Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 71: , Attack the old human home planet!

Five days later, outside the new planet of the old man.

A total of 5,000 warships and 200,000 Gundams, I don't know when they have silently surrounded one of the entire stars.

Five days ago, when the one million warships and Gundam that the old and new humans fought were annihilated, most of the remaining disappearance was passed back to the old and new humans.

Both the new humans and the high-levels of the old humans are extremely angry.

Of course, under incomparable anger, there is also a trace of fear in what is possessed.

Because, judging from the information passed back, the forces that annihilated the millions of warships and Gundam, only dispatched three warships merged together, it was already at this point.

How can this not let the high-levels of the new and old humans feel chill? !

Therefore, they were extremely afraid of Zhang Xiang, an unknown force that appeared specially.

And just when they wanted to hide the damage from this battle, so as not to let the people know, they sent the remaining troops back to protect the base areas of their respective sides, and then "planned for the long term". To put it bluntly, they were afraid of death and called the troops back. Armed to prevent yourself from being killed inexplicably.

The news, however, was passed on by certain people of their respective forces, and the entire human race, old and new, was also informed.

All of a sudden, the entire human race from the old and new forces was shocked.

The people all took to the streets and began to protest. The government and the army, both the new and the old, felt a lot of pressure.

Because all the demands of the people are to punish those responsible for related parties, and to send troops to fight back immediately.

Therefore, driven by public opinion, even those high-ranking officials who didn't put the lower-level personnel in their hearts at all had to temporarily re-deploy the troops that had been urgently called back. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Of course, this is also because the senior officials of the new and old human beings, after calming down, re-counted how many hole cards their own side had, and felt that they should stay in their respective base areas when the enemy should not be able to attack them. 'A decision made by public opinion.

Moreover, they are still worried about sending their troops out to their respective planets or human fortresses within a day's distance.

If something happens, they will be able to get back in twelve hours if they advance at full speed.

Of course, if they only explored during the voyage of less than a day, it would be impossible for them to discover the Zhang Xiang forces on the planet, the old man who was a full day and a half away from them.

And just because the old and new humans are so timid, some of Zhang Xiang's plans are not used.

This cannot be said whether the old and new humans are lucky or unfortunate.

During these five days, Zhang Xiang, apart from giving the fleet and Gundam rest for one day, and moving the necessary things from the base to the battleship, other time was spent on the voyage.

As for why the original one-and-a-half voyage would evolve into four days.

In addition to Zhang Xiang's order to install the system equipment of Shanghai Mirage on the battleship, which took a lot of time on the way, but also because after approaching the sphere of influence of the old humans, in order to prevent early detection and activate the mirage system, he had to activate the mirage system. Reduced a lot of speed.

After all, even if it is covered by a mirage system, it is easy to be spotted by the enemy.

And even in such a silent situation, Zhang Xiang led a team of 5,000 warships and 200,000 guns, which was suddenly relieved after being less than 50,000 kilometers from the old human planet. The mirage system surrounds the new planets of the old man.

Because, if you go further, even if you have a mirage system, it will definitely be discovered by the old humans.

Suddenly, the whole old man and new planet was a mess.

Although, due to the separation of the atmosphere, humans on the ground certainly cannot see the Gundam outside of space, but this does not mean that the figure of the battleship cannot be seen!

Of course, what is more important is the piercing sirens that suddenly sounded, which symbolizes the piercing sirens of enemies who have invaded the vicinity of the new planet, making everyone hide in the emergency shelter.

When the alarm sounded loudly, the human beings who were on the old humans and new planets were stunned for a while.

But immediately, a look of panic gradually appeared on their faces, and they yelled and went to their nearest refuge.

Of course, it’s more because of life being too easy. They haven’t been attacked near a new planet for hundreds of years, and even the old humans who don’t know where their refuge are starting panicked, triggering a new round of riots.

The whole old man and the new planet suddenly fell into a panic.

Even those high-ranking officials were a little flustered, and some even gathered their staff and headed for the government's refuge after being reminded by their own staff.

However, although the old humans on the new planet have not experienced battle for a long time.

However, it does not mean that there are no capable people.

After discovering that Zhang Xiang’s battleship was approaching, the super huge energy shield that was originally just a symbolic shroud on the entire planet suddenly poured in a burst of unimaginable energy, and it even changed at that moment. Something must be dazzling.

Then, the warships that were originally docked at the giant global power generation giant ring port that was built outside the new planet and used the planet's magnetic field to generate electricity, all attacked one after another.

In addition, all kinds of space weapons arranged on the planets were also illuminated one after another, aimed at the direction of this starry sky.

The mountains that belonged to the military restricted zone began to split apart, exposing the hideous muzzles in them.

Of course, in addition to these huge muzzles, the metal ground above the flat ground has been separated, exposing huge pits of unknown purpose.

However, if he has watched some interstellar war films, then he will know that this is a special weapon that can eject high-energy plasma with a diameter of tens of meters.

And its range is enough to reach a range of 100,000 kilometers out of the atmosphere.

Of course, more often, it is specially used to deal with warships that have penetrated into the planet.

The high-energy plasma can melt a battleship without a protective shield into a liquid metal in an instant.

Even if it is a battleship with a protective shield, the human beings during this period will be exposed to a large amount of special radiation in an instant, and will die in a very short time.

It's just that when the entire planet's defense weapons were turned on, they all faced the five thousand warships and 200,000 Gundams that stayed outside the protective shield.

Those 5,000 warships and 200,000 Gundams showed no signs of attack, as if they were just coming to join in the fun.

This made the old man's side some two-year-old monks couldn't touch their heads and couldn't figure out Zhang Xiang's true intentions.

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