Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 877: , The monster is coming...

"Huh? Did something happen?" Inside Kikyo's room, Kozakura sat up, rubbing her eyes with some sleepy eyes, and looked outside. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because there are so many things that happened today, and there was no entertainment here in the Warring States Period, she and Xiao Feng fell asleep early in the morning.

However, listening to the bell ringing outside the room, she felt something keenly.

At this moment, Xiao Feng, who was sleeping next to her, was already getting up quickly.

Her little face was full of tension.

"Sister Sakura, get up quickly, the monster is coming." Xiao Feng's face was full of nervous expressions, and she said quickly to Sakura.

While talking, she trot to the middle of the room and blew out the only light.


Upon hearing Xiao Feng's words, Xiao Sakura immediately remembered the wild wolves she had encountered on the edge of the grassland in the afternoon.

And, the wolf that has a powerful unknown power and can become huge.

According to what she had just learned, it seemed to be a monster from the neon legend.

Reminiscent of Zhang Xiang in the afternoon, secretly telling her that this world is no longer the original world, but the words of a world full of dangerous monsters, Kozakura is a kind of awakening from the half-sleepy eyes. come.

But at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from outside the house.

Then there was the sound of the wooden door being opened.

"Who?" Kozakura yelled nervously, her right hand tightly holding her seal key hanging around her neck, and she was always ready to lift the seal and launch a Kuro card attack. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

What made her breathe a sigh of relief was that a clear and beautiful voice with a hint of anxiety rang.

"Is it Kozakura? It's me." Kikyo's clear voice came through the room.

This made Kozakura breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only then that she realized that her back was already wet with sweat.

Kozakura, who had never experienced such a situation, had already made up her mind to protect her.

But she herself knew that with her kind character, even if she wanted to deal with monsters, it would be difficult, at best, she would just push them back.

At this moment, the figure of Kikyo appeared in front of her.

"Sister Kikyo, what's going on outside? And where is the big brother? Where is he?" Xiao Sakura couldn't help but feel a little anxious after not seeing Zhang Xiang appear, but thinking of Xiao Feng's words.

"It's okay, he said he will go to the entrance of the village to guard first. Let me come back to see if you are safe, and will let me come back to take off the weapons by the way." Kikyo shook her head slightly and said quickly.

Listening to Zhang Xiang being fine, Xiao Sakura couldn't help showing a sigh of relief.

Before that, listening to her sister's voice, Xiao Feng had already moved a chair and took down the bow and arrow placed on the wall.

When Kikyo walked in, he had already taken out the bow and arrow from the back room.

"Sister..." Xiao Feng trot to the front of Kikyo with the bow and arrow, and handed Kikyo the longbow and quiver that she barely held in her hand.

"Well, thank you Xiao Feng." Kikyo nodded towards Xiao Feng, and took the longbow and quiver in her hand.

Then, she hurriedly walked outside the house.

However, when she was halfway through, she suddenly turned her head back.

"Sakura, Xiaofeng, you should stay in the house well. Also, Sakura, if you can, help me protect Xiaofeng." Kikyo said hesitantly.

She could feel that there was a very powerful force in Sakura's body.

Although Sakura didn't fully dig it out, it would be difficult for some little monsters to get close with her current strength.

Moreover, she could see that Sakura's mood was a little depressed now.

Therefore, she wants to do something for Sakura to refresh her spirit.

While listening to Kikyo’s voice, the somewhat discouraged Sakura was originally because she understood her own'cowardice', but a look of hope appeared on her face.

‘Yes, even if I can’t go to the war, protect the whole village. However, I can also protect Xiaofeng. Sakura suddenly thought.

She suddenly felt trusted.

"Well, okay, just leave it to me." Kozakura's face showed a smile again, and solemnly assured Kikyo...


On the other side, at the entrance of the village.

As the bell rang, everyone in the village suddenly became a little noisy. The cry of children and the shouts of adults all broke out in an instant.

However, there are some disciplines in this village.

Under the leadership of an'old village chief' who was about 30 years old, all males over 16 in the village took out all their'weapons' and rushed to the entrance of the village in a mess. The location comes. (Note: During the war, the average life expectancy was about 37 years old, and even reached 29 years old at one time. This is because the number of dead babies is not counted...)

However, those weapons are mostly wooden forks or sticks.

The only one that can be regarded as a weapon is probably the axe in the hands of the ‘old village chief’ in his thirties.

And just before these villagers came out, Zhang Xiang had already appeared at the door of the village holding the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

Fortunately, the sky was beautiful for a few days, even at night, the entire night sky was illuminated by the bright moon.

Otherwise, most of the villagers with night blindness may not even be able to gather together under the dark.

However, it is precisely because the moon is shining brightly.

Zhang Xiang was able to clearly see the large wave of monsters flying from a distance thousands of meters away.

Those are weak and weird monsters.

Some are long centipedes, some are like zerglings, and some are even more weird with just one eye, which turns into a monster.

In short, these monsters are just some extremely weak monsters.

In modern times, if an adult man overcomes his fear, he can defeat any of them with his bare hands.

However, this kind of goods can't hold up the large number.

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