Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2224: , With the song of scallion, we are not afraid of anything

After two hours, everyone finally boarded the plane back to the neon.

Of course, during this process, Xiao Chi's interest was not as high as the last time he took a plane, but it was in a low mood.

After arriving at home, I can barely regain some energy.

And, began to help Xiaokong and others tidy up the room.

And after not using the house for more than a month, although many things are covered with white cloth to cover up the dust, it is still unavoidable that they need to be wiped once to ensure cleanliness.

In addition, you need to tidy up the things in the respective rooms, dry out all the clothes and other cleaning, and wipe the entire floor of the home.

This whole set was cleaned up, but it took everyone about a day.

But fortunately, in this kind of labor, Xiao Hina finally forgot the parting not long ago and started to get excited again.

Although, during the video call with Miss Sa Xia at night, Xiao Chi still inevitably remembered the parting from Xiao Xiong not long ago, but the mood was better after all.

In this case, the summer vacation also passed quietly.

While Xiaokong and others were going to school, Zhang Xiang, who had not yet started, returned to Class E of the third year of Junqiu Middle School after a long absence.

And just as Zhang Xiang returned to Class E for the third year, Teacher Killing was training on the podium.

However, I said that I was training words, but it would be more accurate to describe it as attracting hatred.

"Ah, this summer, don’t you have a fulfilling vacation? Thanks to everyone, I visited a lot of places this summer, like going to the North Pole to tease a polar bear, and by the way I made peace with him. A movie. And I went to the South Pole to see how they hatched their babies with the penguin gathering place. By the way, I also specially made a video, which can be used in the nature class. At that time, you guys You can fully see the heroic posture of your teacher. Look, wool, thread, Chinese, text, net, and me, I also went to Ireland to fish with the locals, and went to..." The teacher was like a chatter, with a triumphant green color on his face, and said to everyone below.

However, he did not find out.

Although everyone below is listening, with smiles on their faces, most of them already have a ‘well’ on their foreheads.

And finally, after the anger had accumulated to a certain level, everyone could not help it.

Pistols, machine guns, and even bazookas all appeared at this time.

Even Xiao Lü at the back of the classroom has launched countless guns.

Suddenly, countless bullets attacked in the direction of killing the teacher.

"Tell you to pretend to be forced, continue to pretend!"

"I have been training hard this summer, and you have gone to so many places to enjoy!"

"Kill! Be sure to let him know what is the pain of not having fun in summer vacation!"

"Yeah, we ran to the island for a tour and encountered so many things, so uncomfortable!!!"

"So, die for us!!!"

An angry roar came from the mouths of many students present.

At almost the same time, the podium where Teacher Killing was located was already surrounded by green barrage.

And of course, the killing of the teacher for such a mockery had already been prepared.

At the moment when the barrage appeared, it was already at a speed of Mach 20 and began to dodge the seemingly dense barrage.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the density of that barrage might even be hit if flies keep running in.

However, Teacher Killing relied on the inhuman speed and the inhuman dynamic vision to successfully capture the bullets and the various gaps between the bullets in the barrage, and easily dodge in it.

Moreover, there is still room for ridicule.

"Ah, everyone didn’t have breakfast today? Compared to the last time, the number of barrage this time is a bit more. But it’s because of the increase in the number of you. But it’s a bit more accurate. It hasn’t been strengthened. It’s not working like this. Do you want the teacher to prepare a kind of love for you like the last time, and cheer for you." Teacher Sha had a green expression of excitement on his face, facing the presence All the students in it started to mock.

And of course, listening to the words of killing the teacher, it is impossible for the students present not to be angry.

"Everyone, go ahead and take out all the inventory, let Teacher Killing see how strong our anger is!"

"With both guns out, I don't believe that Teacher Killing can be so easy under the double barrage."

"Even if you use a barrage, Drowning will drown him!!!"

A voice full of anger came out of the students in Class E for three years.

As a result, the density of the barrage has increased.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a touch of warmth.

"Well, it's really a good daily routine. Then, just add me, can you?" Zhang Xiang's playful heart suddenly emerged, and said to the three-year E class students and Teacher Killing.

Before they could answer, Zhang Xiang had already participated in it on his own. He also directly took out an old-fashioned 80s player and placed it on the aisle of the classroom.

The powerful scallion song rang out from the speaker.

God Chacha Rally Rally

Labali Gangding Gangding Gangdo

Baba Baba Baba Baba

Baallilililililisi is quite Ding Gangdo


"Are you ready? Ready. Then, let us cheer!" Zhang Xiang directly embodied a green onion and rushed directly into the barrage.

Suddenly, a person flashed into the dense barrage.

Moreover, it was different from the afterimage that relied on the speed to dodge the teacher.

Although this figure is also dodging the barrage, it has a sense of rhythm inexplicably, just like the feeling of a musical note beating.

"As long as we have scallions in our hands, we are not afraid of anything. Only with scallions in our hands, even if it is the light of a comet, we can also dodge the rallying order..." Zhang Xiang actually followed the beat directly, in an extremely dense There was a dance in the barrage.

Seeing Zhang Xiang shaking the green onions in the barrage and dancing lightly, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Even, because of that particular melody, some people's bodies began to move in accordance with this melody.

In this case, the density of the barrage can't help but begin to fade.

This is not only the reason why some people participated in the jump, but also the reason why some of the bullets of the guns have been exhausted.

At the end, everyone could not help but start dancing.

Of course, this is a very threatening dance.

The three-year E class students gave full play to their imagination, took out the dagger following the beat, and started to kill the teacher.

Driven by Zhang Xiang's specific melody, the classroom was full of bullets to kill the teacher, but it was more stressful than before.

Several times, I was eager to almost reveal the flaws, so that Teacher Killing couldn't help but patted his guard with his tentacles.

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