Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 37: , A clean planet!

However, he also knew that Darius and his gang should be confident in their own abilities, so they didn't grab those spaceships with high lethality equipment. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Moreover, relying on the words of their group, if they want to **** those lethal spaceships that are obviously super-secret and protection levels, the combat effectiveness is somewhat insufficient.

Although their single-piece combat power is sufficient, it should be no problem to possess the Kaiya star with a combat power of 15,000 and want to destroy any ordinary warship that pursues them in one blow.

But don't forget, no matter how good he is, he only has one person.

Moreover, it may not be able to survive in space.

If it is pursued by a large number of spaceships, and then the spaceship is shot down.

Then, their results are destined to be better!

At least, Zhang Xiang hasn't heard of anyone who can travel across interstellar space with the physical body alone without special abilities.

And if you fall into space, even if you don't get cold to death by the sub-zero temperature, you are destined to starve to death.

Of course, if you are so lucky to fall outside of a viable planet, it's another matter.

Therefore, under consideration, they only grabbed this special type spaceship with super concealment ability but not strong in other aspects.


Two days later, on a blue planet.

To be precise, it is on a planet without any human signs. On one of the huge continents, in a dense forest on the edge of the continent, Zhang Xiang is walking on a weedy road towards a Walked over by the stream.

Along the way, because there is no existing road.

Walking in the grass, you will always encounter many insects and snakes.

Most of the insects and snakes would flee to other places when Zhang Xiang approached and spread his feet over the weeds that were half a person tall. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, there are still a small number of insects and snakes that will hide in them quietly.

When Zhang Xiang approached, he suddenly flew out of the weeds and bit directly at Zhang Xiang's feet.

Of course, every time this one.

The flying insects and snakes will always fly backwards at a faster speed since then.

If you are lucky, you will fall into the grass and escape in embarrassment.

In the unfortunate case, it hits the trees directly, and directly becomes a pile of mud.

However, along the way, Zhang Xiang became a little impatient when he was attacked by these insects and snakes that seemed to have never seen any humans before.

"It's really annoying!" Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly opened, but his right hand was stretched out.

A killing intent full of unknown aura spread out from his body, and directly lashed out following the aura erupting from the palm of his right hand.


The orange light of Qigong Cannon flashed through the forest.

At the same time, a straight path appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

All the things blocking the progress of the qigong gun, whether it is weeds, insects and poisons, are cleaned up, leaving only a slightly moist ground.

And the animals on both sides of this path, as if they were being irritated, fled to both sides abruptly.

Because the unknown breath that followed Zhang Xiang's qigong cannon was already on this path.

The sensitivity of animals to ominous smells is usually unimaginable.

After feeling such an unknown killing intent spreading on the path, how could the snake and insect poison on both sides of the road not flee in embarrassment?

Even the dozen or so heads hiding in the dark treated Zhang Xiang as a beast for a sumptuous dinner. After feeling such an unknown breath, they whimpered with their tails and fled.

"Okay, it's finally cleaner!" Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he listened to the movement in the forest.

Although it was the first time in nearly three years, he was very happy to touch the real ground for the first time and breathe in the fresh air.

But reluctantly, some of the snakes, insects and poisonous ants that have obviously never seen humans are all attacking him like death, which makes him feel a little helpless.

Fortunately, however.

Everything is now resolved.

After feeling relieved again, Zhang Xiang also continued to walk forward.

At the end of the road, there is an extremely clear stream.

The clear and cold stream slowly flows down from a relatively high place, flowing through the pebbles that have become extremely smooth after years of impact.

Moreover, in the water of the creek, sometimes there are one or two fish of one to twenty centimeters, wandering by without any defense, and two or three crabs, which are only small children’s fists, move away and block their bodies. The stone, drilled out from under the stone to catch the shrimp in the stream.

And seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel comfortable in his heart, and gradually calmed down.

"It's really a nice view!" Zhang Xiang let out a stale breath, breathed in the fresh breath of the stream, and suddenly felt refreshed.

And then, he squatted down, cupped the clear stream with both hands, and pounced on his face.

A refreshing feeling hit him instantly, and his irritability due to the hot weather disappeared a lot.

"Ah, it's really good!" Zhang Xiang took a sip of the refreshing stream with a hint of sweet water, and said with emotion.

After resting for a while by the cool stream, Zhang Xiang stood up again.

"Okay, let's take care of the food for tonight, and prepare some materials!" Zhang Xiang stood up, and after listening to him for a while, he suddenly sank into the forest.

After a few seconds, in the forest with a height of at least tens of meters, there was a burst of prehistoric beasts—the angry roar of dinosaurs, which caused the birds in a small half of the forest to fly in panic. Turned up.

Then, a huge roar came from the center of the forest.

The huge roar even shook the ground of a small part of the forest.

It's like the sound of a giant being thrown to the ground.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

In the middle of the forest, a behemoth with a height of ten meters and a weight of about ten tons, lying on the surface without aura.

And its whole body has become like mud, as if the bones are all broken.

As for the soft ground of the forest, a big hole appeared directly, and the surrounding trees were dumped a lot.

"It's really bad... It's too much force..." A teenager who seemed to be only about thirteen or four years old, stood on the huge dinosaur with some distress and scratched his head.

Then, he murmured directly: ‘Forget it, it’s trouble to find any more...’ These words jumped off the body of the huge dinosaur.

Then, he directly grabbed the tail of this huge dinosaur and walked directly towards a certain part of the forest.

In his hands, this giant beast with dozens of tons is as light as a chicken feather.

However, on the ground where the giant beast was dragged across, the gully that was pressed out was a reminder to everyone that it was not a chicken feather but a prehistoric giant...

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