Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 56: , Two years!

Even the entire old mankind had only three, and the giant shield maintained by the energy provided by the entire asteroid was shattered.

Then, any warship that goes up is probably only destroyed in one blow.

Not to mention, they are still fearing whether the giant orange light cannon that destroyed nearly half of the battleship and Gundam on the entire asteroid just now will appear again...

And just under this kind of situation where no one blocked it, and no one dared to block it, Zhang Xiang broke through the last barrier outside the asteroid, driving the cube of metal with a large number of researchers. The box came in front of the spaceship.

It's just that Zhang Xiang just insisted on reaching this place, and he had already begun to feel the passing of an extremely dull feeling.

Because, after becoming a gorilla, his oxygen consumption began to rise rapidly.

Therefore, the time of apnea is shortened accordingly.

Therefore, after arriving next to the spaceship, Zhang Xiang had to change his body shape back.

It is also a loss that the combat power is a special combat uniform from Frieza, and the quality is very high.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiang would be going to run naked after he changed back to the original.

However, after Zhang Xiang changed back to the original state, although the feeling of suffocation was reduced, the feeling of weakness came in waves.

You know, the Saiyan turns into a gorilla, although the fighting power will soar several times to ten times.

However, these combat powers do not come out of thin air, but forcefully stimulate the body to induce potential.

Therefore, on the whole, the total amount of power in his body is certain.

And the total amount is fixed, but the output speed has soared tenfold. Naturally, after changing back to the original state, that kind of weakness that is temporarily suppressed due to the expansion of the blood and the continuous squeezing of the body's strength, it will be like The volcano erupts in general. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Fortunately, however.

The time for Zhang Xiang to transform this time was not long, and one million combat power could support his consumption.

Therefore, after feeling weak for a while, Zhang Xiang was already temporarily suppressed with strong willpower.

However, when Zhang Xiang wanted to carry the cube alloy boxes containing the scientific researchers into the spacecraft, he encountered some difficulties.

This alloy box with a height of more than 20 meters cannot be moved into the spacecraft at all.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang could only hold back his anger and cut the alloy box open.

However, when he saw the situation inside the alloy box, he couldn't help holding his nose with one hand and withdrew quickly.

Because there is also the smell of blood in it, as well as the smell of urine.

More importantly, quite a few guys passed out in a coma.

Obviously, Zhang Xiang was a bit rough when he was transformed into a gorilla.

Therefore, under the violent shaking and fear, it is not strange that these things happen inside.

Because Zhang Xiang, in the state of apes, felt that his right hand was only moving slightly. For the people in the alloy box, it might be a big earthquake.

So, in desperation.

Zhang Xiang had to use his mind to lift them out of the alloy box one by one, and threw them into the second half of the spacecraft before they were killed by the lack of oxygen.

Then, he threw them some supplies and medicine, and drove them aside to fend for themselves.

In the end, Zhang Xiang lay back in the nutrient solution that can replenish the body's energy, and went on to the next place.

Yes, the next destination, not going back to the planet.

After all, who said that his purpose is only the old man’s base?

Otherwise, he would have to wait so long until the end of the battle between the old and new humans restarted?

So, after a month.

A certain secret base of the new humans was also looted brutally.

Moreover, because the new humans were attacked on the bases of the old humans ahead of time, they prepared a certain biological weapon in several important bases in advance, and hurt Zhang Xiang, so he was given a qigong gun to kill Zhang Xiang. A base fortress detonated.

And when it came to this time, both the old humans and the new humans knew that there was an unknown powerful force outside them.

Even the war has been stagnated for several months.

But it is a pity that this force has disappeared after attacking two particularly important places of the old and new humans after making two moves.

Even a trace of them can't be found.

However, this is also normal.

In their eyes, it must be the existence of a super power, but Zhang Xiang is actually only one person.

It is easy to search for a force.

A force will leave a lot of traces, whether it is supplies or personnel updates.

But it is not so easy to search for a force with only one person.

This is especially true when this person is hiding under their eyelids, that is, in a planet with special radiation everywhere.

And after several months of searching, although the old and new humans were in the wrong circumstances, they found out the spies lurking in each other’s forces and some unfriendly forces, but they were not friendly. Did not find any related attacks on their respective bases.

In desperation, the battle between the two sides was reopened.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

In fact, their respective defense forces have been secretly strengthened a lot.

Even the reopening of the battlefield, more can only be regarded as acting-like existence.

In order to lure Zhang Xiang out.

After all, they absolutely did not allow new forces to appear between them.

To a certain extent, after two thousand years of respective evolution, whether it is a new human or an old human, in fact, it has become a similar existence in various aspects.

The reason for continuing to fight is that, in addition to the grievances that have been entangled for two thousand years, it is more because of some potential benefits in it.

For example, the excessive consumption of the population brought about by war, the redistribution of social resources, and the huge profits brought about by war arms, and so on.

Faced with these irresistible interests, the top leaders of both sides continued to maintain the status quo.

Because the resources in this galaxy are limited.

Of course, if there is a chance.

Both sides will still kill each other.

Otherwise, in the past two thousand years, how did the old and new humans nearly wipe out each other's achievements?

And just in this half acting, half real war gesture, time passed slowly.

The time is very fast, and another two years have passed.

In the past two years, Zhang Xiang has once again dispatched several times to help the scientists in the base get the necessary equipment and drugs.

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