Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 835: ,the next morning…

The next day, when the distant horizon, the sun just broke free from the thick clouds and shone the warm light to the surroundings.

The eyeballs under Zhang Xiang's eyelids turned slightly and opened his eyes.

"Huh? Is it already morning?" Zhang Xiang felt the light shining into the room and squinted slightly.

But at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang felt something in his arms, and saw Xiaokong curling his body slightly and being hugged tightly in his arms.

It was like a brother hugging his sister, Xiaokong sitting in Zhang Xiang's arms, lying on Zhang Xiang's chest.

And at this time, Xiao Kong gradually changed from sleep to half asleep.

"Huh?" Xiaokong, who had just woke up, was a little confused, and glanced at the things around him dimly.

But then she found that she seemed to be lying in a warm embrace.

In addition, the surrounding environment was not too familiar, but it made her feel slightly surprised.

However, Xiao Kong, who was half asleep and half awake, hadn't recovered yet, what exactly it meant.

‘In other words, am I now my brother’s girlfriend and prospective wife? Xiaokong thought blushingly.

And at this time.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, gently hugged Xiao Kong into his arms, and softly asked Xiao Kong who was still pretending to be asleep.

And after hesitating for a while, Xiao Kong also spoke up.

"Um...Um!" Xiaokong lowered his head slightly, blushing, and made a mosquito-like sound.

"Do you want to sleep for a while?" Zhang Xiang asked softly with tenderness on his face.

"Ah... that, that, no, it's dawn, I'll have to cook later..." Feeling Zhang Xiang's hug, Xiao Kong still felt extremely shy, but she felt in her heart It was warm, warm, and could not help but softly responded to Zhang Xiang's words with shame.

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