Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2277: , Everyone did not sleep.

In the middle of the night, everyone was already asleep.

Zhang Xiang quietly walked up the stairs and came to the second floor.

At the edge of the stairs on the second floor, there were also two sneaky figures at this time, coming out of their respective rooms, towards the direction of the stairs.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang followed the two figures and met each other and saw each other.

Seeing this scene, the two petite figures couldn't help but open their mouths, and they were about to start exclaiming.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang rushed to the side of the two silhouettes, and immediately covered their mouths.

"Don't call it out, it's me." Zhang Xiang said hurriedly.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the two people who were struggling violently can be regarded as gradually calming down.

And Zhang Xiang also took the opportunity to let go of the two people's mouths.

"Brother, is it you?" Xiaokong's tentative voice rang.

"Well, it's me." Zhang Xiang replied.

At this moment, Xiaokong and Meiyu could see Zhang Xiang's face clearly under the faint moonlight.

"Ah, brother, it's really you. Why are you sneaking up on the stairs to make us think you are a thief!" Xiaokong couldn't help but patted his chest in relief.

"Yeah, uncle, how can you do this! Moreover, it covered our mouths, which made me think it was a pervert." Miyu started to complain next to her.

Just listening to the two of them complaining.

Zhang Xiang sighed helplessly, and glanced at the two people with a slightly serious look.

"So what about you two? It's such a big night, and I still don't sleep. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net. Moreover, Miyu, you were so ruthless just now, you turned out to be directly towards the key below me. It's not that I reacted in time, I should be kneeling on the ground now." Zhang Xiang rubbed his abdomen with some fear.

If he reacted slowly for a moment, the position he was hit would be the bottom half.

Although, with his current physical strength, even if he was hit, nothing would happen.

But he is also a man, there may be psychological shadows where he is hit.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words and watching Zhang Xiang rubbing his abdomen, Meiyu's face couldn't help showing a blush.

"Uncle, you rushed up to cover our mouths without saying a word, and did not identify yourself. So, in order to protect my sister, of course I went wherever the enemy's key was. The big deal, I'll be lighter next time." Miyu said with a little tongue out.

"And the next time?" Zhang Xiang's eyes widened.

However, in the next instant, Zhang Xiang already reacted.

"No, your reaction just now is quite right. If there really is another time, you must be more vigorous. For this kind of abnormality, you must not be able to bypass it. If there is something, I will take care of it for you. It is not right, There must be no next time. If you want to go out in the future, I will accompany you." Zhang Xiang said with a pat on his chest.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Brother, the security of our Ikebukuro area is not as low as this level. Especially our community is very safe. Since half a year ago, it seems that there hasn't been any theft."

"Yeah, it's really weird. Although it was said that it was safe before, there are still petty thefts. But now it is safe." Miyu's face also showed a curious expression.

Listening to their words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but coughed, interrupting their words.

Because, of course, Zhang Xiang's credit is the reason why this community in Ikebukuro has become so safe.

The dispersal of idlers with evil and criminal minds, the 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring of the air loop, and the biochemical people disguised as various personnel and police are all protecting this community, especially the key small groups. How could criminal things happen near Niaoyou's home?

Of course, Zhang Xiang himself would not say it.

So he changed the subject.

"That one, you guys get up and walk to this side secretly, you should want to see the young chicks. Let's go over together." Zhang Xiang said his purpose.

When Zhang Xiang said everyone's main purpose, Xiaokong and Miyu couldn't help but get serious and nodded.

This time of year is one of the most sensitive time points for Xiaoniaoyoujia.

I still remember that in the first year, Xiao Chi used to make big troubles for Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law who had passed away.

In the end, they tried their best to let the little chicks fall asleep.

However, this year Xiao Hina didn't mention anything, and spent the whole time in laughter.

This made Zhang Xiang and others feel a little uneasy.

It's just that Zhang Xiang and other talents just walked to the door of the room before they had time to open the door carefully.

The door to the little chick's room was already opened.

I saw the little chick in pajamas, hugging a big pillow with both hands, and walked out of the room.

Her eyes were red, obviously as if she had just cried.

This sudden encounter gave both parties a shock.

But immediately, everyone already reacted.

"Xiao Chi, what's the matter with you? Why are your eyes red, are you uncomfortable?" Xiao Kong squatted down nervously, grabbing Xiao Chi's shoulder and asked.

"Yeah, is there anything wrong with Xiao Chi, or is there something else?"

"Yes, tell your sisters and uncles, it's okay."

Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu also became nervous.

However, Xiao Chi shook his head after being shocked.

"It's okay, Xiao Xiao has nothing to do. Everyone, why are you standing in front of Xiao Xiao's room?" Xiao Xiao asked timidly.

Listening to Xiao Chi's question, everyone was a little sluggish.

However, Zhang Xiang responded quickly.

"It's a bit cold today, so my uncle came to see if Xiao Chi had covered the quilt properly. If you kicked the quilt, it would be bad if you catch a cold. The same goes for Xiaokong and Miyu. However, we are at the stairs. I just met." Zhang Xiang told a lame lie.

Xiaokong and Miyu also nodded quickly.

Fortunately, Xiao Chi was still young, and he believed this lame lie all at once.

"Little Chin didn't kick the quilt, Little Chin's quilt is well covered!" Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Little Chin finally regained a trace of vitality, and said to Zhang Xiang with her small mouth deflated.

"Well, it's my uncle who is wrong. Xiao Chi is the best behaved." Zhang Xiang took advantage of the situation and apologized.

However, at the back, he added a sentence.

"Ah, by the way, Xiao Chi, where does Xiao Chi want to go with the pillow?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi gave a word that was unexpected.

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