Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1008: , Ba Chi Qiong Gou Yu!

Although he was shocked, the situation no longer allowed him to think like this. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because the scarlet giant sword that brought his stand-in into the crimson torrent has already slashed in front of him once again under the wave of the pitch-black giant hand.

Looking at the scarlet giant sword that was rapidly approaching him, the sickle-shaped kaleidoscope of Uchiha Itachi's eyes revolved again.

The crimson energy skeleton was once again displayed instantly outside his body.

The scarlet "Ten Fist Sword" once again appeared outside of Uchiha Itachi's body, and the right hand of the "Suto Zuohu" collided with the scarlet giant sword that came from the chopping.


Above the two energy swords, bright energy sparks burst out.

However, this time the two did not stand in a stalemate, but after a collision, the two huge bodies of "Suzuo Nenghu" moved towards the rear of each.

Behind them, a large number of trees were all knocked down by their violent retreat.

However, at the same time, the mutual attacks between the ninjas did not stop.

The so-called ninja is someone who can do the impossible when it is impossible!

Under this extreme situation, the two still broke out a powerful attack.

"Yatsuki Gouyu!" Uchiha Itachi put his hands together and made an inverted cross.

From the midair, three giant red energy gou jade connected by ropes appeared, rotating and bombarding in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

That's right, this is the only one that can carry out long-range attacks among the three artifacts Uchiha Itachi got.

And at this moment, in order to be able to defeat Zhang Xiang reliably, he has already begun to display all his power.

Of course, to display all the power, it means that he is already close to collapse in his body, and then one step into the abyss. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

A sharp pain passed through, causing his brows to frown slightly, but his pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes did not leave Zhang Xiang even for a moment.

A smell of rust suddenly appeared on the corners of his mouth, but it was forcibly suppressed by him.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang also launched the attack he had prepared for a long time.

"The flames roar!" Zhang Xiang's double-pupil kaleidoscope wrote round eyes, also suddenly spinning, controlling the fire Qilin'Suzonenghu' not far away, and then launched an attack.

The familiar third crimson energy beam appeared once again on this ninja world.

This time, because there is time to accumulate energy.

The power of this wave of crimson energy beam attacks far exceeded the two shots just now.

Specifically, it can be seen that the crimson light beam is more than three meters in diameter.

Although, this is the result of Huo Qilin's ‘shun can be left’ body, which played down a lot of the price.


A violent explosion was far better than the previous one, and once again swept this land...


On the other side, after Zhang Xiang and the others set off, the third class sent by Tsunade again came not far away.

"Okay, hurry up. Kakashi and the others are not far in front of us." Akay, dressed in green clothes that is known to have strong air permeability, turned his head and turned to the crowd of Class 3 behind him. Said.

"Yes!" 3

Ning Ci, Tian Tian, ​​and Xiao Li all agreed.

Immediately, they also began to accelerate.

Only at this time.


An extremely violent, hemispherical explosion of red and crimson intertwined with each other exploded from a distance.

The powerful energy fluctuation and the violent explosion caused a strong wind to swept around.

Even if it blows ten thousand meters away, the violent strong wind in the third shift of Akai still blows the big trees with a few people together, and it blows the crown of the tree to one side.

"That's it?" Tiantian shielded the fierce wind with his hands, and reluctantly looked in the direction of the explosion.

However, looking at the explosion range that swept at least a few hundred meters in radius, she couldn't help but slightly opened her mouth.

"Yes, such a strong explosion!" Xiao Li's face was also full of shock.

On one side, even though Akai frowned, he still remained calm.

"Ning Ci!" Akai frowned and said to the side of Ne Ci.

"Yes!" Ning Ci responded quickly.

Immediately, he opened his eyes and came.

"Grow your eyes, open!" He let out a low drink, and the hideous veins emerged from both sides of his temples, and some meridians could still be seen in those eyes.

At the same time, the opened eyes also gave Ning Ci's vast field of vision.

In an instant, a sight ten thousand meters away appeared in his eyes.

In his eyes, there are two human figures, which are colliding fiercely at a speed that his white eyes are almost unable to capture.

And that happened shortly after the violent eruption.

The strong explosive fluctuations seemed to have no effect on them.

"How is this possible...Are they still human?" A hint of shock flashed in Ning Ci's eyes.

"Ning Ci, what's going on on that side?" Kai drove the appearance of Ning Ci, knowing what he had discovered, and frowned slightly and asked him.

At this time, Neji also recovered.

"Teacher Kai, the explosion came from the two people who were fighting each other..." Ning Ci was trying his best to keep his eyes blank, turning his eyes to track Zhang Xiang and Na Uchiha Itachi fighting. Silhouette.

And it was at this time that the two stopped for the first time.

And just taking advantage of this opportunity, he will slightly see the physical appearance of the two people wearing them.

"One of them, wearing a black robe embroidered with red clouds, seems to be a member of the Akatsuki among the Tsunade population. And the other..." A strange look appeared on Neji's face. .

"What's wrong?" Kay asked.

"His clothes are very strange, they look like those of our village's Anbu, and they also carry our village's forehead protection. But...I've never seen this kind of Anbe's clothes..." Ning Ci hesitated. Said.

After listening to Ning Ci's words, Kai frowned slightly and said nothing.

"Okay, let's go, let's continue tracking Kakashi and the others." Kai turned around and rushed in the direction Kakashi and others were heading.

Behind him, even though Ning Ci and the others had doubts, looking at their teacher's appearance, they were wisely not asking any more questions.

It's just that Kai was thinking about something in his heart while he was speeding fast.

"The roots... When did the roots have the power that can be produced by the level of the tail beast... It seems that the village will have something to do with it again..." Kai looks reckless, with well-developed limbs and a simple head. , But sighed like this in my heart...

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