Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 113: , The dignity of Saiyan!

Of course, in addition to these, Zhang Xiang has other scattered speculations.

For example, why the Namekians suffered a backlash because of excessive use of dragon balls, not like the dragon **** on the earth, the appearance of evil dragons, Zhang Xiang also had some guesses. It's just that because these speculations are scattered and have not been sorted out yet.

Therefore, it is not listed.

And it was at this moment that the dragon Borunga of Namek star spoke out again.

"Well, your second wish, I have already fulfilled it. Tell me your third wish." That majestic dragon Bolunga, the majestic voice rang again.

And listening to Polunga's words, Zhang Xiang finally recovered.

There is no rush to interpret all relevant speculations now, and it is okay to stay in the future.

After all, there is an analysis of Dragon Ball to achieve the purpose of contacting the origin of this world, but it is not so easy to feel.

"Well then, my third wish is..." Zhang Xiang took a deep breath and was about to say his last wish.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's brow wrinkled slightly and he turned his head abruptly.

Because, thousands of miles away, the aura that originated from Frieza instantly skyrocketed more than ten times.

As for the other two airs that were originally at a disadvantage, they were suppressed like candles in the cold wind, faltering.

"Wait a minute, I'll deal with some things first, I hope I will come back later..." Zhang Xiang's voice has not yet fallen, his figure has disappeared in place.


But let us move the time slightly forward, and shift our eyes to a certain place of Namek.

In this place, a fierce battle is going on.

Accompanied by the three figures in the sky, moving within a range of several kilometers in the sky, powerful shock waves are continuously released to the surroundings.

Shock waves that can be seen by the naked eye appeared in the sky, and the vegetation on the ground was suppressed by the shock waves, and the powerful pressure shocked the surroundings.

From time to time, there was a flashing figure that slammed into the ground from the sky, and a huge pothole shook out above the ground.

Sometimes, just a figure flashed past.

The peculiar stone pillars above Namek were already broken into thousands and scattered all over the ground.

And under this kind of powerful pressure, all animals that perceive danger have already run clean.

We can see that two small silhouettes shining with breath light are besieging a white silhouette.

It's just that, when you say it is a siege, it is actually a siege only at the very beginning.

With the passage of time, the transformation became the final state, and Frieza, whose body became short and exquisite, began to exert his real fighting power, and it was considered to have gradually changed from a siege to a tie.

In the end, it turned out that Frieza had the upper hand, in a state of joking.

If Frieza was not worried that the Dragon Ball would be snatched by others, he still planned to keep playing. (At this time, Frieza doesn't know how the Dragon Ball summons the Shenlong, and what visions will appear)

It's just that, in order to have an inexplicable hunch in his mind, he decided not to play anymore.

"Well, you Saiyan cubs, let you have the honour to see. How terrible it is for my Frieza to exert one-third of my strength! Fear, scream, and be pinched to death by my hand. !" Frieza's legs merged and stood in the air, but his hands stretched out.

"He!" Frieza clenched his hands abruptly, and the evil aura continuously poured out from his body.

Soon, the upper limit of that breath had already climbed to the level of 40 million combat power.

This is already ten times as powerful as Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang!

Facing such a terrifying combat power, Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang couldn't help but show a trace of panic on their faces.

However, having seen Zhang Xiang explode with a stronger aura to experience before, it made them calm down quickly.

Soon, Xiao Guang, who was the first to calm down, gritted his teeth abruptly, and his body suddenly flashed back.

And, as the silhouette of the small light flashed back quickly, he suddenly yelled.


However, she didn't want to leave Xiaoyang to retreat by herself, but she wanted to make the last fight.

And relying on the years of growing up together and the tacit understanding similar to twins, after Xiao Yang heard Xiao Guang's shout, he immediately understood Xiao Guang's meaning.

"Understood! Let you see this monster, we Saiyans would rather die than retreat! Ten times the Realm King Fist!"

Xiao Yang responded abruptly, but the aura on his body suddenly soared, and the qi rushing out of his body had suddenly changed color, directly turning red.

He turned out to directly use the Realm King Fist that had been halfway through before, learning from Monkey King, and he hadn't had time to use the Realm King's Fist many times before, suddenly enhancing his aura.

Originally, in the fierce battle, the little qi left in him suddenly rose in that instant.

"Ahhhhh!!! You monster, let me die!" Xiaoyang's body suddenly broke through the air. Before Frieza hadn't reacted, he was already in front of him. The fist slammed out and hit Frieza's chest.

Along with his movements, his figure left a red afterimage in the midair, and waves of air being pushed away can be seen in the midair with the naked eye.

Even Frieza's shocked eyes can easily be seen clearly.

Afterwards, a white afterimage traversed a track, suddenly disappeared from the ground, and sank into the earth.

Then, there was an extremely powerful sonic boom, which suddenly burst out in the air, turning into a huge shock wave and rushing out in all directions.

And under the cover of the huge sonic boom, the earth cracked a huge mouth ‘silently’.

A pit with a diameter of about 100 meters appeared above the ground. At the center of the bottom of the pit, an alternative human-shaped pit continued to spread below the earth, as if it was about to hit the center of the earth.

At this time, in the midair, Xiao Yang's figure was revealed.

However, his current state is a bit bad.

Although he was already out of the state of being fisted by the Realm King, a little bit of blood penetrated from the skin of his whole body, and his skin was dyed red, but it was ten times the previous Realm King’s fist. Time is no different.

Even more, the red color is deeper.

If he were to perform a detailed physical examination now, he would undoubtedly draw a conclusion of serious injury based on his current physical condition.

The facts are also true. The muscles of the body are strained a lot, and the bones of the body are also cracked in several places. Especially the fist that has just thrown his right fist has an injury that is close to a comminuted fracture.

This is not only the injury left by the fight against Frieza, but also the persecution of the body just ten times the terrifying pressure of the Realm King Quan.

Not all people can be said to have withstood ten times the power of Realm King Fist!

Even Wukong, after using it many times, only increased to ten times this level!

As for the qi in his body, there is not much left.

Suddenly, more than 40 million combat power erupted, and the gas to be consumed was terrifying!

And just after he lifted the Ten Times Realm King Fist, he cast his gaze in the direction of Xiaoguang behind him.

"Sister, leave it to you. I, I will rest first..." Xiao Yang said intermittently with extreme fatigue on his face.

However, before he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell directly from the midair onto a stone pillar not far below.

Fortunately, he fell to the stone pillar. If he fell directly to the ground, it would not be surprising that he died on the spot with his injuries.

During this process, even if Xiao Yang fell on the stone pillar, Xiao Guang still didn't turn his head to look at him, but just bit his lower lip tightly, and didn't even turn his head even after biting blood.

Because she has a more important purpose.

That is, kill Frieza!

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