Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 12: , The eggplant universe man!

However, Zhang Xiang only felt some pity, but he did not stop continuing to nurse these Saiyan copies.

Because he knew that these copies of Saiyans would be his hole cards to kill the tracer behind him next.

"Then, let me confirm his combat strength once again!" Zhang Xiang turned his body and projected his gaze on the spaceship that was chasing after Zhang Xiang's spaceship, about thousands of kilometers away.

Although even in the empty space of the universe, Zhang Xiang couldn't see anything thousands of kilometers away.

However, Zhang Xiang was able to perceive the approximate position of the enemy behind him through the faint aura.

This skill was developed by Zhang Xiang within a few days.

After all, he had manipulated chakra, magic and other energies before, and he could do it if he wanted to get acquainted with the energy of'qi' as soon as possible.

However, because of the short period of time, he is still not able to be like Wukong in the later stage, and he can even perceive the aura within a light-year calculation.

Even Wukong in the mid-term can perceive it more clearly than he is now.

However, it doesn't matter, Zhang Xiang now has something to replace.

"Use the enemy's things to observe the enemy? Not bad..." Zhang Xiang said while pressing the button for combat effectiveness detection.

Soon, the combat effectiveness detection device began to detect the combat effectiveness of the tracking cosmic man thousands of kilometers away in the sound of'Didi'.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang, the opponent's combat effectiveness broke through five figures as he expected, that is, the combat effectiveness exceeded 10,000.

However, Zhang Xiang looked as expected.

Because Zhang Xiang, the opponent's combat power, had already detected the spacecraft five days ago.

Otherwise, he wouldn't continue to nurse those Saiyan clones that were obviously already cultivating them, and let them continue to cultivating them.

In the end, the number on the combat effectiveness detection table stopped at the number of 11,050.

"No problem, there is no change compared to five days ago!" Zhang Xiang showed a trace of relief on his face.

After all, Frieza's subordinates rely more on their talents to grow their combat effectiveness, rather than being able to improve their combat effectiveness through battles between life and death like Saiyans.

Not to mention, the other party is still in a semi-sleepy tracking state.

"Then, we can carry out the plan made a few days ago." Zhang Xiang said while controlling the spacecraft and plunged into an unknown galaxy.

Moreover, this time he landed on a certain planet in this galaxy with a clear goal.

At the same time, the notice that Zhang Xiang had changed the course also rang from the spaceship of the eggplant cosmoman he was tracking.

"Knowing that you are stuck, do you want to do the last dying struggle? It is really delicious! But what you don't know is that the more you struggle, wait until I tear your body to pieces and taste you When it’s blood, it’s even sweeter!" A cruel expression appeared on the face of that eggplant universe.

Moreover, a long tongue stuck out from his mouth and slid along his lips.

At this time, he was not like an eggplant cosmoman at all, but like a poisonous spider weaving a web to catch its prey, or a poisonous snake about to emerge from a hole.

And soon, he did not disappoint.

After Zhang Xiang's spacecraft plunged into this galaxy, it already landed directly on top of one of the planets.

It was an emerald green planet. From the outside, it was a planet full of vegetation.

"It's really strange. How does the original star map show that there is no planet here? How come there is such a planet here. Moreover, based on the results of the detection, it is still a very good colonizing planet?!" A puzzled expression appeared on the face of the eggplant universe.

However, the puzzled expression on his face quickly disappeared.

Because, for him now, the most important fact is to kill Zhang Xiang and this group of Saiyan replicas.

As for this accidental discovery, the planet originally not on the star map was understood by him as just a sloppy work in the star map production department.

He even thought of what kind of reward he would get if he had killed Zhang Xiang and the Saiyan group before offering this planet as a gift to Frieza.

In this way, the spacecraft where Zhang Xiang was located and the two spacecraft piloted by the Eggplant Cosmic Man burst into the atmosphere of this planet at a super fast speed, and burned at a distance.

Due to the large amount of gas in the atmosphere, the powerful friction force caused the speed of the spacecraft Zhang Xiang was on to drop sharply.

However, these are all within Zhang Xiang's expectations.

Because, the spaceship of the eggplant cosmic man also suffered deceleration treatment.

Even slow down actively.

After all, if it hits the ground too fast, the spaceship would be damaged.

How did they escape from this planet in the future!

Even if the eggplant cosmic people can survive in the universe, it is difficult for individuals to migrate between planets.

Just flying, I am afraid that even with the strength of the Super Saiyan, it is quite difficult to travel between planets.

Therefore, during the rapid deceleration, Zhang Xiang's spacecraft landed on the ground first.

The place where he landed was a forest full of emerald green numbers.

Along with the landing of his spaceship, there was a bang.

A spacecraft with a width of more than fifty meters and a depth of about five or six meters has already landed in the middle of the forest.

And the shock wave caused by the landing of the spacecraft caused all the plants within a radius of two hundred meters to dump on the ground.

Only at this time.

When the raging fire that was ignited by the impact was just ignited, the door of the spaceship opened in the hot crater that the spaceship hit.

Then, Zhang Xiang led eleven Saiyan replicas and flew towards the big lake at the edge of the forest.

The dense number has become an excellent target for shelter.

And just as he led the Saiyan replica to fly towards the big lake, another spacecraft also landed on the other end of the forest, causing a lot of fluctuations.

And soon, the eggplant universe man also came out of the spacecraft and galloped away in the direction of the spacecraft where Zhang Xiang was.

With the support of Wukongshu, he quickly arrived at the location where Zhang Xiang's spacecraft hit.

On the side of killing the teacher, there are some Calvins. Let's see if you can write a chapter tonight. If you have one, send it out, otherwise it will be the Dragon Ball Roll update!

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