Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2268: , I am the sir!

Of course, when the door of the elevator was closed, the two eyes that came in from the outside of the elevator were filled with infinite resentment.

Watching this scene, wait until the elevator door closes.

Nagisa Chaotian couldn't help but speak.

"Teacher, is there really no problem with this? Didn't that guy say that he knows many high-ranking government officials and officers from the Self-Defense Force? If it's true..."

When he said this, everyone already understood what he meant.

Especially Okuda Aimi showed a slightly panicked expression.

"That one, teacher, I'm sorry. It's all because I insist on coming here..." She lowered her head and began to apologize to Zhang Xiang.

Looking at the changes in this situation, the expressions of the few people brought out by Okuda Aimi couldn't help but change slightly. They seemed to want to stay away from Zhang Xiang for a while, so as not to harm Chi Yu in the future.

However, before Okuda Aimi's words hadn't been finished, Zhang Xiang's right hand was already pressing on her head.

"Haha, rest assured, nothing will happen. Even if he really knows the so-called high-ranking government officials and the high-ranking officials of the Self-Defense Forces, what can I do? My apparent identity is that of a multinational military company. Boss, provide a lot of new weapons to the neon government. The neon government still needs me, so I dare not offend me at all."

"It means that they want to offend me. Do they have this strength? You know, when I came to the classroom the first day, I already said what I did. But now the Neon Government and Will the United States dare to send someone to deal with me? You just have to think about it and you can know that even if he has the ability to speak part of the high-ranking government and the Self-Defense Force, he can't pose any threat to me."

"Not to mention, I just told you to leave within ten seconds, and I felt that the lower level tentacle monsters are already coming up with the smell of blood. Now, they are probably no longer in this world." Zhang Xiang Said with a faint smile on his face.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, those adults who had already quietly retreated, all their faces turned pale. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

They did not expect that Zhang Xiang would have such a hard background.

Of course, what they didn't even expect was that Zhang Xiang had already thought about everything.

The things that have troubles have been eliminated.

This kind of thought and method really makes some of them who have struggled in the workplace for many years feel terrified.

And ten seconds later, when the elevator descended to the bottom floor, they felt another shock.

Not only because of the broken limbs on the ground, the broken arms, and the blood all over the ground, but also because these scenes are caused by the little children who, in their opinion, are still wet.

Moreover, they can still look at all of this without changing their faces.

How can this keep them from being frightened? !

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care about the vomiting they were making, but walked in the direction outside the building.

At this time, there was a confrontation outside the building.

Teacher Wujian is leading the three-year E class students and is facing off with a group of soldiers from the Self-Defense Forces.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Xiang asked directly.

"They think we are dangerous people. We need to be disarmed and checked. I rejected them, so we confronted them!" Teacher Wujian spoke about the process in a brief introduction.

"You haven't revealed your identity?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen showed a wry smile.

"Yes, and I saw it. However, it seems that it is for this mission. I won't be worrying about the three-year Class E students, and I won't mess around with commands. The Ministry of Defense has secretly suspended my position, so I only It can be regarded as a vagrant. Of course they don't admit it. Not to mention, we still have so many guns in our hands." Uma Weichen said helplessly.

After all, as far as equipment is concerned, the equipment worn on Class E in the third year is better than the equipment of the soldiers.

How can a large group of people with so many lethal weapons roaming around in this dangerous city not be regarded as dangerous objects.

After listening to the process clearly, Zhang Xiang nodded.

"That's good, let me solve it." Zhang Xiang said as he walked out.

"Stop, raise your hand." A soldier pointed his gun in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, Zhang Xiang is not a bird at all.

"You read this book, it's not too late!" Zhang Xiang took out a document from his arms and threw it directly to the other party.

This is an official certificate of a senior official of the Self-Defense Force that Zhang Xiang copied casually.

Of course, this is true, not fake, it is an identity certificate he added to the database at random before.

Unexpectedly, it was used at this time.

The other party looked at Zhang Xiang, who looked so confident and innocent, and after another glance at each other, he sent a person to take the ID back.

However, when the personnel they sent saw this certificate, they couldn't help but changed their expressions, and immediately took it to the opposing supreme officer.

Immediately afterwards, the supreme officer on the opposite side couldn't help but changed his face and ran out.

And, stood up in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Hello sir!"

This sudden development made people on both sides a little dumbfounded.

"It's not so good, you sent someone to surround me and my men. By the way, I believe you have checked my ID. And, has it been verified?" Zhang Xiang sneered twice. To say.

"I'm sorry, sir. As for the documents, they have been and have been checked." The other party's face showed a trace of embarrassment.

"Then, let's get out of here!" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly and said to the other party.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party immediately stood with his feet side by side and saluted.

"Yes, sir!"

Afterwards, he issued an order to let all his men move away.

At this time, the rescued people who happened to see the whole process were even more stunned, showing an expression of disbelief.

They don't understand, how can the situation become so fast!

Especially the few guys who were frightened by Zhang Xiang, expecting that the Self-Defense Forces can help them out of a sigh, and by the way, want to report on Zhang Xiang’s actions so that the Self-Defense Forces will arrest Zhang Xiang. Panicked, hurriedly buried his thoughts deep in his heart, and did not dare to show it at all.

Next, Zhang Xiang led everyone and basically took everyone's family out.

At this time, the Self-Defense Forces had already arrived and began to evacuate everyone.

All kinds of continuous firefights are constantly going on in the city.

Because most of the parasitic tentacles monsters were just parasitized and their combat effectiveness was not strong, the Self-Defense Forces gradually gained the upper hand.

Of course, this is also the reason why Zhang Xiang removed those huge pitch-black tentacles.

Otherwise, let alone driving in a tank, even a helicopter can't go in.

However, the situation changed in the end.

When the process of retreat was already one-third of the time, it was never far from the edge of the mountain.

In the light of the setting sun, a huge black figure is marching...

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