from his arms, and then wiped the water droplets off his face.

"This is Coke. If you are seen by some hamster monster, you will have to fight with you. Also, the maid should look like a maid. If you do this again, the consequences will be very serious, you know."

Ye Feng smiled and looked at Long Niang who was rinsing her mouth with tap water, while Thor found a mop to mop the water-stained floor.

"Humans actually make such unpleasant water, it's a blasphemy against water!" The one-horned dragon lady who finished rinsing her mouth walked over aggressively, grabbed the Coke bottle in Ye Feng's puzzled eyes, and then represented magic The magic circle flashed out of his hand, and the color of the black drink gradually faded, and then became clear and transparent.

"This is the real source of water!"

She proudly held the processed beverage bottle in her hand, and Ye Feng seemed to hear the uplifting background music in this situation. He took the transparent cola handed by the other party, opened the lid and poured the liquid into a clean cup.

After taking a sip, he found that the cola had been purified into pure water, and the taste was hundreds of times better than the water sold in the market.

Ye Feng couldn't calm down now. Although it was pure water, he lost the original intention of drinking it. Fortunately, this magic was active. If it was passive, the maid really couldn't ask for it.

"Are you some mentally retarded goddess!".

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Conna's Enrollment

She is good at using water attribute magic and lives in the deep sea of ​​another world. She usually preys on fish and shrimps for food. Because her own attributes are opposite to those of Thor, the two are incompatible with each other. Whether it is their views on things, temperament or recipes, they will always be inexplicable. They quarreled, and in the end they could only use force to resolve the matter.

"It's disgusting, are you trying to find fault on purpose? This is a premium drink I bought after standing in line for two hours in the sun, and it's been purified into pure water!"

Thor picked up the Coke bottle and poured himself a glass. When he drank the tasteless fresh water, he broke out on the spot, and the flames of anger ignited in his eyes, and then he transformed his entire arm into a thick dragon claw, a pair of Looking like she was about to fight, Kang Na next to her hurriedly grabbed her.

The threatened Eluma has been tolerant because of the contract, but she is quite aggressive in this regard. Anyway, she simply broke the jar because she was offended, and suddenly her originally weak eyes showed a bit of sharpness.

"You dragon is so arrogant! Don't think that being a boss can tell you what to do. I've endured you for a long time, and I'm going to fight you if you don't agree!"

"Don't stop me, Kang Na, if you don't teach this stinky seafood a lesson today, I really don't know how to write dead words!"

"Come on, let's hurt each other!"

The two sides were gearing up to fight on the spot, and at this time Lukoya stood up and persuaded: "You two can fight whatever you want in another world, but the human world is too weak to withstand this kind of turmoil. Besides, you want to fight. Have you destroyed your own shelter?"

Thor's expression froze as soon as he said this, and then he considered that this was his master's territory, and it seemed that it was really not suitable for a battlefield, so he snorted coldly when he thought of this, "I don't care about you this time because of Lukoya's face. But you have to learn how to respect your boss in the future." After speaking, the arm returned to normal.

Seeing that the opponent had withdrawn her hand, Eluma immediately lost her mind to fight. This is the enemy's base camp, and it is easy to be passive in fighting here, so the maid dragon also stared at him and stopped provoking.

Seeing that the two dragon girls gave up so easily this time, Lukoya laughed wildly, "The two dragon girls with opposite temperaments are gathered here, and your days will not be too peaceful."

Calm? It's going to be fun!

The young man smiled and shook his head, putting away the Coke that was purified into pure water. Although it has lost the nature of cola, it is a pity to dump it. At this time, the two dragon girls, who looked at each other unpleasantly, started staring again. Conna played with the toys on the ground, Fafnir continued to turn on the TV to finish the game, and Lucoa squinted and took a nap.

Time flies, and soon the enrollment time will come as scheduled.

The day was sunny and cloudy, and the weather was relatively comfortable. The weather was broadcast on TV. After breakfast, Kang Na was led to school by Ye Feng and Thor with her beloved red schoolbag on her back.

On the way, the two sides each held a small hand, and the young dragon in the middle jumped and jumped. The whole picture looked like a warm family. Husbands and wives traveling with their daughters are really envious of others.

At this time, the more sensitive Kang Na smelled an unusual breath. At the same time, a hurried figure suddenly rushed out from the corner. Because she couldn't stop, she directly hit Ye Feng's arms the next moment.

"It's you?"

"It's you!"

Two identical words sounded at the same time, the former was indifferent and the latter was slightly surprised.

The old enemies are particularly jealous when they meet!

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Conna's Enrollment

The old enemies are particularly jealous when they meet!

The visitor is Caichuan Riko. On the same street, at the same intersection, he met each other three times, but he had noticed before that, this loli was waiting at the corner ahead of time, and when he passed by, he deliberately pretended to be a "random encounter". appearance.

"Don't hide, things are about to fall."

Rolling his eyes at the other party, he pointed out the place where the contents were exposed. The two dragon girls followed his line of sight, and happened to see the corner of the black telescope on the edge of the school uniform's pocket, and it was sliding outwards, and it was about to roll down.

After being reminded, Riko hurriedly put the binoculars in her pocket, and then asked with a smile as if nothing had happened, "Is Big Brother going to send Kang Na-chan to school today?"

