Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: , Slash must be able to left!

Let us return to the scene where Zhang Xiang and Uchiha were fighting. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At this time, after nearly ten minutes of fighting, within a few hundred meters, it was already in ruins.

Under the mutual attack of the two ten-meter-high'Suzano nohus', only this kind of damage was caused. It is already the result of the two people trying to control the damage within a certain range and attacking each other. Up.

If two people really let go of their hands and feet, then the scope of the impact will not be only this level.

Even after experiencing such a fierce battle, the "Suzuo Nenghu" outside the body of the two people still showed a complete state.

This is not because of how strong the defense of "Suzunohu" is, but because every time "Suzunohu" is destroyed, the two will always release their pupil power at the first time and repair it in time. .

At this point, Uchiha Itachi showed fatigue from the face, and a lot of blood was leaking from the corner of his eyes.

And Zhang Xiang, who is panting slightly, can be seen.

"The time seems to be almost the same. Next, let's decide the outcome with one move!" Zhang Xiang held the crystal clear scarlet'Shadow Demon Blade' and said to the Uchiha Itachi.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the expression on Uchiha Itachi's face did not change at all.

However, Zhang Xiang, who had already distinguished a lot of Uchiha Itachi's habit from the battle, was able to see from the opponent's diminished pupils that the opponent was already on extreme alert.

Especially, his pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes stayed on the "Shadow Demon Blade" on Zhang Xiang's right hand for the longest time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because, in the fierce battle just now, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that seemed to be fragile like a crystal was unexpected, it was just a touch.

The crystal clear scarlet blade had already penetrated into the two layers of energy of the red ‘beard left’ outside his body.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, then his body would have been cut into two directly.

You know, if an ordinary weapon slashes on the "Suzu Nenghu" outside of his body, it is afraid that even a white mark cannot be slashed out.

From this, we can see how high the defensive power of the ‘Suzuonenhu’ energy layer is.

However, the weapon in Zhang Xiang's hand could easily break through the defenses outside his body, but he had to be vigilant.

Not to mention, he was still on this weapon and felt a faint danger.

Even if it is only attacked, I am afraid it will be severely damaged!

And at the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice fell, Zhang Xiang controlled the Demon Devourer'Shun Can Left' outside of his body and rushed up.

That pitch-black flame burned blazingly on the body of Demon Devourer'Xuneng Zuohu', as if it were about to burn out a hole in the sky.

Then, it swung out the scarlet energy giant sword in its hand, raised it high and slashed in the direction of Uchiha Itachi.

As for the other fire unicorn ‘Suzuonenghu’, it was because the pupil power perfused on it was completely consumed, and there was no time to replenish it. It was already in another outbreak not long ago, and it has already dissipated.

And at the moment when Zhang Xiang controlled the Demon Devourer's'Xue Neng Zuo Hu' and wielded the scarlet energy giant sword.

As if it had been rehearsed thousands of times, the red-colored "Shuno Zuohu" controlled by Itachi Uchiha also swung out the "ten-fist sword" in his hand, and waved it in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

As if facing Zhang Xiang's attack, he didn't have the slightest worries.

In fact, this is also true, although the scarlet energy giant sword in Zhang Xiang's hand was made using the projection of the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

However, don't forget that in the hands of Uchiha Itachi, "Susano", he has three artifacts.

And the one that has all the properties changes, changing its own properties according to the properties of the attack, and invalidating the "Yatayama Mirror" is the most troublesome existence.

Every attack of Zhang Xiang was blocked by this artifact.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiang, who has two "Susanoh", would not have killed Uchiha Itachi as a clone at this time.

Unsurprisingly, he faced the "Ten Fist Sword" that Uchiha Itachi slashed towards him.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang was only able to choose to withdraw the scarlet energy giant sword that he swung out, and in a hurry, he defended the ‘Ten Fist Sword’ that slashed over.

Strong energy fluctuations violently clash in midair.

And just like the previous few times, once Uchiha Itachi found the opportunity, the shield he held on the left hand of'Suzano' suddenly turned toward'Suzano' outside Zhang Xiang's body. 'It's just flapping, wanting to force Zhang Xiang back.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed madness for the first time.

"Block it for me!" Zhang Xiang roared.

The scarlet kaleidoscope in his eyes, the lines of the writing wheel eyes were turning rapidly, actually controlling the body of the ‘Suzuonenhu’, directly hitting the shield head-on.

And the result is no exception. Zhang Xiang's body outside the body of Demon Devouring'Suzuo Nenghu' was suddenly shocked to a burst of instability, and a burst of dark flames escaped.

But at this time.

Zhang Xiang's body unexpectedly penetrated directly from the body of the dark "Shuneng Zuohu", and suddenly traversed the distance of less than two meters between the two "Suzuo Zuohu", waving. Out of the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand!


The crystal clear scarlet "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's hand was like a short red blade pierced into the jelly. He just felt a slight obstructive force and cut it directly into a big gap.

——A hole large enough for Zhang Xiang's body to penetrate.

And just following this opening, Zhang Xiang's body ignored the crimson flames on the opponent's "Suzuonenghu", and directly slammed into it.

Holding the crystal clear scarlet "Shadow Demon Blade" in both hands, he directly pierced into the heart of Uchiha Itachi...

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