Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 875: , The timid Xiaofeng

With Zhang Xiang speeding up, Zhang Xiang finally rushed back to the village when the sky completely lost its light.

And watching Zhang Xiang drag a wild boar that big into the village in one hand, most people in the village exclaimed.

Because, the villagers living nearby all know that in the nearby forest, there is a powerful wild boar that even ordinary monsters have to retreat.

Seeing Zhang Xiang dragged him in his hands, there were at least three hundred kilograms of wild boar.

They couldn't help but think that Zhang Xiang shouldn't be single-handedly, just kill the wild boar that even ordinary monsters can't do.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the villagers couldn't help but change from a little bit of hostility to a complex emotion with a little admiration and a little fear.

Looking at the villagers' reaction, Zhang Xiang was also very satisfied.

Because the reason why he chose this wild boar and brought the whole wild boar back to the village in this slightly exaggerated way, there is also the hostility that makes the villagers change which kind of xenophobia is inside.

Although he knew that in a closed village, two outsiders suddenly entered, the villagers inside would definitely be repelled.

However, knowing is one thing, but real feeling is another.

Therefore, he performed in the same place as today.

The feelings of most of the villagers have changed from hostility to admiration with a trace of fear.

In this way, not only can they be accepted by the villagers, but also there will be less unnecessary trouble.

And under the shining of the moonlight of the rising moon, Zhang Xiang walked step by step and came to the door of Kikyo's house.

At this time, from inside the house, there was still a trace of fire.

And it seemed that after hearing something outside, the wooden door was gradually opened amidst the sound of ‘creaking’.

Then, Kikyo's beautiful face appeared in front of him.

And behind the Kikyo holding the oil lamp, two small heads also appeared. One was Sakura with a pretty short brown hair, two braids half-tied with a beaded belt, and a cute smile.

On the other side, Xiao Feng is wearing orange checkered clothes with a curious look on his face.

"Big brother, are you back?" Sakura's face showed a bright smile.

On the other side, Xiao Feng also showed a timid expression.

"Big brother, hello..." Xiao Feng said hello timidly.

Although Xiaofeng is familiar with Sakura, she is not so familiar with Zhang Xiang.

"Well, I'm back. I also brought back good ingredients." Zhang Xiang showed a mysterious expression on his face, and said to Sakura and others.

This sentence not only made Xiao Sakura and Xiao Feng start to be curious, even Kikyo’s delicate face also showed a curious expression and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

At the next moment, Zhang Xiang smiled and moved away, revealing the wild boar hidden behind him.

"Wow... what a big wild boar..." Kozakura showed a surprised look on her face, and took two steps closer with some curiosity, watching the wild boar curiously.

On the other side, Xiao Feng was suddenly startled by the sudden appearance of the wild boar corpse, and suddenly hid behind Kikyo.

"Sister, Big Wild Boar..." Xiao Feng clutched Kikyo's clothes tightly and hid behind Kikyo, even tears flowed out.

Seeing Xiao Feng's scared face and tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

He didn't expect that Xiao Feng would react so intensely after seeing the wild boar.

Seeing Xiao Feng's reaction, Kikyo's face showed a trace of memories, and he squatted and gently hugged Xiao Feng in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Feng. This is just a dead wild boar, and it can't hurt you." Kikyo gently patted Xiao Feng on the back, comforting her softly.

After listening to Kikyo’s comfort, Xiao Feng gradually calmed down.

"Really...really?" Xiao Feng slightly revealed his small head from Kikyo's arms, and glanced at the dead wild boar with a trace of fear.

Then, a face of relief appeared on the little face.

However, she still seemed to have some psychological shadow, and her right hand tightly tugged Kikyo's witch costume, with a timid expression on her face, she did not dare to leave Kikyo a step.

At this time, Kikyo also seemed to see Zhang Xiang's inner doubts clearly and began to explain.

"Sorry... One year later, when I was out, a wild boar broke into the village and injured a lot of people. Xiaofeng was also affected. So, she has been affected since then. , I was a little scared when I saw the wild boar." Kikyo explained to Zhang Xiang and the others.

After listening to Kikyo’s explanation, Zhang Xiang and other talents understood it.

Then, Zhang Xiang squatted down and stretched out his right hand.

When Xiao Feng was a little timidly trying to shrink back, but was holding back, he touched her head.

"Sorry, Xiao Feng, big brother didn't know that you were afraid of wild boars, so he would make such a prank. Forgive big brother, okay?" Zhang Xiang comforted the timid Xiao Feng softly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Feng's timid eyes revealed a trace of embarrassment.

"No... I'm not angry with Big Brother..." Xiao Feng said timidly.

"So, did you forgive Big Brother?" Zhang Xiang looked at Xiao Feng with a gentle gaze, encouraging her.

"Yeah." Xiao Feng nodded gently.

"Then, let's start with it. This bad big wild boar dared to scare our little sister Xiao Feng, so we turned it into flesh and then eaten it, OK?" Zhang Xiang's face She smiled and encouraged Xiao Feng.

For people with psychological shadows, it is very important to let her realize that what is scared is not so scary.

With Zhang Xiang's encouragement, a trace of courage emerged in Xiao Feng's black eyes.

"Yeah." Xiao Feng nodded gently.

At this moment, there was also a hungry voice in Xiao Feng's stomach.

This hungry voice made Xiao Feng's face a slight blush.

However, she also let her go.

Because Xiaofeng, who has rarely eaten meat since his birth, heard that there was meat.

The feeling of wanting to eat meat already helped her break through the psychological shadow a little bit.

When she felt hunger in her abdomen, the shadow was completely broken through by her.

Although this does not mean that her inner psychological shadow has been completely cured, it is at least a good start.

And then, it's time for everyone to start a big meal...

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