Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 856: ,Completely mysterious!

"Roar" a roar of wild animals rang. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In an instant, the body of the wolf, which was originally only one meter and two heads, began to swell rapidly.

It was like blowing a balloon, at a speed of a geometric multiple, it began to expand rapidly.

Zhang Xiang just came and hugged Sakura, who was not far behind, and walked back ten meters behind him.

There was a loud ‘bang’, accompanied by splashes of dust, and it rolled in.

Then, a huge paw flew out from the smoke and dust, and slammed in this direction of Zhang Xiang.

It's just that, looking at the huge claws that came, Zhang Xiang's feet were a few light points, and the whole person was like catkins, backing a full tens of meters to the rear.

Then, he looked at the giant claw as if unwilling, and slammed it to the ground not far in front of Zhang Xiang.

There was another loud bang, and the smoke billowed even more.

However, Zhang Xiang's sight seemed to penetrate the smoke and dust, seeing the things inside.

In fact, Zhang Xiang did see the existence in the smoke and dust.

It was a wolf, a demon wolf that was successfully demonized.

It's just that the body of this demon wolf is a little bigger, it's more than four meters high, and its magnificent body is about ten meters long, it looks so huge.

In particular, its extremely sharp claws were completely demonized with its success. The diameter became the size of a basin, but they were still so sharp.

At least, above the place where Zhang Xiang had retreated, there was a rock slightly protruding from the ground blocking it.

However, now the place where the stone protruded is completely gone.

Instead, it was the pit hole that was sunken in, the claw mark of a giant wolf's claw sunk in.

After successfully demonizing, the fur that was originally dyed with blood-red demon qi and blood mist on the wolf's body has also turned back as silver as moonlight, and the roots are filled with toughness and beauty.

However, don't think that the defense power of these furs will drop.

If this wolf demon instilled demon power into its own hair, those soft hairs would turn into stiff spines even harder than a hedgehog in an instant.

However, the color of this demon wolf's fur has changed back.

However, the rationality it possessed, as well as the pair of faint green eyes, could never be changed again.


The demon wolf once again uttered its roar after it was completely demonized. At this time, its roar was not like a wolf's roar at all, but was close to a tiger's roar.

However, in this voice, there is only one more shrill sound.

Then, the demon wolf stared in Zhang Xiang's direction.

In its extremely tyrannical blood-red eyes, there was no trace of reason at this time, only pure desire for destruction.

However, it seemed to have not forgotten what Zhang Xiang had done to it. The entire huge body flew towards Zhang Xiang.

"Is the injury better?" Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly, muttering to himself with some doubts.

He hadn't forgotten that the right front paw of the demon wolf was cut off by his sword.

However, when the demon wolf rushed out of the smoke and dust, Zhang Xiang understood.

The other party's injury was not healed. The place cut by Zhang Xiang's "Shadow Demon Blade" was just the flesh and blood healed at this time, and there was no bone and flesh to regenerate to restore them.

However, relying on only three legs and relying on the instinct of the monster, it still rushed towards Zhang Xiangfei.

It only relied on the fast running of three legs, which seemed to be no less inferior to when it had a healthy body, let alone its body was enlarged so many times.

It was just a pounce, and the strong smell of wolf was already rushing over his face.

Its intact left paw slammed down in Zhang Xiang's direction, as if it was about to slap Zhang Xiang into meat sauce.

Looking at the paws that came down, Zhang Xiang made a few more jumps, jumping more than two hundred meters away.

However, just the moment he stopped.

He also finished the seal with one hand.

"Tu Dun Tu Long Bo!" Zhang Xiang slammed on the ground.

Immediately, a mud-like thing appeared beside Zhang Xiang, and a huge dragon head formed by the mud came out of the mud.

The bright light gleamed in its mouth.

Then, in the next moment.

Three consecutive mud bombs, which were directly about one meter in size and formed entirely from mud, were spit out from the huge dragon's mouth like cannonballs.

The voice of ‘swish, swish, swish...’ kept ringing.

The three continuous mud bombs quickly broke through the air, and came to the front of the giant demon wolf that slapped again and hit the ground with a bang.

However, it seems to be an instinctive strengthening effect brought about by demonization.

When the three consecutive mud bombs came in front of it, it seemed to have known this attack, and its entire body dived slightly, and the huge body dodged to one side.

It's just that what the giant demon wolf doesn't know.

The three mud bombs were finally released after Zhang Xiang used the Shalanyan to investigate them.

Although the flying direction of each mud bomb seems to be the same, in fact their final landing point is different.

So, just after the first mud bomb whizzed and flew past, hit the grassland, and bombarded a large crater.

The second mud bullet came to the giant demon wolf that successfully dodged the first mud bullet.

But this time, after it was in the air, there was nowhere to escape.

There was a ‘bang’.

The giant demon wolf was hit by the second mud bomb about one meter in diameter.

Suddenly, in the mud flying around, the giant demon wolf let out a wailing.

You must know that mud bombs don't seem as powerful as boulders, but it's just about hard damage. If it's about the strength of internal injuries, mud bombs are better.

However, this is not over yet.

The next third mud bomb also successfully hit the giant demon wolf. The entire huge body was forcibly knocked out for a distance of more than 30 meters, and it slid out on the grass with a distance of nearly 20 meters. The meter-long slide finally stopped...

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