Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 946: Remilia

But at the next moment, that ray of light suddenly shot into Zhang Xiang's forehead.

In an instant, a flood of information swept across.

However, inexplicably, there is not the kind of painful feeling that a large amount of information has been instilled into my mind.

Inexplicably, Zhang Xiang felt himself, as if he had a different general feeling about everything in this world.

Zhang Xiang slowly raised his right hand, but a large number of blue light particles gathered from mid-air, forming a water ball of pure water on Zhang Xiang's right palm.

Moreover, just now, Zhang Xiang didn't use any magic or ninjutsu at all.

He just thought of the water polo in a simple way, and a water polo was condensed on his right hand.

Even, he himself didn't have any consumption.

"Is this the perception between knowing and not knowing?" Zhang Xiang looked at his hands, and in his own feelings, as if it had changed, I don't know how much, but it seemed that there was no change at all. The world, let out a sigh.

However, this feeling comes quickly and goes quickly.

With the transmission of that torrent of information, Zhang Xiang's feeling disappeared.

The reason why Zhang Xiang had that feeling just now is purely because of the power brought to him by the'position'.

However, as the "ge position" consumed too much power today, it began to fall silent in Zhang Xiang's mind, waiting for the day of recovery.

Most of the power Zhang Xiang possessed has disappeared.

For the rest, Zhang Xiang only understood a little bit in the flood of information just now. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Sure enough, if you fully understand something, it will be the most suitable for you..." Zhang Xiang felt the special power that had been dissipated not long after he had just mastered it, and shook his head.

However, Zhang Xiang just sighed and stood up.

"Come on, Sakura, let's go out and build a small house together. Sleeping here tonight, I am afraid it will be a little uncomfortable." Zhang Xiang said, stretched out his right hand, and took Sakura’s delicate right hand. Pulled her up gently.

But at this time.

A mournful sound came from outside the hall.

"It's Xiaolong's voice!" Xiaoying recognized the origin of this voice at once, and said anxiously to Zhang Xiang on her face.

And listening to that voice, it was indeed the voice of the young golden dragon, Zhang Xiang's brows couldn't help but frown.

‘It’s really a wave of unrest and another wave! Zhang Xiang thought helplessly.

After all, the matter of demonizing the Buddha had just ended, and something like this happened again. It is not a good thing to think about it.

Zhang Xiang knew the strength of the golden young dragon perfectly.

Although it was only born less than a month ago, it definitely possessed power that was close to, and even surpassed, some big monsters.

The existence that can force it to scream will not be a simple role no matter how you think.

It's just that Zhang Xiang is not too worried.

After all, the young golden dragon's screams did not appear weak.

This proved from the side that the opponent did not completely surpass the strength of the golden young dragon.

For the existence of this kind of strength, as long as the number does not exceed a certain number, it is an existence that is crushed by him.

And these thoughts just flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

"Follow me!" Zhang Xiang said to Sakura.

After speaking, he took Sakura's left hand and trot outside.

"Yeah." Kozakura placed her right hand in front of her, blushing and nodding lightly.

She also knew that Zhang Xiang was for her good.

After all, since the incident of the ruined temple happened, Zhang Xiang obviously couldn't worry about her.

And the distance between the inside of the hall and the outside is only a dozen meters.

After a while, Zhang Xiang was already holding Sakura's hand and trot outside the ruined temple.

It's just that the scene outside the ruined temple is not what Zhang Xiang had imagined.

In the bright night sky after the rain, a golden young dragon more than four meters high, flapping his unfolded wings more than six meters in size, was desperately running away in mid-air. With.

And behind it, it was not the vicious monster in Zhang Xiang's imagination that was chasing it, nor was it the nosy onmyoji, but a little girl.

Yes, little girl, judging from the size, it is definitely a little girl.

However, the appearance of the other party surprised Zhang Xiang a bit.

Because, the other party's dress is really incompatible with this Warring States period, but it seems to be a modern trend.

She was wearing a pink-white lace-rim dress, with a pink-white hat on her head, pure white stockings on her calves, and a pair of red leather boots on her feet.

The whole person looks like a cute girl who loves COSSPLAY.

However, from behind her, it was not like decoration at all. The flapping bat wings and the gesture of the other party flying in the air made Zhang Xiang unable to treat the other party as an ordinary little girl.

After Zhang Xiang appeared outside the ruined temple, the golden young dragon, whose eyesight was stronger than that of an eagle, suddenly saw Zhang Xiang's figure.

Then, it was like an aggrieved child, flapping the golden wings behind him, pearl-sized eyes, falling from the corners of its eyes, floating in the air, towards Zhang Xiang. Dived down.

Its own weight is already terrifying, and it is also flapping its wings to accelerate.

For a while, its huge size reached a speed close to the speed of sound.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the huge body of the golden young dragon had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang and Sakura.

The fast speed even caused the strong wind to fall behind.

Fortunately, the young golden dragon knew that Sakura was just an ordinary person, and Zhang Xiang couldn't stop such a fierce impact when Zhang Xiang didn't activate any abilities.

Therefore, the place where it descended was not in front of Zhang Xiang, but ten meters in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, even so, there was a bang.

The feet of the golden young dragon stepped heavily on the ground, causing the ground within ten meters to crack and sink into the middle.

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