Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 8: , The destruction of Vegeta planet!

In an encircled state, Zhang Xiang and a dozen other Saiyans stood in front of a spaceship the size of a domed house.

In front of the spacecraft, the two old Zvru replicas were standing in front of the door talking.

Therefore, they think that the Saiyans around them are not conscious now, but they have not concealed their plans in the slightest.

Even the plan to destroy the Saiyans was spoken in front of this group of Saiyan replicas.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care much about these.

He raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of the sky.

Although, due to strength and cloud cover, Zhang Xiang couldn't see anything at all.

However, he could vaguely feel that a breath of breath outside the atmosphere is about to collide with another breath of confluence.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Because he clearly knew that Frieza's actions to destroy the planet Vegeta happened shortly after the battle.

Thinking of this, a decision finally flashed in his heart!

Perform the second half of the plan.

With the emergence of thoughts, Zhang Xiang began to try to control the qi in his body and let them converge toward the **** of his right hand.

Maybe it’s because Saiyans can control Qi by nature, or because Zhang Xiang used to control chakra and magic power before, the Qi is very much under Zhang Xiang’s command, and it gathers into Zhang Xiang’s hands. on.

Moreover, under Zhang Xiang's deliberate control, no light emerged.

At the same time, the conversation between the two of the other parties came after they wanted to escape again, using the blood extracted from each other about the genes of the Saiyan's superior warrior to replicate the Saiyans, destroy the Saiyans, and kill them. Frieza, it's time to replace his power.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was also ready.

So, with the firing of his qigong cannon, his voice also remembered.

"Really? Your dream is very good. But, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Xiang's voice slowly echoed in the empty spaceship parking space.

It's just that, apart from the dozen or so Saiyan clones around him, no one exists anymore.

Because, the two Zvru elders who were still talking are copies of the old people, but now their heads no longer exist.

The test tube in the hands of the thirty-something Zvru had just fallen to the ground.

However, before it had fallen for less than ten centimeters, Zhang Xiang's right hand had already reached out and grabbed it.

"Is it possible to extract the genetic blood that only advanced Saiyan fighters can have? It's amazing. If you really want to give you time, I'm afraid you can really kill the Saiyans! Although, kill Frieza It’s impossible to do it. However, it’s amazing enough. But unfortunately, I met me.” Zhang Xiang glanced at the test tube with scarlet blood in his hand, put it away, and walked quickly into the spacecraft. Go in.

In addition, Zhang Xiang also found what controlled the Saiyan replica from the arms of the dead Zvru.

It was something similar to a remote control.

Looking at this thing, Zhang Xiang even thought of a black belly, arrogant star-eyed lady in the Demon Forbidden World.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that this thing in front of him was different from the remote control in the hands of the bee-eater.

The remote control in the hands of the bee-eater is what strengthens her mental orientation.

And this thing in front of me was an injection of the Saiyan replica gene.

"However, I just don't know if it will collide with the original controlled gene. I haven't eliminated the controlled gene..." Although Zhang Xiang said so, he did not hesitate to In his hand, it was like a remote control device pressed against his arm.

After pressing a hidden button, a needle was ejected, pushing a tube of special liquid into the blood vessel.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang felt a special feeling sweep over his body.

A faint tingling sensation passed from the body.

However, under the strong interference of Zhang Xiang's mental power, no further attacks occurred.

"Is it still a conflict? Forget it, let's get through the difficulties first! Go in!" Zhang Xiang said to the Saiyan copy at the end.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's command, the Saiyan clones behind him stagnated for a while, and then moved into the spaceship.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also walked to the console that marked many unknown symbols, and began to manipulate it quickly.

However, it is the simplest and rude way to say that it is manipulation.

Because although he can control the spacecraft, he does not have the password to remove the control authority of the spacecraft.

Using his right hand directly, he tore apart the lower part of the console on the back of the spacecraft, exposing the complicated lines in it.

The harsh sound rang, but it was a pity that at this time, there was no one living in the huge spaceship docking area.

Then, Zhang Xiang directly pulled out two lines from the complicated line and broke them directly.

But at the same time, his mental power was also instilled, and he used violent means to pass through the two lines connected to the spacecraft's computer to forcibly obtain the highest authority.

Three seconds later, after extremely complicated calculations, even after Zhang Xiang's brain was over-calculating, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

The highest authority was finally taken down by Zhang Xiang, the harsh siren was also eliminated, and the spacecraft's hatch began to close.

At the same time, a powerful force was gradually transferred from the engine to all parts of the spacecraft.

"Let's start! Set the goal, the earth!" Zhang Xiang quickly found the position of the earth on the star chart of the spacecraft and pressed the launch button.

At the same time, the powerful engine also exerted a powerful force, ejecting the spaceship the size of an ordinary house.

It was just a moment, and the spacecraft Zhang Xiang was in had already rushed out of the planet Vegeta’s atmosphere and lased towards the outer space.

However, it is at this time.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling palpitations and looked out of the spacecraft.

I saw a huge qigong bomb that contained qi that was tens of thousands times stronger than the qi contained in his body, slowly descending towards the planet Vegeta.

"Frieza's Star Destroying Qigong Bomb?!" Zhang Xiang's expression suddenly changed.

In the next instant, he rushed to the console and desperately pressed the button to start the engine.

The speed of the spacecraft was reaching its extreme speed, and it accelerated by a few more points, almost as fast as the meteor.

It's just that the huge and beautiful qigong bomb has already submerged on the planet Vegeta.

An inexplicable and terrifying feeling of sadness emerged from the depths of the planet Vegeta...

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