"That's true. From now on, Kang Na and you will be classmates. We should get along well." Ye Feng also responded with a smile.

Although Kona didn't like this loli who was trying to compete with her for her big brother, she still had to maintain the most basic and basic manners. Bend 90 degrees, "Please take care of me in the future."

Seeing the old enemy smilingly greeted Caichuan Riko, she was embarrassed to show her minions, so she rehearsed the plot recorded in the book several times in her heart, her eyes rolled, and a new plan gradually emerged in her heart.

"Hello, you can ask me any questions you don't understand in the future."

"Conna still doesn't understand a lot of things, so I'll ask you to take care of it in class."

The lilies were completely withered, just like the water that was poured out could never be taken back. Ye Feng was not worried that the two of them would get back together, but was interested in seeing what interesting things would happen next.


After saying hello, the group came to the school. The bell hadn't been rang yet. According to the rules, Ye Feng first took Kang Na to the head teacher's office to report.

The head teacher was a woman in her twenties wearing a teacher's uniform, but she had a thick layer of gouache on her face. Not only did she not look young, but she was a bit older. After turning around, even Ye Feng was frightened. Tong Yan Wuji asked directly, "Old woman, are you a monster?"

She remembered that she had seen a monster-themed anime on TV a few days ago, and the monsters in it were all white-faced, old and ferocious, so she couldn't help asking this question when she saw the head teacher.

Child, if you say this to Yakumo Zi, you will be beaten to death. Ye Feng quickly covered her mouth and said with an embarrassed expression, "Don't talk nonsense, they are still young."

The other party didn't seem to take hurtful words to heart. It is a cruel reality to be called an old woman when you are still young! After that, Kang Na stayed at the school, and she would be introduced to the class and meet her classmates after a while.

Then Ye Feng didn't stop, but went to find Thor. The other party suddenly proposed to leave for a while and guessed the reason. It was nothing more than wanting to write down the coordinates in a secret place so that it would be easier to open the teleportation channel the next time you pick up or drop off.

However, when he found the maid dragon, he found that the latter was in some trouble. .

Chapter 235 Caichuan Lizi's sister

In a prosperous city, there is always social garbage. These worms form gangs, specialize in bullying men and women, and roam around places such as schools on the grounds of charging protection fees.

"The little girl looks good, are you interested in going out with some of your buddies?"

The person who spoke was the gangster who took the lead and looked extremely obscene. The most striking thing was the iron ring on the tongue, which was tied to a chain. When he spoke, it was spit out with saliva, and then he played with his hands.

A few younger brothers who were blocking the way around laughed along with him. During the period, they could still hear whistling, and some thugs even wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths.

"Please don't do this, I will be very troubled,"

It was Thor who was surrounded in the middle, and behind him was a girl with a bag. This soft voice came from her "five five zeros", with a slightly panicked tone.

It was obvious that the two were being watched by thugs. Ye Feng did not stand up immediately upon seeing this scene. Instead, he hid in the dark and watched with great interest. He was not worried about the safety of the other party, just a few ordinary humans. Thought Thor looked harmless in his human form, and if he slapped it on purpose, he could bury the city forever.

Thor's power is not limited. If he encounters a problem that cannot be solved by ordinary means, it is not unreasonable to deal with it violently.

The girl who was protected by the other party had pupils of the same hair color as Caichuan Riko, but she was wearing a more old-fashioned maid outfit.

"You guys are going too far. You actually take action against such a cute little girl. If you don't want to die, leave immediately, or you will be at your own risk!"

Thor opened his arms like an animal protecting the cubs. He didn't immediately start cleaning up the garbage in front of him, but tried to persuade them to give up voluntarily. This move made Ye Feng stunned for a moment, and then he laughed softly.

If it was before, if someone provoked the opponent's temper, it would immediately turn into coke in the scorching dragon's breath. Such a violent temper has also changed a lot during the period of becoming a maid.

Maid Long's words did not make the gangsters flinch, but aroused their ferocity. Due to the "cognitive impairment", several people ignored the dragon horns and the thick dragon tail. If they saw it in a state that was not affected by magic, it would have been frightened.

"Two maids and young ladies don't take a toast or eat a fine drink. Our brothers are afraid of being aggressive. If they accidentally hurt their hands, they will feel distressed."

The encirclement of a few gangsters gradually approached, and the girl was frightened and frightened by the constant waving of the stick in her hand.

At this time, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and even if there were occasional passers-by who saw it, they would avoid it far away.

At this time, the girl showed an anxious look and said, "Sister Thor, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you into trouble. If you don't come to save me, I won't be in danger."

"What nonsense are you talking about, even if the master encounters this kind of thing, he will not sit idly by, let alone a few wastes, I don't pay attention to it."

Slightly trembling_ With her trembling hands, she tightly grasped Long Niang's clothes, as if she was holding a life-saving straw. The girl's eyes revealed a hint of hope, "Sister Thor's master must also be a very gentle person, right?"

"That's natural, my master is the best person in the world!"

Ye Feng, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help laughing when he heard these words. He covered his mouth as soon as he spoke, but it was obviously too late. Several thugs noticed the situation. Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to continue hiding.

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