Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 1: ,Saiyan!

There was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the void in the Dragon Ball World.

An illusory figure slowly appeared in the void.

However, it seems to be due to some unknown reason.

When this figure appeared, the moment it appeared, it began to waver violently, giving people the impression that it might disappear at any time.

But at this moment, the figure that suddenly appeared in the Dragon Ball World finally spoke.

"Have you finally come to the world of Dragon Ball?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

This is an extremely dark starry sky, and only a little bit of starlight in the distance can give people a feeling of reluctantly seeing things.

And behind him, there is a huge black hole that is difficult to observe with the naked eye, but it does exist.

The powerful gravitational waves have a distance of millions of kilometers in diameter, pulling everything within a million kilometers towards the black hole.

It's just that, perhaps because everything nearby has been swallowed clean, in the dark starry sky, no one can see with the naked eye the black hole that attracts everything, even light.

And Zhang Xiang appeared on the outermost periphery of this black hole.

That is, the existence just outside the range of gravitational attraction.

However, the reason why Zhang Xiang appeared here is also caressed.

Only in this kind of place where even the space is distorted can he conceal the fluctuations he has crossed the boundary and disturb the world's attention to things that cross the boundary.

Don't think that the world of Dragon Ball will be as gentle as the world he traveled through before.

You know, this is one of the secondary source worlds leading to the ultimate source world. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Anything that may threaten this world, unless it is conceived by itself, will be forcibly erased when it comes.

After confirming that this world was the world of Dragon Ball, Zhang Xiang also began to take the next step.

"Then, let's start. For myself in this world, find a body that can carry my soul, and thoroughly blend into this world!" Zhang Xiang said, while his body began to waver quickly. The soul shrank into a small sphere, took a step backwards, turned his soul into a sphere, and was quickly attracted toward the black hole.

Suddenly, a powerful gravitational force struck in an instant, and the speed accelerated to thousands of kilometers per second in that instant.

And, it is still accelerating.

In the end, the speed reached infinitely close to the speed of light.

In Zhang Xiang's vision, the length of time began to be compressed and space began to be distorted.

But the sphere formed by his soul also began to consume rapidly with the passage of time.

And, at the moment when the singularity of the black hole is finally reached.

Zhang Xiang didn't know what method he used, but he made his soul in that time and space approaching a phase of complete chaos, and accelerated again, completely breaking through the maximum speed limit of the universe, the speed of light.

So, on that day.

This one existed at the periphery of the universe, and just formed a black hole that hadn't been more than a million years old, and suddenly burst out.

The power of the explosion even wiped out dozens of thin galaxies around them from the universe.

At the same time, in this unknown place in the universe.

A piece of space began to twist violently. At the moment the black hole exploded, the extremely twisted space was suddenly torn apart.

An endless stream of matter and energy lased out of this torn space.

It's just a moment. Those energy torrents that are infinitely close to the speed of light, or that are comparable to the speed of light, have already ransacked the galaxy where it appeared, and all the matter in that galaxy All are destroyed into beings smaller than dust.

Moreover, this endless stream of energy continues to spread to the outside without any reduction in speed.

Look at that, this endless stream of energy will not stop if everything is destroyed without impacting a few light-years, or even tens of light-years away.

At the same time, in a very secret place under the planet Vegeta's palace.

This is a huge research room, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and rows of cylindrical petri dishes are neatly arranged.

If you count them carefully, there are about a thousand petri dishes placed in it.

The sound of ‘pouch’ and ‘pouch’ sounded from time to time.

It was an orange-yellow special nutrient liquid, flowing in with the pipe from the top of the cylindrical petri dish, replenishing the sound of the nutrients consumed inside.

However, it is at this time.

A baby curled up in a petri dish, it looks only six or seven months old, and even the limbs are not fully grown, and the contents of the head can be vaguely seen, but it slowly opens. Eyes come.

Of course, this is a pair that appears white with only a little black in the middle.

Obviously, this is an eye that has not yet grown.

But, inexplicably, this pair can't see anything at all, and even the eyes that may not develop well because of opening their eyes too early, they turned slightly and looked at the surrounding environment. .

Because, now it is Zhang Xiang that controls the consciousness of this child who has not yet fully formed.

‘Where is this place? This thought echoed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

At the same time, his eyes also ‘scanned’ the surrounding environment into his head.

Of course, the reason why you can see it is entirely because of the results of Zhang Xiang's mental power scan.

It's just that, because the heads of infants and young children have not yet fully formed, he dare not use too much mental power at all, and only slightly swept this room.

This is a huge space as described above, but it is also close to a dark space.

What provided the light to this sealed dark space was the light on the large computer screen embedded in the wall tens of meters away, with many unknown data constantly flowing.

With these faint lights, it brought a little fluorescence into this completely sealed room.

However, it was not the large screen embedded on the wall that caught Zhang Xiang's attention.

It's the rows of petri dishes totaling one thousand and twenty-eight.

There are more than 600 bodies of infants and young children in these thousand and twenty-eight petri dishes.

Of course, what attracted Zhang Xiang's attention even more was the short tail behind the bodies of the infants.

Yes, the tail!

‘It looks like a human, but it is a creature with a tail. In Dragon Ball, there is only one possibility! --Saiyan! Zhang Xiang thought of this only possibility.

In addition, Dragon Ball will try a new way of writing to see if you like it

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