Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2216: , Bear poacher!

And Zhang Xiang's prevention is really effective. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

As Xiao Chi approached cautiously, the little bear who didn't know what happened to him suddenly roared in the direction of Xiao Chi.

However, its voice is too immature.

Moreover, it was slightly hoarse.

Therefore, it sounds like deterrence is really insufficient.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also knew where the **** smell came from.

When the little bear touched the ground with all four feet and started to roar immaturely at the chicks, a little bit of bright red blood was exposed on its back.

However, this blood did not come from itself, but obviously came from the outside world.

Coupled with the gunshots just now, Zhang Xiang already understood what.

"Uncle, why is it so fierce to me..." Xiao Chi's mouth pouted slightly, and a grieved expression appeared on her small face.

Because she felt that she hadn't done anything to it.

At this moment, Xiaokong and others had already rushed over.

Xiaokong and Miyu didn't feel any danger yet, but Miss Sasha's face changed slightly.

"Youta, the little chicks are dangerous. It is not a puppy, but a bear. Come here quickly and don’t stay where. If the bear’s mother hears the sound, it’s not good. Damn it. , How come there are bears here? Isn't it rumored that they were extinct ten years ago?" Miss Sha Xia's face changed slightly, she hurried to catch up, and she was about to take Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chi to leave.

And listening to Miss Sasha's words, Xiaokong and Miyu also became nervous.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang shook his head at Miss Sha Xia.

"Have you forgotten the gunshots just now? And, look at the blood on the back of the bear. The mother of this bear at is probably..." Zhang Xiang said to Miss Shaxia.

Of course, this is also because Zhang Xiang connected to a nearby monitoring device and confirmed that the bear’s mother had not followed, so he confirmed his guess.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, he was slightly relieved when he looked at Xiaokong and Meiyu nearby nervously.

However, thinking of the state of the bear, Xiaokong and Miyu suddenly glanced at each other, seeming to recall the memories of the past.

Because the current state of the bear cubs is so similar to their situation a year ago...

At this moment, Xiao Hina suddenly made a move that surprised everyone.

The young girl actually walked a few steps directly forward, directly ignoring the threatening appearance that the bear made, and hugged towards the body of the bear.

Watching this scene, not only Xiao Kong and the others were taken aback, but even Zhang Xiang was a little unresponsive.

It was only when Xiao Chi put his hands on the little bear that Zhang Xiang reacted and wanted to rush to protect Xiao Chi.

However, when the muscles of his feet were tense and he was about to rush out, he suddenly stopped his actions.

Because, the little bear who had originally made a threatening appearance did not launch any attacks at this time, but let the young chick hug him.

The little chick who had closed his eyes gradually opened his eyes after feeling that the bear did not attack him.

"Good, be good, little bear," Xiao Chi patted the little bear on the back lightly, and said to the little bear.

And listening to Xiao Chi's voice, Xiao Xiong's tight body really gradually relaxed.

But everyone who was surprised at first just looked at the scene in front of them a little confused.

However, everyone still knows that although the bear is small, it is still very threatening to the young.

"Little chick, how can you? Leave that little bear quickly..." Miss Sa Xia's face was full of anxiety and fear, and she wanted to go up and pull the little chick back.

However, after Miss Sasha approached.

The bear was already relaxed, but suddenly he yelled at Miss Sasha again, and broke free from the baby's arms.

Its forelimbs touched the ground and prepared to attack in the direction of Miss Sasha.

Watching this scene, Miss Sasha couldn't help but stop moving on.

Because, she felt that if she continued to approach, she would definitely be attacked by the other party.

Although it's just a little bear, once he gets crazy, his strength is definitely not small.

However, watching the bear make this appearance.

However, the young girl hurriedly ran to the side of the bear, and hurriedly blocked Miss Sasha's front.

"No, no, little bear, that's Xia Xia, not a bad person..." Xiao Xiao said to Xiao Xiong with a serious expression.

That appearance is really a little nervous, afraid that the angry bear will attack the young chick.

Moreover, the distance between the cubs and the bear is too close, so close that everyone is afraid that they will further anger the bear and hurt the cubs.

However, something surprising happened.

Under Xiao Hina’s persuasion, the bear, who was supposed to be unable to understand human language, gradually withdrew that offensive posture, and slowly lay down on the ground again, using his own bright red His tongue licked his right foot.

At this time, everyone was found out.

The reason why the bear stayed here was because of a wound on his right foot.

And after Zhang Xiang took a look, he was already sure what the injury was.

"Is it the bullet of the shotgun?" Zhang Xiang told his guess.

According to Zhang Xiang’s guess, the bear’s wound was either when the hunter killed the female bear and the shotgun accidentally splashed on the opponent’s foot, or after the bear escaped and was shot by the opponent behind him. , Accidentally hit by one of the shotguns.

However, Zhang Xiang prefers the latter.

After all, if it were the previous one, the bear would not be able to run that far.

"If that's the case, those guys should catch up..." Zhang Xiang shifted his eyes to a certain direction.

And even at this time, Zhang Xiang's monitoring device found the other party.

Those were three big men wearing only shirts. Two of them were holding two slightly old shotguns in their hands.

And watching the three of them gradually walk towards this side along the track where the little bear crawled, Zhang Xiang gradually frowned.

After all, even though the weapons in their hands were shotguns and looked very primitive, they felt that they were not very lethal.

But in fact, these personally modified shotguns are much more powerful than ordinary pistols.

Moreover, because these privately-made shotguns basically use spattered iron sand, and some lead bullets are used as bullets, the range of attack is far larger than that of ordinary shotguns.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but give an order to the black-clothed biochemical man hidden in the forest.

‘Go and stop them! Zhang Xiang used his mind to directly give orders to those biochemical people.

In the next instant, the two black biochemical men who were closer together had already walked out.

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